Tuesday, April 04, 2023




Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.

HEARING on on Unsafe Building Order- Bill Shelton Building Commissioner and Nicole Daily, Director of Planning and Zoning- Unsafe Building Order regarding 18981 Union Ridge Rd Aurora IN pursuant to IC 36-7-9and County Ordinances 154.01 and 154.17

Baudendistel 18981 Union Ridge Rd - Notices sent to the people with interest in the property. DSPV3, LLC- owner. DLP Lending fund LLC. DLC Capital  LLC- delivered.$55,000 mortgage on property. 

Shelton described the property and had pictures of the inside as well. It’s beyond ability to rehab. It’s in danger of falling. March 10th order to remove the property. The property has been abandoned for year- no utilities to it for years. Baudendistel went thru the longer list of details.

Probst said he sees they can’t just seal the property now. There is a garage there also- It’s in as bad a condition as the house. This is the first property that the county is doing this for. The mortgage company paid the taxes. They were notified of this action and they are not the owner. Baudendistel stated that the owner is not paying taxes. This company that owns the land has numerous addresses and keeps moving around the country.Regular mail notices followed eh certified registered ones. 

Commissioners approved the order that the property owner demolish the building. 

Commissioners also affirmed that the property is abandoned. 

They will have 45 days to respond. Then if they do not- then Baudendistel will inform them of the civil suit to tear down the building. The county can tear down the building. The owner still retains the property. About $17,000 to tear it down. Then put the lien on the property. If the lien is not paid, then there is more options for county to own it or a neighbor can buy it after the county has taken title to it. This all takes a process. Notification will occur to BOC at each step.  


Sewer Disposal Ordinance- TABLED- Baudendistel said that he’s looked at clarification of statutes. There are several statutes that have not been adopted yet. TABLED again.


Dearborn County Soil and Water District Updates- Vickie Riggs, Matthew Johnson and Chris Powell- Riggs presented and is technician out there. Packet distributed for activities on peanut growing, tree sale out at Schoders in August, etc.  plus applications for EQUIP program. 9 livestocks funded for $119,000. 55% got to livestock practices to keep resources clean and runoff. They also fund for forestry on invasive species. Half a million brought back into the county for applicants. State forester works with them on those.Annual meeting Match 9th. 105 attendees.

Group of Soil and Water districts are part of OKI. Tours are rotated and Probst thinks the county is the site for the tour this year. It;’s been about 10 years since we were on the tour. They had the orchards, winery, beery farms etc on the tour. NRCS did a tour  of farms that implemented plans and state Conservation did a tour also in the past.    

Hazard Mitigation Plan - Jason Sullivan, EMA Director- Resolution to adopt Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan- Last plan with FEMA was in 2016. The new plan is with FEMA  and needs this resolution to be adopted. Approved. 

Epoxy Overlay Contracts for Bridge #105 Jamison Rd by the Whitewater River by West Harrison. Quotes from- Enneking Pressure Cleaning form Osgood and Blakely Concrete Indianapolis. $46.17  per sq ft  for total $131,810.88 fro Enneking. and $46.41 per sq ft for Blakely. Approved for Enneking as lowest bid. They also have done all the other bridges in the county before. There will be patching before this starts. It will be end of July-Aug approximately, It takes at least 3 days due to drying time. This is funded in the budget.  $2,250 to do detour signs. These signs are in 4 places. Top of hill at Stateline and Jamison and at Stateline and North Dearborn. Also at Broadway St and I-74 ramps. Approved.

FYI- Awarded Konrad Rd and meeting with INDOT for 2028 and we will have contract for it. 

Whites Hill will beopen in 75 days- hoping for about 30 so in early May.

Re-establishment of CCD Fund- Cum Capital Development Fund- Baudendistel has the ordinance for this to rate of 0.0333 from 0.025. Probst is still not in favor. Approved with Probst NAY. Notice of adoption will be in the paper Apr 13th. 

Thatcher noted OPEC reducing barrels so oil prices will go up. This will affect gas prices and so we will be ahead of the curve with this. 

Resolution Accepting Land transfer from the City of Lawrenceburg- Baudendistel adopted their resolution last night on the small piece of hospital property and we do this to accept it. This cleans it up. Approved.

Ordinance Amending Subsection 5.6.3- Systems Security Policy of 5th Personnel Policies Handbook- Baudendistel- worked on with Sue Hayden, Connie Fromhold and Ramsey Nusibeh of Midwest Data. This is with TikTok and cellular phones and computers and security updates. This is with them getting the training. Cyber insurance is $10,000 and now is $100,000 per year. Hylant Insurance says our costs will go down as we are using 2 factor ID and false messages  sent as tests to be sure employees are not answering them. This checks on their training too. 


ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- 2023 One Dearborn Agreement- only change is an increase they agreed too - From $15,000 to now $20,000 per year. Approved

Council approved it at their last meeting.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and March 21st Minutes

Commissioner acknowledged they had looked at the TIF report. It opes to Council too.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more


Probst- Absentee voting starts today on 3rd floor

Little -Doctor gives him his regular shoe from his surgical shoe this winter.

Thatcher hoping inflation subsides. 




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township