Wednesday, May 22, 2013


21 May 2013 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.

ABSENT: Gayle Pennington, Auditor. Connie Fromhold covered the meeting.


Region 9 Workforce Board Representative- TABLED


Emergency Management- Bill Black- signatures for County Emergency Plan Management that he had previously sent to Commissioners to review. A new assessment of hazards in the plan will be added as an amendment when that it finished being revised. Fire, EMS, utilities, and the cities and towns will also be asked to sign off on this. This is also necessary to get reimbursements for the staff wages. St Leon was the site of a recent exercise they held. The plan is basically the one they have had all along- just updated. Commissioners signed the Plan and the amendment.

Bill Black said they do have about 60 weather radios in their office available to anyone who needs one.

ADMINISTRATOR: Teresa Randall:

Votaw /Shumway project- The buildings are down. The low bidder on the project is $5189 over the estimates. O’Mara is the low bidder at $141,933. They will also need some extra materials, testing, and construction observation. She estimates about $13,000 extra needed of the additional $40,000 she is requesting to finish the project. They did not advertise in time so the project will be held up. There are some bad soil issues and a concrete pad under the ground. [NOTE: Didn’t they do soil testing and sampling before?] Randall was approved by Commissioners to go to Council to request an additional $40,000 for the project.

Jail Project- Brad Rullman and Jeff Lyness of Maxwell Construction updated

14 bid packages – and 66 bids received. They showed a slide of the low bidders. Bruns Gutzwiller was the low bidder on items 1 and 4. There were several other bidders for electrical, kitchen, etc. They did contractor interviews and discussed value engineering items for potential future savings. There are a few items to discuss to bring back to Terri Randall. These could bring some savings.

Base bid total- $10,790,969 +$712, 480- alternate plus 64 beds = $11,503,449 [NOTE: This is well above what Council approved for the budget. And it is quite close to the $12million cap that was to require going to a vote of the people.]

$292,000 for security was already done in 2012. Council expected that to be deducted from the total allotted to the jail project. The $292,000 is in addition to the $11,503,449 above per Randall.  

Have to go to Council for additional $356,798 for the base bid of 144 beds. She is asking permission to go to Council for this.

 Kevin Lynch wanted to comment that he spent some time at Maxwell’s office and is confident in their abilities to leave no stone unturned to shore up or reduce costs on the project.  He is confident they selected the correct construction manager for the project. Randall and Jeff Lyness talked about what to cut. Lyness said that some of the bidders were 20% lower than others. They said if they don’t move forward that the bidders later will be higher perhaps. He said that they couldn’t cut items without reducing the efficiencies in the jail. Losing some of the low bids would mean they probably would have to factor in $800,000- $1 million to cover the losses of the lower bidders. Lynch motioned to allow Randall to approach council for an additional $356,798 for the base bid of 144 beds. Little seconded. Approved.

Randall discussed the alternate bids and how long the 144 beds would last for the county jail population. 2020-2025 we will be full at the base project rate with 144 additional beds. About 2028 would be when the additional 64 beds would be full. This was Integrus’s study using Kelly School of Business population estimates. She said it could last longer if we fixed some of the drug problems. Randall spent some time justifying moving ahead now- as it would cost more later.

Randall asked if they wanted to recommend accepting the 64 bed additional at $712,480. This is a hard number per Randall. She said to note that the construction manager is not charging any additional fees for that work. Lynch motioned to accept the additional 64 bed alternate for the project and Little seconded. Commissioners approved.

Randall asked to tentatively schedule an additional meeting with Commissioners next week if Council decides to fund this. They will meet Tuesday May 28th at 8 AM. Lyness said the notice to proceed usually precedes the contract in response to Baudendistel’s question. He has a hearing at 8 AM that day. He will review it in advance. They moved the meeting to 8:30 AM to accommodate the attorney.

AUDITOR: Connie Fromhold gave out the contract for EMS for Manchester for $20,000. Commissioners approved it. Minutes and claims approved.

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel- Ordinances that deal with Investment of County funds from Phil Weaver’s research. This updates ones we did before per state laws. These give greater options of where they can invest them. Umbaugh and Associates provided these. This investment policy is good for not more than four years. The other two ordinances allow us to be more competitive with our investments. These will be passed by Commissioners and Council. IC 5-13-9-5 allows us to use CDs in more banks than before. IC 5-13-9-5.7 allows the county to invest for 2 but not more than 5 years now. They cannot be more than 25% of the county’s total portfolio. This expires four years from now. All approved by commissioners. [N OTE: This step is being taken to also cover the riverboat savings money being spent on the jail project to get as much interest as they can while keeping it liquid.]

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Art Little- wants us all to thank our veterans this weekend. Lynch wanted people to keep the Oklahoma folks in our thoughts after the tornado this week. Parade and services at the cemetery for Memorial day and He wanted to reiterate all the efforts Maxwell’s have put into the jail project.



Meeting adjourned at 6:34 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township


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