Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Present:  Rick Probst, Acting President, and Art Little

ABSENT: Jim Thatcher

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney

ABSENT :Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Old Orchard Connection to Jenny Lynn Drive- Jason Kinker- Emergency Use will get appropriate adequate signage and the sheriff can then issue citations for improper use of the emergency access. Listerman had said they are talking about blinking signs etc. possibly. Google maps has this as an access and that needs to be corrected to emergency use. He was concerned about the big delivery trucks and that sharp S curve. Somehow there is a paved road there now that is concerning to his mother, Rose  Kinker said it’s a 50 ft ROW and she doesn’t ever want to to be a 60 ft one. Mr Kinker was not please about the reception he was getting to his questions from Mr Probst. Said this is not customer friendly to have these meetings at 9 am or 5 pm. It is not easy for most people to address the commissioners. Point number 3 on their website is to be accessible to the citizens. It doesn’t seem like you cared about any of this. 


Award of HVAC and Window Contract (Under the Energy Savings Contract) Selected JMS which is now Veregy. Boilers and chiller s and windows for  $1,529,522,There is an energy savings contract here for the 20 years it is in effect. Approved. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- absent

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and June 7th Minutes approved. Covered Bridge certification was approved and signed for the Guilford Covered Bridge. The county receives some funds for this. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing


Art Little- Awful hot today- guess summer’s here. Be careful with the heat. Look out for your neighbors. 

Rick Probst- Hope everyone has a safe and patriotic celebration. His week is the 4H fair- Good time and good to support the 4H youth,. 


PUBLIC COMMENT- Christopher Sondles- at present there is a large outcry on social media. There is a chip seal project going on. OK in small subdivisions. Now they are doing the east west corridor on North Dearborn. Where does this decision get made? Probst- The county engineer bases the decision on the every other year road survey and prioritizes them. The highway suit and the engineer. It depends on the funding that is available. North Dearborn is a major artery - Why is Mt Pleasant paved and North Dearborn chip and tar? He thinks it is backward to do this. He will follow up with Todd Listerman as suggested. 

Ian Bowman- Lifelong resident- His duty to voice concern about the Chip seal on North Dearborn. This is a disservice to our taxpaying residents. I can’t find a bad spot on this road so why did they even do this? He asked about the contracts and the company that does this work. He will check with Todd Listerman also. There is now where else I would rather love than in this county.

Probst appreciated them coming down and giving them comments. It is good to have public heard. 

ADJOURN- 5:42 PM. 

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township