Thursday, July 22, 2004

22 July 2004 County Commissioner Meeting Notes

Present: Dan Batta, Acting Chairman, and Vera Benning. Karen Shell arrived at 11:30 after checking out a D-1 citizen complaint. Cary Pickens, Auditor, Lisa Lehner, County Attorney, and Lorie Howard, County Administrator, also present.

1. Transportation Dept.- Mike Davis – reported that highway crews were called out for storm damage issues last night in the Sparta area. The usual mowing, brush cutting, and maintenance issues are being handled in each district. They are getting some salt damage to oil pans and so they are being replaced with coated ones as needed.
The road-paving list has been summarized and justified using data from the Transportation Assessment study and then driving the actual roads to see what was the current condition. Batta asked that Mike Davis be sure to include the specific surface details, lengths, and sections of each road to be paved when he goes to Council for release of the money. Vera Benning stated that she wants equal dollars to go to each district, but she would vote for this set of roads. Ok’d to go to Council.
The Guilford Bridge on Main Street and SR1 needs to be repaired. The structure is intact but the decking is crumbling. Probable cost is $129,000 if they can close it for a month. To do it in 2 stages and keep the road open costs another $50,000. Painting is $40,000. Council will be advised of the cost estimates.
Triple Whipple still being pursued for repairs.
Whites Hill will start in August.
Chris Ogg from Schneider Consulting gave an update on the TEA applications and the George St. Bridge repairs as well as the bike path to be added to the side. James Barker Associates is assessing the capacity of the bridge for Aurora to be sure it can handle the bike path.

2. Planning and Zoning – Travis Miller- grammatical and clarification changes were added to the ordinance changes requested. Commissioners voted to send this back to the Plan Commission and if they approve of all the changes, it passes without having to come back to commissioners.
Travis Miller also explained the road classification process to Commissioner Benning.

3. Richard Lattire – discussed the problem with a curve on the lower end of Kaiser Drive and the need for guardrail. Several cars have left the road at that area due to slippery conditions and the road itself. Commissioners will have Mike Davis check it out.

4. County Administrator – Lorie Howard- gave a report on the courthouse dept.’s assessment of the problems with Siemens work. Eric Hartman concurred with these details. Discussion on whether or not a suit was needed was held. Decided to hold executive session July 29 at 11:30 AM. Statute of limitations is running out on this issue and Siemens has been unresponsive to letters requesting repairs. Joe Pesch is no longer with the company- apparently Gary Melke is. Cary Pickens is to check out if there is any money left in the bank account from this project and how much was repaid on the overpayment that Siemens repaid to county general and not to the bank.
Security for the adm. Building and courthouse has been proposed. Lorie will get memo to each dept. to see what they think will work best. $11,000 for thumbprints, $16,000 for cameras, and $1400 for panic buttons. An additional $9,000 would cover the courthouse.
Drug Plan for personnel policy will be a stand-alone document for Aug 2 vote.
Lisa Lehner completed a Memo of Understanding with Solid Waste on the leased container trailers. This was signed and approved.
OKI agreement for July 04 –June 05 was signed for $15,789.
Ken Ingram was reappointed to the Hospital Board.
Norman Gellert was reappointed to the Library Board.
5. County Attorney – Lisa Lehner – finishing the Harrassment Policy.
GASBY ordinance prepared and signed to be in compliance with state law on County Inventory and Asset Evaluation.
Still working on the ROW with Irwins for the bridge on Shortridge Road.
Lisa checked O’Mara’s bonding and commissioners signed off on Phase 1 paving to proceed.
Lisa contacted IDEM regarding the clean air act rulings on Lawrenceburg and clarifying the details of AEP’s current status. Lorie Howard is to follow up on this with Mark Geisler- one of the county’s lobbyists. Lorie will try to get the state implementation plan to see what they are saying will be done to be in compliance with the EPA.
6. County Auditor – Cary Pickens- signed off on minutes and claims.

7. Connie Sizemore presented complaints regarding dust issues with the Sugar Ridge subdivision construction. Karen Shell had checked it out and has IDEM sending a letter to be sure the excavators spray water to keep the dust down. Also some Health Dept. issues with mosquitoes in the holding ponds.
Driveway distance to the entrance was also remeasured to be 150 ft.

8. Jim Bloomfield had questions regarding the ROW for sewer district work. After several minutes of discussion he was referred to the sewer board. Lisa answered some of his questions at this time.

Meeting adjourned 12:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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