Tuesday, October 05, 2021



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Regional Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council- Steve Kelly, Director of Court Services-HRA 1068 requires each local county to have this Council to look over the Justice Center. We already have something similar to this in Community Corrections Advisory Board. This act now has a specified certain officials. This new board also has Commissioner on the board in addition to what we have on the CCAB. This Community Corrections Advisory Board suffices for this new law if we add a commissioner and if we add some of the duties and reports in this new Council. Baudendistel will modify the ordinance to include a commissioner or their appointee and other requirements that need to be added to their duties. That will come back at next meeting. This also will allow Switzerland County to have their own Advisory Council. 

Probst reminded Kelly of a report that had to be in at end of this week.  

2022 Holiday Calendar- Probst was against it because it didn’t  include Juneteenth Holiday. Calendar still approved without Juneteenth. There are 16 holidays per Thatcher. If we add more employees will have nearly a month off. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and September 20th Minutes approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Legislation suggested having a point person for cybersecurity. We can make Ramsey Nusebeh a Midwest Data our point person for this per the law. Probst motioned and little second to appoint Ramsey Nusibeh out cyber incident reporter. Approved.


Probst- good attendance at Farmers Fair - did not see a lot of covid protection there. Encouraged vaccinations for COVID

Little- Flu vaccinations are ready now. Pneumonia shots too for the elderly. These diseases take a certain number of lives each year. COVID similarly has vaccine. Thinks the COVID infections are down.

Thatcher- Tim Grieve’s mom passed away- just a month after his dad did. Condolences to him. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Gayle Pennington, Clerk of Courts- received all information on maps for redistricting. Our precincts were grandfathered in. Have to take a look at the Council Districts. Do Commissioners want to keep the task, they can assign it to the election board and then they will come to Commissioners for approval. Commissioners wanted Sue Hayden to be there- as an unofficial observer. Commissioners delegated Election Board to alter or accept precincts as submitted.

Todd Listerman- County Engineer-  Bridge #44 Turkey Point is out for bid.Opening on Ot 21st. 

Weisberg Bridge plans are 90% complete- trying to get poles for power lines to neighbors and also Aggapie family. Will get quotes by next meeting to select supplier for new 3 sided box structure with wing walls to be installed. Bridge is being designed for this site. He’s not sure they will start till until first qtr next year February and done by June. Weather in Dec- Jan is unpredictable for construction. 

$16,000- FPBH design contract for small structure 616 Thomas Road run-around

Vacation  till the 18th of Oct.

PUBLIC COMMENT- Josh Holland-enjoyed Farmer fair- except for an incident that happened there Saturday. He submitted public records request for the Coroner’s office. There is a situation behind this that needs to be addressed. He wants this on the public record.  


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township