By Alan Miller, Candidate for Judge Superior Court II
Efficiency and Scheduling
There are problems within the county
court system. In the next several weeks, I will post my proposals that outline
how I think we can do better.
Today, I will continue to discuss my
proposals related to efficiency in the courts.
Settlement conferences mandatory
Cases drag
on, criminal and civil alike, although oftentimes a resolution could be reached
if the parties involved would simply sit down and discuss their points of
view. As such, in cases where two
attorneys are involved, an order will be issued requiring the parties to speak
with each other no later than 10 days following the second attorney’s entry into
the case. Failure to do so will be
viewed as a violation of the court’s order and would be punishable by
Deadlines will be firm
most deadlines in the court are what I would call “soft.” For example, in a criminal matter, the parties
are given a plea deadline, a date at which the parties must decide whether they
wish to negotiate an agreement for the resolution of the case or proceed to
trial. While these are called “deadlines,”
the current court will oftentimes accept plea agreements submitted well after
the supposed deadline. As a result, the
parties will not truly begin to negotiate until right before or even after the
deadline. In the most extreme
circumstances, three or four cases will all extend past the plea deadline,
leaving all the parties in limbo while it is determined whose case will
actually proceed to trial.
In other
circumstances, attorneys or other parties sometimes use delay as a tactic. Reasonable deadlines will be set, allowing the
attorneys time to do their job, exchanging evidence, negotiating and the like. The court, not stalling parties, should
dictate the pace of a case and control the calendar. When elected, deadlines set by the court will
be taken seriously and will be strictly enforced. Failure to do so will be viewed as a
violation of the court’s order and would be punishable by contempt.
Explore Saturday morning court for initial hearings
One place
where court time may also be saved is criminal initial hearings. In a criminal case, one charged with an offense
must be advised of their rights within a certain time frame. Often times, individuals arrested on a Friday
do not appear in front of a judge until the following Monday. During holiday weekends, individuals are held
until court reopens. This results in jail
space being used as a holding facility for non-violent offenders, local
residents and individuals with jobs, simply because the courts are not
open. When elected, I will explore
whether Saturday morning court would be a viable option to relieve some of the overcrowding. It is my belief that if the court were
willing to have a brief hearing on Saturday mornings, this could result in
these individuals being released and freeing up jail space for people who are
truly a danger to the community or themselves.
is the third part of my platform statement; a detailed proposal for how to
improve our current justice system. It will be released over the next several
months through facebook.com/makeitmiller2012 and makeitmiller2012.com. PLEASE feel free to forward this to
your friends and family.
Thanks for your continued support!
Thanks for your continued support!
Id like to see a debate. Miller vs. Blankenship.
I think Miller's weekly pieces illustrate that there are questions we didn't even know we should ask!
So you are telling me he is going to put lawyers in jail if they don't have a "settlement conference" I don't know a lot about how lawyers operate, but that doesn't even sound remotely reasonable. What is this? Judge Hitler?
Not every crime means jail time- maybe a contempt citation is a fine.
Lawyers bill by the hour - they might lose some pay if they don't do their work properly.
It's like being paid for productivity or efficiency and then being docked if you aren't productive or efficient.
I bet the "quick to go to jail" treatment would change if a lawyer ended up in there tho...
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