Tuesday, January 17, 2023



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


911 Communications Board - Jeff “Leroy” Sterwerf as Fire Dept Representative-  Hayden said the Fire Chief’s voted to keep him as their rep. Commissioners approved.


2023 Litter Initiative- Celeste Calvitto: These are the ones they know about for now. There may be more coming. The Logan Cleanup has been going on for a long time - very organized. The Stateline one usually goes well also. Sheriff has approved and Tim Grieve has always been great with helping pick up the bags etc. with Hwy Dept helpers. East Central FFA does one around the school area so needs no road closures. She also had an elderly couple who had someone drop an oversized chair on their property with not way to get out out. Probst will check that out and see if Hwy can help perhaps. 

March 11, 2023 Annual Logan Cleanup- Whites Hill Closed from Route 46 to Gaynor from 8:30-10 AM and North Dearborn Hill closed from Pinhook Rd to Stateline from 10-noon

April 22,2023- Stateline Cleanup between the Augusta Dr entrances from 8:30-noon

May 6, 2023- Yorkridge Rd Cleanup from Guilford Hill bottom to Fox Rd from 9-noon

All the roads above were approved for the times listed.

Nicole Daily, Director of Planning and Zoning: Amendment to Article 2 Subdivision Ordinance on Types and Review Procedures and Ordinance to to Amend the Subdivision Ordinance- 

There are just small pieces taught have been changed. These are changes in how surveys are recorded. Having them on Mylar is current method. They created an alternative with a bond paper that will work. They tested it with etc Recorder’s Office as well. They took out the public hearing section and set it to refer to the appropriate section of the code that was amended last year. They are abiding by IDNR’s best data as well as the flood maps and both those layers are on Beacon’s website. They don’t have to go through the state to get that. The Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan replaced the old name “Rule 5”. This has to do with MS4 too. 

Mylar is still accepted- and the alternative is specified in the ordinance.911 addressing is in this part of the ordinance. Grading sections were moved to another section of the ordinance. Condominium rules were moved also and disposable of excavation materials.Commissioners approved the Amendment to the Ordinance. Thatcher explained why he had abstained on the Plan Commission vote on this previously.   

Thatcher congratulated Daily on her new position as Director of Planning and Zoning.  

Nicole Daily- Resolution to Authorize Entry into Interlocal Agreement with Certain Cities and Towns - Dillsboro, West Harrison, St. Leon, and Aurora- Baudendistel- explained that he had updated these as well as the costs . This is a 3 year agreement. At the end of the 3 years there is a 3% increase at the end of 3 years. Daily said- there are still termination clauses in these. They automatically  renew after 3 years unless terminated. All the agreements are signed per Daily except for St. Leon, as they haven’t met yet until Feb 1st. They have budgeted for this. Commissioners approved the resolution and these agreements and signed them. 

Park Board Appointment- Kevin Vincent- Baudendistel wants Council to consider this appointment perhaps. Alan Miller also said he would be willing. Commissioners TABLED both until next meeting to check on the political requirements. 

Juvenile Center - Nurse and Doctor Agreement - Sue Hayden said they were for $11,500 for tDr Dobbs MD and $13,000  for Ron Phillips the nurse per year. Commissioners approved.

Ordinance to Amend Section 34.14- Sheriff Criminal Investigation Fund- Baudendistel- This is what Sheriff McHenry asked about. The seized asset fund was before. They decided to Amend the section to show where the source of the funds were. Thatcher asked about the 70% sheriff 30% to the prosecutors fund. Currently the special crimes funding all went to the prosecutor. Expenditures out of this fund have to be approved by County Council. We are not going them a checkbook. Approved by Commissioners. 

Resolution Approving Entry into Interlocal with Ohio County on Health Grants- Baudendistel- the COVID- 19 clinic was paid by both Counties. This was done before. Recently we redid our interlocal so that these won’t have to be redone each year if the COVID 19 Grant money is renewed. Approved by Commissioners.

OHM MS4 Master Agreement with cities and Agreement with OHM and Dearborn County- Baudendistel said this is the consulting firm for MS4. $25,000 will cover the things that are they same for 3 cities and Dearborn County. $17,161.17 is the county share of this. The County also has a $15,000 agreement separately with OHM. The cities also have separate agreements. They will file notice of intent to comply in April. The consultants have been amazing to work with. Approved.

Basement Annex Project Contracts with MAXWELL and DLZ- Hayden $184,714 is the combined amount out of ARPA Funds. $148,000 Maxwell. $20,090 Maxwell. $15,000 DLZ. Probst disagreed with the complete project on several levels. No need for screening fence for paper storage. No need for bathrooms there. Didn’t like how it didn’t come to Commissioners.   Says the money is needed more elsewhere. Thatcher said the basement was set up for future development of the Annex. He thought it was appropriate. Commissioners approved with Probst voting NAY. 

Hogan Water Company $1,112,763 project using ARPA money. Council has to vote on it too. Council will meet in March. They will get it advertised. 152 day project. Favorable recommendation to pass to Council to approve the money so they can become a water corporation again. 

Review and Acknowledgement of Encumbrances- Fromhold needed them to say they had reviewed the encumbrances. Highway dept and others that had contract that carries over to 2023. Commissioners acknowledged that. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Juvenile Center Sign- needed to be updated. The highway Dept can order it in metal with no names on it so it is more permanent. Approved.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and January 3rd Minutes- Approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- LINK-101 meeting- Committee meeting he attended. They are to receive citizen input as it proceeds in developing potential route alternatives. OKI said there is no federal money going into this yet. They are consulting on this which is unusual as they usually only do federal money projects. Outside the construction area there will be many areas affected. If it were a federal project they usually look at parallel routes for biking for example. Summer of 2024. 5:30 Tomorrow night will be a meeting at Dillsboro School. They are in the environmental study part. No one knows where it will come out yet per Thatcher. 844LINK101- is the phone number to =contact the state, 

Thatcher- Sometimes Change is a good thing.  




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township