Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Criticize a Judge ( Or Anyone Else), Go to Jail? Senior Editor Jacob Sullum wrote the following article. This website has a more libertarian viewpoint.


Anonymous said...

From the comment section of the above article:

"Jerryskids| 2.25.13 @ 1:41PM

The judge should perhaps have googled the phrase 'Streisand Effect'. If he felt threatened by the risk of exposure to ridicule and contempt before, he's sure as hell not happy now."

Anonymous said...

Other comments from the article:

"WTF| 2.25.13 @ 1:56PM |#

Well, I've heard that he (the judge) may or may not f@#! sheep..."

"4tehsnowflakes| 2.25.13 @ 5:31PM |#

Some say, and it is merely their opinion, that Judge James D. Humphrey has a fetish for miniature Peruvian foot models coated in latex and salt."

In other news: Negangard seeking extradition of commenters on

Anonymous said...

Negangard and Humphreys probably would be nothing in a "real" court system.

CRLE said...

"Anonymous said...

Negangard and Humphreys probably would be nothing in a "real" court system."

In a "real" court setting, they would both need continuing remedial legal education.