Thursday, March 23, 2017

23 March 2017 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

23 March 2017 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, John Rahe 
ABSENT:Alan Goodman, and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member)

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker.
ABSENT:Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasure (Connie Fromhold took her place)
Title VI Statement read by Deaton also. 
Verification of Information Discussed in 8 AM Executive Session- Deaton read the statement verifying their executive session purpose and they approved the verification.
Action of Executive Session- no action taken. 
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Feb 2 minutes approved
CLAIMS AND FINANCIALS-  Financial of the TIFs were passed out. Accounts payable vouchers, and website hosting and bond renewals were paid- $997.57.
$2,046 to Barnes and Thornburg for West Aurora TIF paid out of the TIF funds.
KMK Consulting for new EDI group paid out of the Visioning Grant.
Resolution No. DCRC-2017-002
Resolution of the DCRD Approving an Amendment to the Declaratory Resolution and the Economic Development Plan for the West Aurora Economic Development Area- Randall said- At Jan 27 meeting they were presented with this from Barnes and Thornburg for the incentives for the Pickle Factory. The was because they needed to send the TIF to include the new property which was outside the Aurora TIF. They have future expansion plans. They are withdrawing and rescinding the previous resolution DCRC-2017-001. DCRC Approved that. The Pickle Factory is not needing the incentives.They are happy with what they have.  
The new resolution is DCRC2107-002 and is for the properties around the signage purchased from Paula Kramer in the west Aurora TIF. In order to buy land within their own TIF district they have to be sure they are meeting the over-riding development plan and the Plan Commission has to bless it for that purpose.There will be public meetings and hearing to make this official. The DCRC board approved an amendment to the economic plan for the west Aurora TIF to allow the purchase of this tract. Monday night March 27th at 7 PM they are on the PC agenda. Commissioners special meeting is Tues March 28th at 8:30 AM. They will eventually have an official public hearing at an evening Commissioners Meeting.They will change the closing date on the land to reflect the timing at the end of these meetings. Ewan will amend the contract.  
Mr Patel owned the other property and the contract date is extended to close on April 30th on his property. 0.548 acres of land is $25,000 and they signed the purchase of that.  
One Dearborn Presentation - Private/Public ED Organization- by EG McLaughlin (UCBank) and John Broward (Sycamore Gas.) 10 slide presentation:
EG- Grass roots effort of private sector business leaders meeting for 18 months. One Dearborn name is the collaboration of them. LEDO- Local Economic Development Organization. They found that we are the only county in the state without a LEDO. - one stop shop. 
Broward- The private sector is leading the effort- Carpe diem- have to seize the day- with the port coming, expansion at CVG with Amazon and DHL. Ripple effect will be felt around that. Real estate and home building market improving. Regional partnerships are the future of funding sources from the state of Indiana. They want to add their experience, resources, ideas, and financial support BESIDE OUR GOVERNMENT. Think they can help with business retention and bring in new ones too. HOW?- How to be sure we got it right. Building the RIGHT organization. Think they have a Dearborn County specific model that will work. Need the private and public to work together in a big way and be results oriented. 
EG- Key is collaboration with private and public. It can’t just be the government. The state is not looking at specific cities they are looking at regions. We need to know how to play the new game with the state of Indiana to come up with some funds. 
Broward- The One Dearborn Business Model- not to dominate it all but cooperate with each other. 
Quality of Life
Citizen Prosperity 
Business Success and Growth
Four pillars- 1.Business retention and expansion
2.Business attraction and marketing, Sites and building inventory development, Lead generation and response
3.Workforce development
4.Quality of Place incentives- Community impact 
Not for Profit Community Partners
Private and Public Sector Investors with a Shared Vision.
EG- There are businesses that have to ship in workers now. We need a trend workforce. The new advanced manufacturing at IVY Tech is great. He has 2 daughters that grew up here but live elsewhere in the state. That generation should have the opportunities to come back here if they so choose. Hard to find qualified candidates at times for some businesses. IVY Tech is a partner in One Dearborn. 
Broward- explained all the people in the operational model
INVESTORS- Business and private sector
Government and public sector - including the county at the top of the list
State and Regional relationships- REDI Cincinnati etc
Community Partners and non- profits
EG- The private sector raised over $125,000 annual for over 5 years. This needs to be an ongoing thing. The level of private sector involvement.
Broward- specifics They will respond and generate Leads, maintain properties on a quality website. Tell a compelling marketing story, understanding existing businesses and opportunities, Get TIFs in front of a wider audience, work regionally on your behalf.
Become the LEDO so they can neutrally, confidentially, negotiate deals. Provide education and economic development 
Leverage additional resources you currently don’t have.
Terri Randall-  if you decide to partner as you move forward with One Dearborn- don’t worry about my position. I couldn’t be more happy to have someone else put resources in this. I couldn’t do all this job. The phone rings and then try to do my county job too. The time has come. I couldn't be more excited to have the private sector do this. Whatever that means for me personally- I have more than enough work to do here. I am in total support of this. 
EG- Have it operational by June 2017. Will have  proposal and fee structure. Will meet with Board President and answer additional questions. 
Andrea Ewan- will you have a director? 
EG  Yes - they will hire one and that is the person we will coordinate with you and also a staff person. IVY Tech will give some space to help.
Ewan- That budget of $125,000 will be tight for this. Will One Dearborn market our properties? 
EG- Part of the fee structure. 
Helms- LEDOs around the state work with IVY Tech- as long as tehir is space available- IVY Tech does house several of this around the state. This gives them use of the phones and computers and space available for meetings. 
EG- We are excited about that part. 
Deaton- expect to see you at our next meeting.    
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT: nothing new except that she will be going to an economic development course through Hoosier Energy paying for 3 day course in French Lick area starting Tuesday afternoon.  
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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