Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16 September 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

16 September 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Dave Deddens, Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe, Jim Deaton, Randy Lyness
ABSENT AS USUAL- Dusty Burress (non- voting school board member)

Randy Maxwell was present for the executive session only. Jason Semler of Umbaugh and Associates was in it also but stayed for the main meeting too. Main meeting started late. Several large boxes marked Apple Cinnamon were pushed into a closet at the end of the executive session and prior to the main meeting starting. At least three of the boxes were carried out later by the DCRC attorney and two DCRC members to their cars. [NOTE: See the following story for more information: 

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker.
ABSENT: Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

VERIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION DISCUSSION- the members verified that they only discussed the types of items listed on their public notice. 
ACTION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION- approved for Randall to offer incentives discussed in the executive session to the company discussed in the executive session.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- July 9th minutes approved

Update on meeting with businesses on Randall Avenue- Randall asked rate to take about it. He said Randall was going to get the cost of the land and she said she will get that done this week- to see if they will sell just a parcel of the entire piece. Randall took over and said they also discussed the sign and made it clear we would help with it- but the management and updates to it would be their responsibility from there on. They were happy we were out there to discuss the sign and growing the industrial park. She will have that for next meeting. Rate said he was asked dot check with McIntosh about that sign. They had an oral agreement with the owner about the sign. The family had some issues with it originally but with the new owners they have been more inclined to work with us. The industrial park owners want to get a whole new sign. Ewan told them that the hotel is one Patel owner and the sign plot is another. Once we get it we can go to Planning Dept to see what we need to do per Randall. 

Claims from ED Research Grant approved- Oren Turner’s pay was approved thru the end of the year. His contract is for a year, but we can use him as long as we have the funds- $100,000 fund is being used for some more items per Randall. $51,000 left in that. She said we just don’t have him after that or figure out something then. 
Regular claims approved.
Workforce development conference in INDY was well attended- was able to make new contacts. $227.00 was Randall’s cost to attend.
Financials reviewed- Pennington was not here- but Randall said nothing much has changed from last month.

Jason Semler- Umbaugh and Associates- TIF reports were due and Randall said she wanted Jason to come in and talk about the TIFs. 
Semler introduced himself. They do TIF feasibilities and bonds. They also work with over half the counties in the states in 360 TIF areas. TIF neutralization worksheets that adjust the base value of each of the TIF areas.You need the base to see what the increases are based against. There are annual adjustments based on the tax assessments. When the assessed values go down these bases will also. And also when they go up. The auditor’s office is responsible for this. You want to check on this to be sure we get what is due. There are due dates like July 1 for pass throughs. We can run numbers for you for these prospects for you. In TIF areas you have to be sure with parcel splits that the TIF area goes with it to get the funds. Residential parcels can be in TIFs- but that can cost you and they can’t help you now with the new laws.It doesn’t hurt to have GIS to check all these parcels. 

Randall said with the West Harrison TIF changes and also Aurora TIF, we need to look at this. We are starting to get people looking at property for sale. We have to have something to market. Businesses aren't going to go in unless the parcels are ready. Maybe there are some things that don’t belong in the TIF now because things have changed. People just went out there and drew some lines. We can see that it won’t be developed. It’s about adding parcels and taking some off. They shouldn’t TIF something until you are ready to develop. Umbaugh can help us.They will get us a baseline and see what we have. Jan 1st you have to have things done before the end of 2015. 

Rahe said the county does not get hurt when it is not developed in the TIF. We need to be sure we are getting all the money we can from each TIF. 

Randall said that will help her when we actually go to market these properties. I think we can do more- people are finding out about us. 
Rahe said by the way what about the 22 acres we were considering. 

Semler said to go back to their legal description and compare those GIS properties with the auditor’s office.Then also amend plans to weed out or add parcels. Someone should be looking at TIF for that 22 acres we have been discussing. 

Board authorized Umbaugh to do a TIF review. No mention of the cost. Jason Semler wants GIS to do the parcels to push down his workload and the cost to DCRC.    
[NOTE: Do his ( Umbaugh's) numbers count or do the Auditor’s?]   



Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

1 comment:

RCP1 said...

Thank you, Christine, for noticing the "bakery boxes" put into cars!
Appreciate your time & effort on this blog!