Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16 September 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

16 September 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Dave Deddens, Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe, Jim Deaton, Randy Lyness
ABSENT AS USUAL- Dusty Burress (non- voting school board member)

Randy Maxwell was present for the executive session only. Jason Semler of Umbaugh and Associates was in it also but stayed for the main meeting too. Main meeting started late. Several large boxes marked Apple Cinnamon were pushed into a closet at the end of the executive session and prior to the main meeting starting. At least three of the boxes were carried out later by the DCRC attorney and two DCRC members to their cars. [NOTE: See the following story for more information: 

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker.
ABSENT: Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

VERIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION DISCUSSION- the members verified that they only discussed the types of items listed on their public notice. 
ACTION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION- approved for Randall to offer incentives discussed in the executive session to the company discussed in the executive session.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- July 9th minutes approved

Update on meeting with businesses on Randall Avenue- Randall asked rate to take about it. He said Randall was going to get the cost of the land and she said she will get that done this week- to see if they will sell just a parcel of the entire piece. Randall took over and said they also discussed the sign and made it clear we would help with it- but the management and updates to it would be their responsibility from there on. They were happy we were out there to discuss the sign and growing the industrial park. She will have that for next meeting. Rate said he was asked dot check with McIntosh about that sign. They had an oral agreement with the owner about the sign. The family had some issues with it originally but with the new owners they have been more inclined to work with us. The industrial park owners want to get a whole new sign. Ewan told them that the hotel is one Patel owner and the sign plot is another. Once we get it we can go to Planning Dept to see what we need to do per Randall. 

Claims from ED Research Grant approved- Oren Turner’s pay was approved thru the end of the year. His contract is for a year, but we can use him as long as we have the funds- $100,000 fund is being used for some more items per Randall. $51,000 left in that. She said we just don’t have him after that or figure out something then. 
Regular claims approved.
Workforce development conference in INDY was well attended- was able to make new contacts. $227.00 was Randall’s cost to attend.
Financials reviewed- Pennington was not here- but Randall said nothing much has changed from last month.

Jason Semler- Umbaugh and Associates- TIF reports were due and Randall said she wanted Jason to come in and talk about the TIFs. 
Semler introduced himself. They do TIF feasibilities and bonds. They also work with over half the counties in the states in 360 TIF areas. TIF neutralization worksheets that adjust the base value of each of the TIF areas.You need the base to see what the increases are based against. There are annual adjustments based on the tax assessments. When the assessed values go down these bases will also. And also when they go up. The auditor’s office is responsible for this. You want to check on this to be sure we get what is due. There are due dates like July 1 for pass throughs. We can run numbers for you for these prospects for you. In TIF areas you have to be sure with parcel splits that the TIF area goes with it to get the funds. Residential parcels can be in TIFs- but that can cost you and they can’t help you now with the new laws.It doesn’t hurt to have GIS to check all these parcels. 

Randall said with the West Harrison TIF changes and also Aurora TIF, we need to look at this. We are starting to get people looking at property for sale. We have to have something to market. Businesses aren't going to go in unless the parcels are ready. Maybe there are some things that don’t belong in the TIF now because things have changed. People just went out there and drew some lines. We can see that it won’t be developed. It’s about adding parcels and taking some off. They shouldn’t TIF something until you are ready to develop. Umbaugh can help us.They will get us a baseline and see what we have. Jan 1st you have to have things done before the end of 2015. 

Rahe said the county does not get hurt when it is not developed in the TIF. We need to be sure we are getting all the money we can from each TIF. 

Randall said that will help her when we actually go to market these properties. I think we can do more- people are finding out about us. 
Rahe said by the way what about the 22 acres we were considering. 

Semler said to go back to their legal description and compare those GIS properties with the auditor’s office.Then also amend plans to weed out or add parcels. Someone should be looking at TIF for that 22 acres we have been discussing. 

Board authorized Umbaugh to do a TIF review. No mention of the cost. Jason Semler wants GIS to do the parcels to push down his workload and the cost to DCRC.    
[NOTE: Do his ( Umbaugh's) numbers count or do the Auditor’s?]   



Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sangamaw Road Open and Bridge #9 Pictures

Bridge #9 is complete and Sangamaw Road is open.

Todd Listerman, Dearborn County Engineer

15 September 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

15 September 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator

Zone map Amendment- Tootles Trust/Maxwell - tabled until the survey is prepared- probably for first meeting in October per Baudendistel.

Planning and Zoning: Mark McCormack- Zone Map Amendment Request - owned by Richard and Rita Renck. 12.9 acres ( now 12.11acres) in Kelso Township on Hyland and SR1 area. Request to be rezoned to B-2 for storage units. Remaining acreage will remain Ag. Voluntarily removed 14 and 25 as uses in a written commitment. 15 letters were sent out and 14 were returned as received. McCormack went over the presentation as given at the PC- see that August meeting for details previously posted on this blog. There are already storage units on this property. This will increase that use. 242 units proposed as part of the addition. He also gave them the 5 criteria for  zone change. 
Dennis Kraus, Jr. surveyor for this request. Asked if they had any questions. He said they asked for B-2 because as B-1 they would have had to go thru BZA as a conditional use. The majority of the extension is in a wooded area and there is  fence.
Commissioners approved with NO discussion and no statement showing why they believed it met the 5 criteria. They also signed  the written commitments that the Rencks had also signed at Baudendistel's request.

Business Property Lease- City of Aurora and Extension Office- Increase is to $18,000/year. Baudendistel said they have  three year lease and they may discuss putting them in the basement of the annex per some Council members. Commissioners approved Shane McHenry to sign the lease. Aurora does want to keep Purdue extension in Aurora. 

Supplemental Insurance Information from BOST Benefits Corp- Katie Miracle- passed out material. Mike Kraemer introduced her to the county she said. They specialize in voluntary benefits. She said they can reduce some costs and improve the underwriting. They market several products. They also communicate the benefits to their employees. This frees up HR dept. She says they can save 40% on short term disability benefits. Currently AFLAC is the carrier. Want to get a group plan to get these savings. Also can use Tele-Doc. (Correction- Teladoc) This prevents having to go see their own primary care physician. They also can do all forms for ACA- Affordable Care Act and have electronic signatures for that too. To utilize computer for many services sets up a program for a cost of $5-7/month for each employee each month. Switzerland County is her first client in IN. They have Vandalia and Xenia in Ohio. Commissioners took the info under advisement.

ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall- GIS perpetuation fund has $9,200 and it hasn’t been accessed for a while. She checked to see what purposes that money could be used for. They can use it for a license $4,950 to PSRI for ARC GIS license and annual maintenance fee of about $1200/year. Andrea Shuter took the lead on this per Randall. There are certain safeguards in the agreement as to the uses for this info. Approved by Commissioners.

Randall said when we got additional EMA funding, they had incentive payments for groups making all their runs. It’s been challenging to get more volunteers and the course is now $1200. The county pays $400 of that. Feedback is that it needs to be centralized. They want an emergency services website to consolidate. They can keep their own individual website. They want to see if the fire chiefs also want to participate. This will help for recruitment, Contract with Bill Beinkemper Creative who works for L-bg and Convention and Tourism Bureau for $15,825 to build and host the site. The group wanted REAL people on the website and talking about it themselves. Create a short video to speak to what it means to be EMS in the county- about 2-3 minutes. DCH is likely to offer a first responder class for $500 to see if people want to go further after that. She researched a lot of county and videos. Most counties have a page to be able to access this info. Marketing will go on too. They need to put in parameters for the scope of work, but make it adaptable. 
Lynch said he knows Bill Beinkemper and they have worked with Greendale. McHenry said he has had experience with him too and was satisfied with how that came out. Approved by Commissioners. 

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Claims and Minutes of Sept 1 meeting approved.

ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- nothing

Art Little- almost fall- looking forward to it.

Kevin Lynch- Thank all department heads and trying to make us more business friendly. Also wanted to thank everyone in the county who participated in the OKI luncheon. The community really came out in support and hope to have it there at the event center next year also.

Kathy Scott- asked why our meetings are at this time, when you say you want to have more people here? Maybe try to have it next year at a time that is open for people who work to get here. Maybe 6:30.
McHenry said he never gets any calls complaining about this. He said he bets if he moved it to 7 PM they might get 5 more people a year. Lynch said that he thinks they should maybe think about it. McHenry agreed.
She also asked them to think hard about Tele-Doc- and the potential for issues with care being missed as people cover up problems and are seen over the phone and not having the same doctor etc. Liability too.
She asked if Commissioners get health insurance- answer- Yes
She asked about paramedics vs EMTs. They weren’t sure about who had the paramedics- probably Lawrenceburg. Hoping to get paramedics. Dual training would be preferable. Lynch said that cross training is the trend with firemen having emt training.  


Meeting Adjourned at 6:03 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Monday, September 14, 2015


September 16, 2015
9:30 a.m., 3rd Floor Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana


Call to order

Verification of Information Discussed in Executive Session

Action of Executive Session 

Approval of Minutes
July 9, 2015 Meeting 

Unfinished Business
  1.  Update on Meeting w/Businesses on Randall Ave.

Claims & Financials
1.  Approval of Claims for ED Research Grant
2.  Approval of Regular Claims
3.  Review of Financials

New Business
1.  Jason Semler – Umbaugh

Economic Development Officer’s Report

Attorney’s Report
Other Business


Friday, September 11, 2015

AGENDA Sept 15th Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 
5:00 p.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana



1.  Zone Map Amendment Request - Tootles Trust 

1.  Planning & Zoning – Mark McCormack
a)  Zone Map Amendment Request
b)  Ordinance to Change Zoning Classification

2.  Business Property Lease – City of Aurora / Extension Office

3.  Supplemental Insurance Information from BOST Benefits Corp - Katie Miracle 

V. ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall
VI. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington
1.  Claims/Minutes

VII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel




Wednesday, September 09, 2015

DC Redevelopment Commission Executive Session Time Change Notice


Executive Session

The Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission

will hold an Executive Session on

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.



The purpose is to discuss interviews and negotiations with

industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or

commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development

corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana

finance authority, an economic development commission, a

local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-

28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision.

This is classified confidential by state and federal statute:

IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4)

And also for the purposes of discussing strategy with the respect

to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body

up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is

executed by the parties.

This is classified confidential by state and federal statute:

IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D)

These meetings will take place at the

Dearborn County Administration Building, 3rd Floor

Commissioners Room,

215 B West High Street,

Lawrenceburg, IN  47025

The Catch Phrases of a Political Sham

The Catch Phrases
Of a Political Sham

by Ryan Cummins

My experience on a city council, in business and as a taxpayer tells me to beware when the government action being proposed is “for the public safety,” “for the kids” or “for economic development.” When you hear those words, grab your wallet and hold close your liberty; there is a hidden agenda.

Another dependable “tell” that your elected representative is gambling with your future is when, in the midst of a budgetary crisis, he proposes incidental cutbacks such as in office supplies, cell-phone use, take-home cars and the like. You can be sure that if the councilman understands your city’s predicament he doesn't plan on doing anything about it.

My hometown newspaper the other day carried comments that a councilman was “concerned” about the city budget and urging “fiscal responsibility.” This same fellow had voted yes to every salary ordinance and budget increase for two decades.

Fiscal responsibility? Many have no earthly idea what it might mean. In any case, it is the job of journalists to hold politicians accountable on a day-to-day basis. The rest of us need to get to work delineating the principles of sound governance long term.

To begin with the obvious, voters deserve to know what principles guide those they elect to office, what he or she will do when the time comes to raise a hand yes or no. Otherwise, democracy is a sham exercise. Meaningless are vague references to a “common good,” “Hoosier values,” “working in the best interests of the people.”

There are four principles that I would look for:  limited government, free markets, property rights and individual responsibility. Let me offer my definitions:

1. Limited Government — Holding a government (at any level) to only the protection of life, liberty and property. Stated differently, it means that any government is only legitimate and can only claim to operate at the consent of the governed if it can only legally, ethically, morally and righteously do the things that an individual can also do legally, ethically, morally and righteously.

2. Free Markets — The free and voluntary exchange between one person or group of persons and another is where our needs will be most efficiently and effectively met.  

3. Property Rights — That every person has a fundamental human right, which cannot be legitimately violated by the state, in the fruits of the labor and in themselves as a human being.

4. Individual Responsibility — I am responsible to meet my needs and the needs of all those for whom I voluntarily choose to be responsible. That is my family first and then my neighbors.  

It is my experience that the these principles are most likely to be violated in the name of economic development. There is nothing that happens when a person is elected or appointed that transforms him or her into an economic superhero. Again, a person is elected only to act as an agent for the individual citizen to ensure that government operates to protect their life, liberty and property.  

When an elected official goes beyond that, then always and everywhere the result is ultimately destructive. Jobs are lost, opportunity is reduced, and wealth and property are compromised or destroyed — regardless of intentions, 

Citizens don’t depend on the mayor, commissioner or economic-development director to find projects in which to invest tax dollars. We never do that. When a parking garage, apartment building, convention center, stadium, industrial building is not built, it is not a failure of civic vision. Quite the contrary, it is because citizens, entrepreneurs, investors and businesses have weighed the pros and cons and decided that this isn’t the best use of their money and property at the time.

Once more, limited government, free markets, property rights, individual responsibility, freedom and liberty stand with the individual citizen when such decisions are made. We need to keep it that way.
Maj. Ryan Cummins, an adjunct scholar of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation and the owner of a family business, is past chairman of the appropriations committee of the Terre Haute Common Council. This is based on his presentation to the summer seminar of the foundation.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

1 September 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

1 September 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch
ABSENT: Kevin Lynch
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator

Brief moment of silence for the passing of Bill Ewan, former attorney, and Ruth Ann Batta, long time art teacher in the county.

Zone Map Amendment Request- Tootles Trust/Maxwell- Tabled

Harrison EMS Contract- Chief William Hursong- found that people are using more EMS in the past 2 years. Some are in worse shape too. Proposed two different options- a one year and a three year contract. The three year has a 30 day out clause and a $10,000 savings over the three year period with compounded interest- per Randall. We wont’t be in any shape to take that over in three years. Year 1 is $109,640 year 2 is  $111,836 and year 3 is $114,073. Approved.

HIGHWAY DEPT. Todd, Listerman, County Engineer:
Railroad Agreement for Bridge #138 Bonnell Road- by Burzelbach Road. Because the bridge goes over a drainage creek and a part of a driveway. Needed a temporary crossing for RR and this agreement provides that with Central RR of Indiana. The owner wants to have the temp become permanent but RR says the old one is to be kept. That puts the driveway back where it was for the past 50 years. Baudendistel said that they looked at other options for a way out. None were feasible. It would be up to the owner to deal with RR on this. ( Not likely to be successful- even the county can’t get them to agree) This is the worst bridge in the county. If not replaced it would close Bonnell per Listerman. Approved for the RR agreement above.  

Tri-Township Utility Relocation Agreement- Reimbursable agreement for the Stateline Road widening project for $415,383.77. They have bids and the total cost is $355,737.50, so the cost is less than what the agreement is for. The NTE is the original amount- but they are looking to have it less than that barring any contingencies. Savings could be about $60,000 to the county. Approved. 
Water line should be in the week of Sept 14 and Cincinnati Bell also in then. Then when work is complete- bids in Nov-Dec and awards in Dec-Jan. Hope to have project start in the spring. It started in 1999 and now we are finally getting it done. Listerman thanked Art Little for helping get the utilities used to getting things done.

Holiday Calendar for 2016- approved. Judy Smith had called in to get the calendar so Judges could set their schedules per Baudendistel.

ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall- Interlocal agreement for $2500 for dispatch for 911 for West Harrison. Still waiting on Moores Hill and St. Leon. Baudendistel will contact John Watson- the attorney for both of those towns. Approved West Harrison agreement. 
During Budget hearings- several items were moved to Commissioners budget- such as fuel etc and also point them to read the entire email on that. There was also discussion on the lobbyist and no longer have Lewes and Kappes represent the county. Just keep Barnes and Thornburg. Council wants to be included in all emails from lobbyist and can sitting on all conference calls with them.

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Claims approved. Minutes of the August 18th meeting approved. 

ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- $10,000 rent and $5,000 for utilities. Increase to $18,000 total for 3 years with 120 day opt out period for Purdue Extension. That agreement will be ready for the next meeting. 

Shane McHenry- attended the ground breaker for the IVY Tech Advanced Manufacturing LAB- eye opening to hear about all the gap in training needed in the county for manufacturing. This helps people wanting to change jobs or restart careers too. Great idea to partner with IVY Tech, this will give us a leg up on our competition. It will help get business here.
At Little agreed. 



Meeting Adjourned at 9:03AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township