Tuesday, September 17, 2019

17 Sept 2019 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes


Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


NEW BUSINESS Guilford Wastewater Treatment Project Grant Hearing
Shannon, the grant writer, presented for the hearing
Herzo Engineering updated the original engineering plan for the grant proposal. 23 homes along SR 1 and 35 homes in Guilford will be served by a low pressure system that flows into lift station and into the plant. 20,000 gal per day plant is proposed for this. The site for the plant is still being negotiated. Lift station is at Main and Tanner in the ground past the bridge. Land acquisition and a section 106 environmental are being pursued now.
 Cost is $1.304 million for the project. OCRA $604,000 is coming from sewer district as match. $60/ month is the monthly sewer bill. Homeowners will pay for grinder pump and lateral also. All 58 homes have to tap in for this to work. The state law will be enforced here. Thatcher asked how that will ensure they hook up. Had a meeting inviting all the residents and there is a USDA grant for financial needy residents to pay for the grinders and laterals individually. 
Thatcher asked about how that draws down the reserves of the DCRSD. Steve Renihan answered- $150-200,000 will be what is left in the reserves. They are looking at a rates and see what they need to do to get cash flow positive. They need to do this to get ahead of possible maintenance and repairs. 
Mike Hrezo pointed out that the infrastructure is new and they do build maintenance into the costs for the rates.
In October they submit a rough draft of the proposal. then they come out to meet including a county commissioner. Full application goes in on Nov 22. Grants are awarded in the first quarter of 2020. Shannon feels that we have a very competitive project.
There were no questions from the audience.Sign in sheet showed the small number of public who were present.
Closed public hearing.
Commissioners had to approve several forms documenting the income levels and act on the commissioners behalf etc. Approved.
Shannon and her staff will have to conduct an income survey as the census records go over two area and the data is grouped. One of those areas has to be broken down to the people in the project area only,  

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims and Minutes from Sept 3rd were approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- sent out OCRA requested drug free work place and fair housing ordinance changes for them and our employee handbook company. They will have these on the agenda for October’s 2nd meeting of the month. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- was at OKI today on conservancy. North American problem with honeybees came up. Need to encourage people to buy local and not imported honey so our bees survive. 
Little- agreed to saving honeybees. Hoping the heat is over at the end of the week. 
Thatcher- Sunday went to Aurora and toured the LST docked there and went on the dinner cruise that evening with a spectacular view of fireworks. A great event by Aurora. 




Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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