Tuesday, February 01, 2022



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Dave Currence, Veteran Service Officer - 2021 Annual Review- TABLED due to Dave Currence being under the weather.

Soil and Water Conservation District:

Updates Jessica Rayburn, District Coordinator,- Meeting annual the year in person on March 8 at 6:30 at Carnegie . Annual Plant sale- helps with backyard program at the libraries. Doing a tree giveaway - planning now. Also Matt is doing the EWP things with the Highway Dept. Trying to replace invasive with native species. Working with the local FFAs to help sort plants at Bright Park and have a drive thru for the trees ( 2 / landowner)  Donations suggested- Canned goods or monetary for the parks-but not required. 

SWCD- Jennifer Hughes, Storm Water Coordination- MS4 Overview-New MS4s waiting on signatures from IDEM. Once signed they will come to the new MS4s. Chapter 154 of Elkhart has an example of this from 2006. State likes their plan. 

Will have to determine our new MS4 operator from  the Board of Commissioners. There will be an office designated.  

[NOTE: MS4 is short for, “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System", where the word “Municipal" refers to a unit of local government like a borough or a township, but may also refer to an organization responsible for the administration of a developed area. And the number 4 refers to the four words that start with the letter “S"; “Separate," “Storm," “Sewer," “System."]

They will need an MS4 Coordinator. Thatcher asked if she will do that. Hughes replied that is not her. Not allowed to be her per statute,NOI- Notice of intent and Part A to IDEM -within 60-90 days.

Part B to IDEM - baseline info about MS4Water quality, TMDL’s current ordinances etc. 

Form a committee for input to stormwater quality management plan. They have a lot more details on items to prevent and stop pollution. Part C to IDEM- SWQMP and Minimum Control Measures MS+CM with measurable goals. 

Write and implement all required ordinances.

Write and implement Stormwater Prevention Plan ( SWP3)- all MS$ owned facilities. Write all standard operating procedures (SOP) for all activities MS4 does that have the chance to cause pollution.

Provide annual reports to IDEM.

Provide annual training each year. 12 hours years for the coordinator. 8 for staff and 1 for other employees. 

Hughes encouraged them to talk to other MS4s.

Some of the things we already do here- so we have started our base activities in some areas. 

If a pond exists that disturbs an acre you fall under this. It was Rule 5 across the country. The they decreased it from 5 acres to 1. 

Probst said he couldn’t take it on and Thatcher was already full. Little said he’d do it- but would need lots of help. Thatcher still is the signatory. 

Bartholomew county (Columbus) were 2 other examples where MS4s exist. Hidden Valley Lake is our only MS4 locally. That coordinator is ready to retire. EPA told IN that they can’t do this under administrative code. 

Mark McCormack said they could get with some of our drainage consultants regarding this to get ahead. Probst said with an RFP to get at this. Greendale, Lawrenceburg, and Aurora will be affected- maybe West Harrison. If the county is named MS4 you cannot do boundaries except for the municipalities who are incorporated. If Bright is in one- that is the county- as it is not incorporated. 

Ken Gunkel, Supervisor - noted that the commissioners communicate wellll with  them. Feb 9 meeting upstairs on MS4 next week. Thinks it will be a win- win. Why are we doing it- For cleaner water and healthier soil.

Request to extend Carrie Drive Right of Way into the old Mack Family Farm property  - Rob Seig, Surveyor.- TABLED


County Engineer, Todd Listerman:

Bid Award for Small Structure #616 Run-around on Thomas Road- McAllister low bid at #115,075- approved.

Bid Award for 2022 Paving Project- This is a Community Crossings Grant. Paul Rohe was lowest bid at $2,399,969 which was approved. It’s higher by $150,000 than estimate we had- but oil prices are affecting this. 

Bond Acceptance on Bridge #135 Weisburg Road- $243,781 was approved.

Hallgarth Property@Small Structure #112 Station Hollow RoadRain washed out the structure- have been working on ROW for 2 years. Have 2 out of 3 signed. The 3rd is Hallgarth and they signed acceptance of $182 for .028 acres. They have not signed the deed- several attempts to contact go unanswered lately. County Commissioner Probst will go out with Sue Hayden Adm (and notary) to get deed and W-9 signed if the next attempt is not answered.

Ordinance Amending ARP Funds Application- American Rescue Plan Funds- Baudendistel amended the ordinance to reflect due dates by Dec 2024 and funds finally used by 2026. He also put in the nondiscrimination statement. Approved and signed. They will also advertise so people know what funds are available. Aurora put their notices in their utility bills. 

Resolution Opposing Legislation Regarding Lowering the Business Property Tax- The House was eager for this- but the Senate is not so eager. - Baudendistel- this was requested by former association of cities and towns now called AIM- urging opposition until a replacement stream of money for local gov’ts is there. This revenue is over $1billion for the state and approx. $2.1million  for the county ( not including municipalities) per Connie Fromhold, Auditor.  Approved. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- 2022 EMS Squad Contract- Moores Hill  ( $40,000) and Manchester ( $20,000) approved. Dillsboro will be next meeting hopefully. 

Lynn Deddens, Prosecutor asked her to have Malcon approved for the IV-D recovery expenses on child support. It costs $600/month and they recover about 60%. Funding comes out of IV-D. approved. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and January 18th Minutes approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Who-dey! Finally the Bengals are heading to the SuperBowl. 


Probst- want to thank the citizen and media who attend these meetings. Disappointed there are not more people. BE PREPARED- Major bad weather even coming Thursday- Friday. Be prepared for 24 hours of it. He’s going to test his generator today. 

Little-  REMC is looking for a staging area for their trucks for the ice storm. He also thanked everyone for their condolences after the passing of his granddaughter. 

Thatcher- I remember the Freezer Bowl- Thought it was over at the beginning of the age Sunday but they went on to win miraculously. Saw a guy out on the highway selling T-shirts and banners. He will be able to retire after he sells all that Bengal stuff now. Also echoed Probst’s thoughts on being prepared.




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township