Friday, October 15, 2004

14 October 2004 Candidates Night at Tate St. Adult Center broadcast on WSCH

14 October 2004 Candidates Night

Candidates who showed up:
Bob Bischoff -D – State rep Dist-68
Robert Hoffman- R – State rep Dist-55
John Marcum – L – State rep Dist-55
Campaign Mgr for Baron Hill- D – US rep – Dist 9

County government candidates who showed up:
Allen (Mooch) Calloway – D- Commissioner D-1
Jeff Hughes – R – Commissioner D-1
Rick Fox – R – Commissioner D-2
Al Werner – D – Commissioner D-2

Council-at-large (3 spots)
Charlie Fehrman – R – Council- at-large
Mark Mitter – R- Council- at-large
Doug Taylor – D- Council- at-large
Ben Turner – D - Council- at-large
Bill Ullrich – R - Council- at-large
Richard Ullrich- D- Council- at-large

Wesley Holt- R

Questions prepared by the chamber of commerce touched on gas tax issues, road maintenance costs, economic development, the county master plan, how to cope with possible gambling revenue loss, US 50 congestion, increased costs of courts and jail expansion, adding another judge, sewer districts, the economics of being a bedroom community of the Greater Cincinnati area, tax structure in Indiana, tax assessment loans for delayed tax collection problems, and small business development.

Baron Hill’s campaign manager touted Hill’s support in getting money to study the US 50 corridor. He also mentioned that Hill is trying to attract “life science and biotech jobs” to Indiana. [Note: Economic development in that arena could be an excellent addition to our county and the tri-state region.]

Striking, because it was so prevalent, was an apparent lack of knowledge about the internal workings of county government and availability of funds from the non-incumbent candidates. There will be a larger learning curve next year because of the predominance of new officials, particularly in the commissioner’s races.
[Note: Choosing candidates in this race will require in depth understanding of their particular background qualifications for the job. They need to have the time and the intelligence to learn the job. Of equal importance is their temperament in being able to handle tough decisions and also the internal political infighting within the governmental offices.]
Council candidates fared better because there were three incumbents, with some experience in the issues being discussed. Of the challengers there seemed to be a fair amount of knowledge about issues related to their jobs and their particular cities (Aurora and Lawrenceburg), but they will have some adjustments to make when they see the county version of those issues.
It should be noted that there are 7 members of Council. The four that are on for two more years are district members. ( Bo Lansing- Greendale, Dennis Kraus (St. Leon area), Tom Cheek (Aurora), Aaron Negangard (Bright).
The three at large seats currently are held by Charlie Fehrman- Dillsboro, Bill Ullrich- Aurora, and Mark Mitter- Yorkville.
Running also are: Ben Turner- Aurora, Richard Ullrich- Aurora, and Doug Taylor – Lawrenceburg.
[Note: County Council needs to have a fair understanding of the needs of the entire county. It would be wise to balance the council with members all over the county and not be too heavily represented by the cities and towns.]

Register Publications covered this meeting also. Watch the paper for in depth coverage on each candidate in the coming weeks.

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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