Tuesday, February 07, 2023



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present:Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

ABSENT: Connie Fronhold

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Park Board Appointment - Tabled until after Park Board Feb 8th Meeting


Soil and Water Conservation District- Ken Gunkel, Board Chair and Kyla Dick, Storm Water Coordinator- Gunkel presented first. Have 5 supervisors and 3 staff people. At the recent conference they took all but 2 of their staff. 2 of 5 supervisors had to step down due to health issues. Pat Holland had cancer and Rocky Schroeder stepped down to wife’s illness and recent death. They brought in Gaynor, Lack and another as associates. They moved 2 associates up to supervisors. March 9th at Adult Center in L-bg with a  meal from the Rolling Pin.

Kyla Dick- Plant sale Jan-April 28th- and booth at Home and garden Show last week. MS4 attending a meeting for this and hosting and 2 MS4 training sessions. OHM coming down - Baudendistel informed her of this and so they want to be sure she gets to that meeting too. 

Renovations to YES HOME Plans- Amy Phillips, Executive Director of YES HOME - updated Commissioners on the YES Home. They are a qualified residential treatment program. Hoping this will open then for more funding and they were required todo this to have state accreditation. In November started their aftercare program. This is formalized program now and they get paid for it from the state. Licensing has begun to use them for their standard for small group homes. Some former youth responded to a face book post asking about what the public knew about it. Many good responses from former residents there. It was an affirmation that our work matters and it has lasting impact. Part of the tristate trauma committee. Assume that all of their youth have some the of trauma history. Serve 90% are from Dearborn and Ripley County. 10 beds and van waiver to 12 beds is their capacity. Thinking of using the lower floor to add space. Hero has looked at the space for planning.There are some grants available for adding this space. She is asking to be able to ask for grants for capital projects to do this. She has no plans complete yet on this but wants their permission to go for this. They are going to do it in phases so they can use smaller grants in pieces. Phase 1 would be more counseling space and then opening a wing each time. Thatcher thinks it’s $1-2 million to do the whole floor. Commissioners approved seeking grants.

Year in Review- Animal Control Officer- Steve Hofstetter- passed out the stats to the Commissioners. There is monthly breakdown. Also Emergency call breakdown. Dogs are in there from arrests occasionally. They get “3 hots and a cot”  until the 5 days are up and if family doesn’t pick up they go to PAWS. People with existing non-conforming kennels will be able to renew at existing prices. There are 8 of them. If teh license is expired for more than 6 months, they lose the the non-conforming use- they would then fall under the new rules. There oldest vehicle is their best so far. They have issues with the Explorer in summer with A/C not working. Hofstetter will check with the sheriff and Sue Hayden on options to borrow or buy one of their old vehicles. May consider dog licenses being bought online and mailed to households. Routine citations go to Lawrenceburg Court. They may have a grace period of 30 days eventually to pay the fine. Fines reset on a 12 month cycle. 2nd fine is more than the first and so on. 

Congratulations to Marlene on her retirement from Thatcher. Commissioners want to have Steve Hofstetter to be interim Director. The Director Position will be advertised by Hayden and they encouraged him to apply. 

EMA Director Jason Sullivan- Ratify Signature on EMPG Salary Grant which is about $38,000 - Commissioners ratified it. Had 2 Travel Status Changes- January 22 and 23  and the January 24-25. Thatcher appreciated how well the debts worked together on these status changes, Approved both Travel Advisories. 

County Engineer, Todd Listerman:

2023 Dearborn County Road Paving- had 2 bids O’Mara - 1,724,011.50

Rohe was higher bid, Sections of these roads- North Dearborn and Possum Ridge and Salt Fork - Oil prices down and these came below estimate.O’Mara approved. 

Small Structure 575 Weisburg Rd- 3 bidders - Rohe $253,998.80  and O’Mara $288,750

RL Buckson 354,268 O’Mara approved as lowest bid and hoping for 2 months using precast. 

Unofficial Detour for SR62- Listerman said State Is doing work there between Pruss and Davies. They are doing an unofficial detour and any damage that is done after they patch etc to get it ready will be reimbursed if there is damage to it. This is the same route they used before- no trucks. Approved the Farmers Retreat Greeley and Saginaw Run around for the locals. 

Small Structure Inventory and Inspection Contract- Listerman said this is an 80/20 for $265,212 with SGCA Inc, They did the last 2015 inspection. This is at 9 years. He tries to get them done so we make sure they are in good condition. There are 318 small structures. They will check for any additional and rate them in sections similar to bridges. They recommend replacement and maintenance or load limits. The contact take s a year and a half or less. $166 per structure per Probst- This is thru OKI per Listerman. Approved.

FPBH- Listerman said its for inspection and testing of Construction on Bridge 29 Red Bridge Rd- NTE $39,480- Approved.

FPBH-Listerman- - Design of coping repair of and erosion protection for #58 Bridge on Wilson Creek Rd- Water and Salt gets along that bridge and rebar is exposed and rusted. They need an estimate to get to Council this summer for the actual repair. They want to get it before it gets to travel lane.  $35,700. Approved.

Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission Appointment/Non-voting School Board Member- Joe Bulach or Daryl Cutter are under consideration This is a 2 year appointment. Cutter was appointed for a 2 year term with  the intention that the role goes back to East Central in 2 years on a rotating basis. Cutter approved from South Dearborn, 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- EMS Contracts Moores Hill and Sunman. Still need Dillsboro. Approved for Sunman and Moores Hill/Sparta Township.

2023 agreement between PAWS and Dearborn County. Monthly report to County Administrator is added as well as scribners errors. Dog licensing is set in it also. $11,000/month is the fee to PAWS for their services to the county. Commissioner approved the agreement.

One of appointments to Aurora Library Board. Sue Manford resigned. Jack Sutton will take her place. Approved.

For all 20 EMS and Fire Dept Units. 5% share in the Riverboat Admission Tax- Now called the Supplemental Wagering Tax from the County. About $17,000-$20,000 per year per entity. Approved

AUDITOR –Leah Bailey for Fromhold -Claims/Payroll and January 17th Minutes- Approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more.


Little thanked highway for the snow removal. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Nicole Daily Dc Planning and Zoning- Highway dedication ROW for a cul de sac at end of Carrie Drive. Approved by Commissioners in February but need an approval and signature of the Mylar today. The owners  will construct a gravel cul de sac within that ROW per Listerman.  

PUBLIC COMMENT: James Hessler ( sp?)  4943 in Guilford town. Purchase a house for $25,000. Cannot get electric to it per Duke. It needed an inspection first. Intended for storage and not residence. Per Nicole Daily it is in the flood plain and has no working septic. Baudendistel said there is project about a sewer plant in Guilford. He has cleaned up the streets by Church and Main and also sidewalks. Probst said they need to get Highway to look at it regarding maintenance.   


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township