Thursday, September 01, 2005

DCRSD Board Meeting Minutes - Sept 1

September 1, 2005 - 7:00 P.M.


Mike Hankins
Pat Holland
Barry Pruss
Brett Fehrman
Rodney Dennerline


Doug Baer
Lisa Lehner
Tom Quinn
Ken Schneider

* Chairman Hankins called the meeting to order.

* Minutes - Motion was made to correct the amount in the treasurer's report. and accept the minutes by Mr. Fehrman. seconded by Mr. Holland. all ayes. motion accepted. The correct balance was $366.939.28.

* There was no change in the Treasurer's Report from last month


* Review of Quinn Contract for Services - Chairman Hankins

Ms. Lehner stated that because this was a professional service it did not have
to be bid out.

The contract has the scope of services is in phases. The contract states it will take 30 days for completion. Design. Bidding. And construction management is included in the contract.

Mr. Hankins pointed out that construction supervision is not included. Ms. Lehner talked to Rick Fox and Bryan Messmore. Who both agree the county engineer can be used for the construction supervision.

Ms. Lehner stated the next step is to sign the Notice to Proceed. Mr. Dennerline moved to accept the contract. Mr. Pruss seconded. All ayes. Motion carries.

The Notice To Proceed was signed for all three phases by Chairman Hankins.

Mr. Quinn suggested there be 2 separate meetings for Cole Ln. and Stewart St. so pan of the audience would not be bored with the presentation/questions.

Ms. Lehner will look into the verbage of the easement to see if the district is responsible for servicing the grinder pumps that will be given to the residents. The suggestion was made that names for servicing companies be given to residents for if breakage should occur.

Special Guest Ken Schneider was introduced.

The Petition for Variance was given to Patricia Coghill with the request to forward it to Donnie Hastings.

Mr. Fehrman stated it will be going in front of the Aurora Utility Board on September 12, 2005.

Chairman Hankins stated the application to Rural Development says the district is building a treatment plant. Joe Tierney will amend the application. Mr. Hankins requested a bulleted list of what is needed to complete the application.

* Update on Comprehensive Sewer Meeting - Chairman Hankins

Mr. Hankins stated the political powers want a consolidated sewage system throughout the county. He also states he has been given the impression the district will be involved and primarily responsible for the consolidation. There needs to be an engineering plan for Cochran Street to present to Federal Representatives for funding.

Mr. Hankins stated there will be a committee formed to interview engineering firms to do said plan. He appointed Dave Enzweiler and Pat Holland to this committee. Mr. Enzweiler will send requests for qualifications to different firms.


* Other Items at the Chairman's Discression
Ms. Lehner stated the district needs to get on the agenda for the commissioner's meeting. Mr. Baer suggested the district come with him on September 6.2005.

Ms. Lehner will set up a meeting with Mike Sodrel's office. and will contact Brian Messmore to get dollar amount for line item of RSD.

Chairman Hankins believes the interceptor will be accepted by the state.

Chairman Hankins stated 2 more houses want to be part of the district on Lower Dillsboro Road. The second house would force it to become a main line extension.


Motion to adjourn by Mr. Dennerline. seconded by Mr. Holland. all ayes. motion carries.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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