Tuesday, March 06, 2018



Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Jim Thatcher

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Request to hold  6th National Day of Prayer on Courthouse Lawn-  Connie Riegel - first Thursday of May- which is May 3rd. Lasts about 1 hour. Approved. 

Change Orders Annex Project- Maxwell Construction Manager- Chris Grabosky:

Bruns Gutzwiller - paint colors changed, rework witness stand and judges benches, temp handrails, rework entries, additional dumpsters, floor prep on existing courthouse, temp handrails on ADA ramp, stairway trims, glazing, metal supports to jury rooms, flashing, bulletin boards and additional  $49,836.11 additional . Total is $695,000 plus. This falls into the budget. Approved. 

HNB Systems- additional card access and security wiring $ 9685 additional. Several doors card access not on the original drawings that needed security. Final contract of $107,135- This falls within budget. Approved. 

Notification of Voting Locations- Clerk of Courts - Gayle Pennington- No changes in the voting places. She will be sending the locations to the media. Voting locations accepted. 

Signatures on Title Sheet for Small Structures #419 Georgetown Road- Doug Graf with Land Water Group on behalf of Listerman. He needs the sheet signed. HVL POA donated some ROW for this per Baudendistel. Other property owners granted rights of entry to do the work. Approved to sign. 

EMA Director Jason Sullivan- First item- Feb 24 - March 4 -Orange travel advisory for flooding presented and signed. Second item is-Grant application for L-bg Community Grants- for $70,705.00 to outfit all sheriffs deputies and 58 defibrillators for the county buildings  and 16 cabinets to mount in the buildings. Approved to seek grant.
McHenry thanked Jason for all the time he’s spent on the flooding issues and we are about a week ahead of the rest of the area on our cleanup etc. Thanked the  state reps also for showing up to get help. Also all the fire dept. and some of the town’s mayors etc. Food prepared for workers.Aurora Lions club set up to distribute supplies.  Health Dept- 141 tetanus shots given out.  Jason said he will have a meeting soon to discuss how they can improve even more on what to do in these situations. 
Also thanked Jared Teaney for all the extra calls they handled with 911. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Environmental and ROW Contract for Bridge #5- for Todd Listerman who is at road school. Jacob Toombs and Lance- for East Laughery Creek Road. County had to do additional tree planting. Cost $22,000 plus- This was in Listerman’s budget. Approved.  

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  - Claims and Minutes from Feb 20th meeting- approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel-County cum Cap Development Fund- McHenry wants to have understanding of what this fund can cover. No one wants to raise taxes. And this is a tax increase. The fund can only be used for construction and remodeling or repair of the Courthouse. He doesn’t personally feel comfortable moving forward with this. 
Little says the amounts taxed will be different in each township. He had a woman come up to him at an AMVET breakfast and stated they can’t afford it. He agrees we should postpone it. 
McHenry said Connie Fromhold has been helpful in getting their questions answered.
Little said what Nugent said- he got tricked into a tax increase once- and never again.
Baudendistel- said the tax rate in 0.333. The Cum Bridge stays as is.
Cum Cap Improvement is at 1.5 cents currently. That also could be expanded. 
County Courthouse Cum Cap- repair is not maintenance- this sets up to do a project and it decreases over time. He thinks that is reasonable to not enact it again as the project is done. 
COMMISSIONERS CANCELLED the meeting on this funding for March 22

Baudendistel brought up the fly ash issue for the Port that Lawrenceburg is dealing with  and Aurora. McHenry has stepped down from chairing the Port Board- and Hastings has chaired it now. He gets “pissed off” when Indianapolis tells us what to do. If it is potentially dangerous- we don’t want it. He won’t go down without a fight.He wants Andy to do whatever we have to do to prevent this. Excuse my language but Im just tired of that crap.
Little- coal did a lot of our electricity and this sulfurous material can have arsenic in it Poisoning the water is an issue. 
Mayors want our signature on letter To Rebecca Joniskin at IDEM to not have this permit. Commissioners agreed to sign the letter. Also assigned Baudendistel to take whatever legal action needed. 
Baudendistel, Weldon, and Miller are working together.

Phil Darling- York Township- Just because they dumped stuff from the 60s - and then hauled it out of there for a reason. Why add more. Asbestos and other material are probably in that tear down. Bringing fly ash form other states. You do not know what was in it. 
Look at that Fernald report. 
Chris Mueller- also commented on the water supply issue for Lawrenceburg, the types of fly ash and the repercussions for future generations on the liners for those pits. Oxbow may be good companion on this fight.  

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Goepper at Perfect’s for his Olympic medal celebration.
Frey meeting with the governor on the port issues. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Baudendistel- Resolution that declared us an underground transmission community, Problem was 50 ft tell or 10 feet taller than any phone pole in the area. 
Resolution we passed last year will only apply to new that are residential and ALREADY HAVE BURIED FACILITIES. HOUSE BILL 1050 IS THE SMALL CELL WIRELESS BILL.



Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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