Wednesday, June 30, 2004

28 June 2004 Dearborn County Plan Commission Notes

Dearborn County Plan Commission meeting- 28 June 2004
Present: Mark Mitter, Chairman, Dave Schmidtgoesling, Dan Batta, Tarry Feiss, Rick Pope, Nick Held, and Mike Hall. Also present: Travis Miller, Plan Director and Mark McCormack, Enforcement Officer and Arnie McGill, Attorney.
Absent: Patrick deMaynadier and Roger Woodfill.

1. Lonestar Estates- 1 lot subdivision on 4.503 acres in Clay Township on SR 62 owned by Mary Ridner and Carl Clift was tabled after much discussion. Key issues seem to be piecemeal development without an overall plan and curb cuts on a state road. This was the 5th or 6th split from a parent parcel of land over the last few years.

2. Fox Hole Estates - 2 lot subdivision on 16.036 acres in Kelso Township on North Dearborn and McCann Roads, owned by Roger Fox and presented with Carol Morman. Mike Hall abstained- surveyor for the land.
Batta motioned and Rick Pope 2nd to approve with variance requested. Approved.

3. Weldon's Acres- 2 lot subdivision on 15.029 acres in Manchester Township on Schaefer Road and North Manchester Road owned by Delmar Weldon. Mike Hall abstained again as surveyor and Carol Morman presented. Rick Pope motioned and Tarry Feiss 2nd to approve. Approved.

4. Carlee Acres - 10 lot AGRICULTURAL subdivision on 70.295 acres in Manchester Township on Burns Road and SR48 owned by Tom Kent. Burns Rd. is the Old SR48. Kent's plans include an INDOT approved realignment of Burns Rd. so that it meets SR 48 at a proper 90 degree angle. Variances were granted for the ponds on the property and a geotech expert will be on site to supervise using the pond fill and dam areas for the new subdivision roadway. Kent explained in detail the need for each variance as part of the overall design of the Agricultural subdivision.
Neighbor in attendance showed support. Covenants show a clear agricultural purpose for the lots. Rick Pope motioned and Tarry Feiss 2nd to approve. Approval included a 75 ft. variance of SR48, one lot being less than 5 acres, 100 ft allowance for the road segment to Carlee, Lot #10 MUST BE SOLD PRIOR TO THE SALE OF 5 and 6 so as not to be landlocked. It may be combined with 5 or 6 or sold to an adjoiner. All tech and staff requests will be met and a geotech expert will supervise the pond/road construction. Approved.

Enforcement report passed out.
Master Plan Draft passed out for review. Also a copy of slide presentation from HomeBuilders dinner meeting.

Meetings planned:

July 12- Working session on master plan
July 28 - Advisory Board meets and goes over the final draft of the plan before the Public Hearing.
August 2 Working session for Plan Commission to go over Advisory Board issues and comments.
August 30th Plan Commission may continue public hearing if necessary- final meeting before certifying plan to the commissioners.
Sept 20th - County Commissioners get the Master plan to consider for approval.Meeting adjourned 10:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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