Thursday, November 02, 2017

2 November 2017 Dearborn County Redevelopment Public Hearing and Meeting Notes

2 November 2017 Dearborn County Redevelopment Public Hearing and Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, John Rahe, Alan Goodman, and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member)
ABSENT: Jim Helms, Alan Goodman, and Jamie Graf (non-voting school board member)

Also present: Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Andrea Ewan, attorney (who left after the Public Hearings) and Leah Bailey who subbed for Pennington at the main meeting but not the hearing.
ABSENT: Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer. 
Discussion in advance of meeting regarding getting a quorum for the public hearing. They knew Helms and Goodman weren’t coming. Randall had called in that she would be late and arrived after then public hearings. 
Public Hearing part of the Meeting started at 9:09 AM at waiting for Deddens to arrive to get the quorum.
No public came for the meeting. I was the only one present in the audience.
Title VI statement was read by Deaton as legally required.
PUBLIC HEARING- Opened and closed at 9:11 for the first TIF hearing. Second hearing opened and closed at 9:20. Third hearing opened and closed at 9:30. No public showed up. Board discussed that this was mainly housekeeping getting the TIF’s rewritten. Also discussed why public wasn’t there. The Title VI statement was read before each of the 3 hearings.  
Deddens asked what would happen if he resigned from the Board as he was getting busier with new business opening in Brookville in April and didn’t think he’d have enough time to do this too. Board expressed that they would miss him. Council would have to appoint a new member if he resigns. 
Terri Randal had been appointed to the state bond bank per Rahe. Hayden said it was because it was all INDY bankers and they wanted someone from small town areas to get different perspective.   
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- October 16th minutes approved
TIF Fund claims- One Dearborn payment from each 3 TIF’s - $10,000. approved
Barnes and Thornburg for TIF Review and ads in paper- ??amount
Alpha Demolition from TIF fund Aurora $2365.02
One Dearborn Invoice and progress report- Invoice for $40,000 from Visioning Fund grant- suggested tabled until Pennington finds the original grant. Randall wants them to approve it pending finding it. Bailey and Hayden both said they need to find it. Bryan Messmore could’t find the grant. Managed by Lawrenceburg. Randall said One Dearborn asked Lawrenceburg and it’s ultimately Lawrenceburg’s money. Deddens said they could have another meeting to approve. They wanted to keep it working the way it is per Randall. They would have to change the interlocal agreement and so on. Finally, she said however you want to handle it. Deddens said table until Gayle Pennington returns from vacation. See what they can work out and we’ll meet next week if needed. Agreed.
Financials as of Nov 2:
Cash balance of Fund 4931- $335,741.40
Fund 4932 -Commission Match- $500,000
Growth and Development Fund- $500,000
Fund 4301 Washington Township TIF- $173,035.73
Fund 4302 St Leon Kelso TIF- $197,426.58
Fund 4304 W Harrison TIF - $81,153.56
Fund 4305 Whitewater Mill TIF $80.653.52
Fund 9146 Regional Strategic Vision Plan- $155,500.00

Confirmatory Resolutions for West Aurora, West Harrison and St. Leon TIFs- Approved and signed based on the Public hearings from this morning. Delayed recording of TIFs until the property descriptions are confirmed by county surveyor. 
Aurora Industrial Park Sign Demo project- Randall said it came down a few days early. Batesville Products and Soil and Water need their signs back and they are at county highway garage for storage. She will go though every sign and take a photo of it. There were questions and complaints from some of the old sign owners.An old owner wanted a sign for sentimental value. Contractor did fantastic job. Footers taken out etc. per Randall. Batesville Products seems highly motivated to get a sign out there now. So was Craig Distributing (Budweiser). 
Now she will get an RFP and get a stone sign built to mark the park itself. There is another project that might go on property near the parcel for the sign. They don’t want to mess up any other potential up there. There are issues with the turn radius for trucks with locating sign at the entrance.
Randall needs a meeting with some of the owners who want signs and see what they have in mind and how to pay for it.      
Overview Presentation of Duke Site Readiness Program- Randall is going to email the full presentation to them. This is what site selectors look for. Specifics to the site- they got $10,000 and they are holding it at One Dearborn. She talked with  Tom Stone and his build boards are not up till July and other sign in May of 2018. Once you have ownership of land you have to give 90 days notice. Deddens said Andrea could write the letter to give notice now on those signs as the county owns those lands. Closing dates have to be set to get these done. This is an “Andrea Project”- Stone Closing and the Billboard notices per Deaton. 
Fast track permitting was brought up but timelines are tight sometimes with projects. This would maybe mean special Planning and Zoning meetings. Our zoning is already OK on these sites though. National wetlands Inventory Study on some reports that need to be clarified-work with DNR to be sure there is not a wetlands issue on that site. There is some issue in the West Aurora with Wetlands issue also. They want to see if Jennifer Hughes in Soil and Water can do it as she knows about DNR- per Deddens. Randall will follow up on this. Rahe said Trump has put in things to do away with some regulations on this. Cardino is involved with One Dearborn and can help with this. Cardino - engineers with Duke Site readiness???
There are some FEMA maps with shaded areas in error. They will need to do studies of actual elevations to get to FEMA to get it approved. There are costs associated with doing this.[NOTE: They tried this already with some of the West Harrison property. It didn’t help. And some DCRC money was spent on that study and engineers. Considering the flooding issues in many cities and towns across the US you would think we should be more prudent in flood plain development - not more risky with it.] 
Shared driveway with Hirlinger bordering Stone property but that easement is NOT recorded on the survey. It needs to be amended. She thinks Land Consultants did the original. She will talk with Jeff Talkers about that and doing it no charge if they missed it. Shared access is not as desirable as separate one. 
She asked if they should demo the residential building on the site and if it’s not inhabited they should get a cost to get it taken out. Agricultural lease is not in writing. It needs to be clear and in writing. She will talk to Tom Stone about that. They want a lot more in writing on the billboard ownership. Close to getting the site certified by the state- so get it shovel ready certified- gold, silver and platinum levels. They did not get as much into how to market the site per Randall. 
Randall said she needs to get a marketing piece to get it on the Prospector site. Industry cluster analysis - she is starting that. Food processors- is one sector to go after. Maybe get people to help us do that. National Site Selector Conference is March 2018. Try to get marketing piece ready by then on a flash drive. It’s huge to get to this. 
The marketing piece is one page so far - thinking on what a marketing plan will be. They want to get a sign up along I-74 up there. Easier to see without the corn stalks now per Deddens. He also sent a demolition contact to her for another price.
Indiana Small Business Center - County, Greendale, Main St, Lawrenceburg, Chamber were funding. Randall said budgets got tight. So they let people go etc. Letter writing campaign from 6 counties through Purdue. $71,000 across all 6 counties to get that position back. Each entity would pay a small amount to get the $12,000. She was asking DCRC to put in $1500. [Note- No one seemed too excited about funding this from DCRC] Randall said this could wait until December. This is for the person who works at the Chamber whose job ends tomorrow. Trying to keep her (Ginny or Jenny?)  here. The new contact is a girl named Carrie who has another whole area and she would be here only 2 days a month.
Hayden asked if other Redevelpments were doing this. No- they are on board but their city or town pays. She said the county council expects DCRC to do this instead of them. 
Trying to get into Work Force planning. They want to be targeted with that work. She is meeting with someone from the state on this. She wants to put a committee to work on workforce. She is working at IVY Tech to get marketing pieces for their programs there. 
Randall said she ran into IEDC director Elaine B- and there is planning money to get to the next phase. Regional Cities is all about getting people in here. Midwest Brain Drain- with people moving out. OCRA and other organizations gave a strong presentation on what SE Indiana has to offer. We want to get Regional Cities money. This require forming a Regional Development Authority. Looking at Region 9 - 10 counties to unite and attract developers with quality of life projects. Jim Helms had gone to that meeting with her. 
She said she wants to see One Dearborn analyze our county housing. Not enough and not the right mix here of housing. Do some forward thinking on housing. [NOTE: Is this part of Redevelopment’s concern or One Dearborn’s???]
Deaton told Randall they are having time constraints today on this meeting as members had to leave to work.
 Next meeting November 14- 8:30 AM  

ATTORNEY’S REPORT- none Ewan was absent for the main meeting. 
Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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