Monday, September 20, 2021



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Updates from Soil and Water- Jessica Rayburn- SWCD District Coordinator and Matt Jarvis, NRCS District Conservationist- The Pollinator Field day- nearly 100 attendees. Backyard Series was wrapped up at the Library- hope to have more able to attend in person after Covid.o Matt Jarvis NRCS- appreciate the county funding for Soil and Water. For every dollar in we return $13 for the county residents. The secure money and they are able to bring in experts to help service producers and landowners. They continued programs and did not have to shut that down. He passed out the funds spent thru that office. 

County contributes $163,000. NRCS provides the space. District returns about 24% to them. Use Federal requirements for COVID and so they are at 50% right now in the office. There is someone in the office morning and afternoon. Can meet them outside or on emir farm, but not inside right now. If the staff is out then they may not have someone there on parts of some days. Matt covers 3 counties. They are trying to keep it all moving forward.

Right of Way Dedication on DeWitt Rd- Dennis Kraus, Jr., Surveyor for JDJ Surveyor and Engineering. There is a makeshift turnaround down there. If people would donate then they are allowed to do other things with the property. The cul de sac will be at the Wright’s expense and they are doing it in gravel the same as the road. Approved.  

Board of Commissioners Appointment to SEI READI- Mike Perleberg, Executive Director One Dearborn- Perleberg its a $500 million opportunity for the region. It was put in the state budget by statute there has to be a regional organization to qualify for this. SEI READI , Inc is a 501c3 that they have set up. The deadline is at the end of this money to have a regional plan turned in. The board of directors HAS to be driven by the private sector. There needs to be an appointee from from each board of commissioners which is a Class A member. They are on the board then. The class A members then appoint a Class B member which is a private sector representatives or local government member. Appointing the members is at an annual meeting. The director is a 2 year term. Commissioners appointed Art Little as a Class A member to the SEI READI, Inc.   

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Nicole Daily said Sunman Dearborn has withdrawn from the grant from OCRA and are doing the demolition with their own funds. Commissioners need to sign off on this withdrawal. Approved.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and  the September 7th Minutes approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel - easement agreement for small structure on Huesman Road. Mr/Mrs Stroble didn’t want to sell but agreed to the permanent easement at no cost. It also requires the relocation of utilities. Listerman and he have been working to get this since January. This allows the work on the bridge to proceed now. Approved and signed. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- Invited everyone to the Aurora Farmers Fair. Doing what they can to safeguard everyone who attends. Encourage people to vaccinate and protect themselves. Vaccination makes the potential infection much less serious. 

Little- Great to see the Farmers Fair back this year.

Thatcher -Encourages vaccination and Health Dept  is preparing for boosters etc as we learn about the final approval on them. 




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township