Tuesday, August 11, 2020

11AUGUST 2020 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

 11AUGUST 2020 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Dan Lansing, Kevin Turner, Tim Doll, Alan Goodman, and Bill Ullrich. 

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Leah Bailey, Comptroller, and Sue Hayden, Administrator.

Andy Baudendistel, Attorney also present.

Title VI Statement read as legally require by Baudendistel

Meeting started later at 10 AM due to an executive session with Sheriff McHenry which was also advertised at 9:30 AM.

Council certified that they only discussed interviews with prospective employees as advertised. No decisions. 

ORDINANCE 2020-010-  Amending the Stay Home Pay During a Declared Emergency Original Salary Ordinance passed by Council March 25th, 2020 - Baudendistel stated that the guidance has changed from CDC and local health dept. Balancing the federal law and crafting something that has heart to take care of employees and also relying on them to report close contacts with positive tested person. Within 6 ft for at least 15 minutes is close contact. If employee is quarantined they must stay at home or they will hav veto use personal PTO days for the days they broke quarantine. They must not work or earn from any other source during the quarantine. This ordinance is retroactive to July 16. The penalty section is effective tomorrow- August 12. 

Employees don’t get docked for PTO if ordered to quarantine. The form they use is confidential to verify what they’ve been in contact with and infected person. The employee signs the form swearing to their adherence to the rules of quarantine. Employees will get an email of the amendment to the ordinance and the dept. heads will get the forms for employees to use as needed. Council approved. 

TRANSFERS: required because of the 27th pay that occurs this year- All the transfers Approved below.

911 COMMUNICATIONS- Payroll-27TH pay-$2,145.18 (4933.33300)  $12,472.43 (1222.32503)

CIRCUIT PROBATION- Payroll 27th pay $750 (2102.39204) & (2151.32300)

SUPERIOR PROBATION- Payroll 27th pay $2,228.44 (4906.31807)

HIGHWAY- Payroll- 27th pay Cum Bridge $7,435.23 (32900)


AUDITOR- Connie Fromhold-Email Server- $30,000 (1001) also approved by Council separately  & Payroll- 27th pay $241,468 (1001)

PROSECUTOR- Additional funds for 27th pay $1,188 (1170), $1181.58 (8897)

BUILDING DEPARTMENT-Part-time- $7,536 (1001)

PARK BOARD- for Gladys Russell Park- this is a study for this the septic tank. Septic Line & Tank Cleaning, Plumbing, Engineering Firm- $3,500(1179) Approved as it is their funds.

Fence Replacement-$21,000 (1179)- Approved for the Split rail fence as it is their funds.

SUPERIOR COURT II- Public Defender- $60,000 (1001)- Decided that $45,000 was enough to do the rest of the year. Approved.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- Riverboat/General $480,000 NRCS grant for the major slip on East Laughery Creek Road.80/20 reimbursement. Approved out of Fund 4916.

COMMISSIONERS- Pictometry , Riverboat/General $128,184- Flight for the county Last one was in 2009. This is a 2 part aerial flight. 360 oblique imagery and straight down view. This can compare the Beacon images with Changefinder and you can find changes in the land use for reassessment. This is a 3 inch flight so the best they can see for assessment. It saves some employees from having to go in person (COVID related) to properties. This get reimbursed out of CARES ACT. They have approval from IFA that this would be covered under Cares Act. This imagery can be share with all depts. Sheriff etc . Approved. To be reimbursed out of Care’s Act monies.

AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY- Declaration of Fiscal Body- Connie Fromhold presented this as a declaration of fiscal body for the library is the county because they get their revenues through the county. Approved to sign. 

BUILDING DEPT- BILL SHELTON- His budget has $25,000 for part time and he’s taking 15,000 for weights and measures. Needs $7500 for part time- approved.  Building permits are up- but lumber prices are up and materials are down. Averaging 10 homes per month. Custom homes on bigger parcels of land. He will send the data out to Council. 

RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS- Barb Scherzinger- Connie Fromhold presented - this is done every year. Approved so she can invest her money. 

HEALTH DEPARTMENT GRANT- Emergency Preparedness and PPE stock pile for COVID 

resurgence if needed $ 47,078 no county match. Connie Fromhold presented. This is from grant. Nothing for needle exchange in this. Approved.

RECORDER- Ordinance to use Perpetuation fund for Technology and Records Management 

Upgrade. Connie Fromhold presented. This has a healthy balance and due to a new statute they need to approve and sign the ordinance. Approved.

SUPERIOR COURT- GRANTS- DOJ grant for JCAP- no county match $262,000 and a second grant for Probation- Approved.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold - Minutes from May 26, 2020 Approved. 

Salary ordinance includes one extra position - approved. 


Meeting adjourned at 10:55 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township