Monday, May 24, 2010

24 May 2010 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

24 May 2010 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present: Mike Hall, Chairman, Dennis Kraus Jr., Russell Beiersdorfer, Mark Lehman, Mike Hornbach, Ralph Thompson, Dan Lansing, Jake Hoog, and Ken Nelson.
Also Present: Mark McCormack, Plan Director, and Arnie McGill, Attorney.


McCormack presented the commissioner’s request that they remove letters of credit from the ordinance. McCormack had contacted other counties to see what they do regarding bonding. Mike Hornbach also did some research on this and they gave copies to all members. [NOTE: The letter of credit should have been IRREVOCABLE. Bonds have to be for a term sufficient to cover the development timetable. They may be automatically renewing in some cases until released by the county. Perhaps the attorney needs to draw up a contract that assures that the bond or other instrument stays intact until the development is accepted and improvements are completed.]

There was a variety of methods that counties used to assure financial security. Franklin County had a sugar Ridge situation, but the commissioners in that case did not accept those roads. Hamilton County Indiana has managed their cases and never got into this. Lawrenceburg has had a couple situations like that but have not accepted those improvements yet. Some have mentioned having trouble dealing with insurance companies. Some have trouble dealing with local banks too. Only a couple didn’t accept bonds. Some counties have escrow accounts, cashier’s checks, or cash bonds.

Official notice to PC will come from Commissioners at their June 1 meeting and that gives 60 days to PC to get the ordinance hearing etc. completed.

Thompson also reported that commissioners also accepted Augusta and Oakmont in Sugar Ridge “as is.” McCormack noted that the other improvements like drainage and bike path were not part of this. Maintenance of the roads would be for snow removal and repair of potholes. There are no plans to surface it.

Old Orchard Hill Phase II – Tucker said he will have a fix by June 21 tech review meeting for this. They will also submit an approved schedule of repairs by Aug 2. Bond expires on Sept 2. Tucker will be in PC meeting June 28 for Laurel Valley for a waiver. The roads meet the county spec- they just don’t meet the plans that were approved. He is still working on Seldom Seen. That is the one the PZ staff expects to have the most trouble with.

Deep patching worst spots, paying $10,000, and working out some ROW deal for Stateline was what Tucker proposed at PZ tech meeting as an option. PC was not inclined to get involved in that deal. That’s the commissioner’s decision. Tucker has not come to either commissioner meeting- he sent Jay to one and the lawyer, Watson to the other.

The only other expirations besides Tucker’s this year are Morgan’s Ridge in December.

Last item to consider was related to the changes we were talking about in the zoning ordinance and districts.

McCormack asked if they could get a committee together for this. Out of the 50 plus people on advisory board and 23 were willing to be included on special committee. He asked if the PC wanted to have all of these people. Kraus, Jr. said all 3 commissioners should be included. Board said they might want to get PC/BZA and about 7 more members on this steering committee. They will need to commit to being prepared for each meeting- not just showing up. These will probably be July or later.

MCormack wanted to see if the board wanted to include parking, signage, and landscaping included in EACH zoning district. Currently it’s a separate section. Board seemed to want to leave it the way it is. The users of the ordinance are used to it this way. It is also easier to revise ONE section and not have to go thru changes in each district.

Kraus, Jr. said that he spoke to someone who was concerned about our landscaping requirements. He wants to come in and speak to them about it sometime. He was not available tonight. McCormack was also concerned with getting an appropriate plant list for our area.
Performance based zoning materials will be provided to PC members by staff.

McCormack will be out of the office for 2 weeks in June for vacation.

Kraus Jr. asked about getting a landscape architect to design some sample buffer yards for our ordinance. Expense was an issue. Seeing if they can get a college dept to use it as a project for “free.”

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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