Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Plan Commission Says “Yes” to Everything at 23 May 2005 Meeting

23 May 2005 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Plan Commission Says “Yes” to Everything at 23 May 2005 Meeting

It took 3 .75 hours, but in the end the Plan Commission approved everything on the agenda, including 3 months of minutes.
There were approximately thirty citizens in attendance and a full 9-member board present. Register Publications covered this meeting as well.

1.Harvest Ridge- the 198-lot Maxwell cluster development on Dogridge Rd. in Kelso Township (recently rezoned to R-DP) took nearly 1.75 hours with 8 neighbors presenting opposing statements, similar to those of the zone change hearings- (see notes on previous meetings.) Mike Hall motioned and Bob Laws 2nd to approve with the stipulations that the 2 intersections with SR 1 and SR 46 had to be assured prior to the subd’n being constructed, additional greenspace buffers would be added for surrounding property owners as much as could be within the lot setbacks, all staff comments would be accomplished, line fence installed all around the subdivision, a service drive would be used as staff recommended for 3 lots, and Maxwell would sign the 10-yr covenant with INDOT to install the light as needed on Sr1. Unanimously passed.

2. Evansgate Estates- a 4-lot subdivision on Dutch Hollow Rd on 2.22 acres owned by Ralph Evans passed with two Nays (Held and deMaynadier) Laws motioned and Kraus,Jr. 2nd to approve it with individual access for each lot. There was no public to comment on this.

3. Proposed changes to the zoning ordinance regarding cul-de-sacs and traffic impact studies both received favorable recommendations to the board of commissioners. There were text amendments, but only to clarify passages.

4. Fee schedule changes passed effective July 1st with Kraus, Hall, and Hughes voting Nay. The new schedule reduces the burden on small lot sub’ns. It increases costs on the larger ones, due to more oversight and staff costs to accommodate the applications.


June 8 at the Lawrenceburg Library from 7-9 PM - the meeting on the Fiscal Impact Study being considered for the county. All public officials and town and city mayors, chamber, school supt., and the DCEDI were invited. THIS MEETING SHOULD BE ATTENDED BY ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP!!!!

Transportation Plan – which is a process the commissioners are undertaking – is starting. Bryan Messmore ( County Administrator) gave the timeline to Travis who shared it with the board. This fits with OKI’s roles as MPO as well and the Plan Commission will stay abreast of the progress as roads are reclassified . Of particular note are collector roads which may qualify for federal dollars.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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