Tuesday, October 06, 2020



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, 

ABSENT: Andy Baudendistel, Attorney (vacation) and Sue Hayden, Administrator (medical leave)

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Probst as legally required.

NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing – Infrastructure Development Zone Motion to Open Public Hearing on the proposed IDZX.- Probst was asking about the expiration date. Thatcher said they can revoke it laster if needed. Commissioners passed the ordinance and signed it.  This is to designate the entire county for facilities and development of broadband services.

Public Hearing – Revolving Loan Fund through COVID-19 Grant Program Eric Kranz, President/CEO of Dearborn County Chamber of Commerce- Commissioners passed this also- Krantz said they will be processing these loans soon. He can hold the meetings at the Commissioners room instead of virtual per Thatcher. They have partnered with Civista to hold funds. $250,000 grant from OCRA and $35,000 in matching local funds. This is to assist businesses housed in Dearborn County that have been affected by pandemic. $10k- $50k for max loans per recipient. They (Chamber of Commerce) as sub-recipient will handle this on behalf of Dearborn County. 

OLD BUSINESS- (tabled item) 911 Director Jared Teaney – Subscription Agreement for IAmResponding- This was leftover from last meeting. The Fire Depts. are giving good feedback on this. All but 2 of the fire dept chiefs were there. Commissioners passed the agreement and signed it. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Susan Hejlik, Adm Assistant, covered for Hayden during her absence. Nothing to present.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and Sept 15 Minutes approved.

Cost Allocation Plan with Malcon for 3 years- approved for county wide cost allocation plan for $5400 each year.

Resolution Establishing Intent to Conduct a Commissioners Sale- this is for anything that didn’t sell on regular sale and then Commissioners sell it. You commissioners can meet with SRI and decide what you want to do about setting a minimum bid. Resolution approved and signed. 

Health Dept Grants- $200,000 COVID Test Clinic Site and another for $ 74,914.05 for local health services for Health Dept. to provide. Approved. No county match required. 


ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- not present

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Perleberg with One Dearborn introduced Jack Sutton with a Dearborn County Trails report. The Economic Dev Startegic Plan  includes Trail Connectivity which is  30 years with parks in Hamilton County OH including 17 years as CEO of that. Sutton lies in Aurora. They had a trails committee and this is a result of that. Thatcher interjected that he’s known Jack since he was a kid on a swim team.

Jack Sutton is sharing this information around the county. He’s presenting the assets of the county today to commissioners.  This report is available on the One Dearborn website. 

Running jogging fishing cycling top 4 activities. This year a big surge in trail uses due to COVID also. 8 miles of paved multiuser trails. Most is in L-bg to Greendale trail. There are other loop trails throughout the county. Identified key gaps in the county. Every 5 years the state has trail plan revised. Ohio River Recreation Trail runs all along the Ohio River from Portsmouth OH to Louisville KY. Lawrenceburg has 2.5 miles of paved trail and they have another on to b the riverfront trail connector to connect to Greendale along the levee and Oxbow. It should be constructed in 2021. Hopes to keep the link from that and dock site to Krogers area. 

Context Design worked for Greendale and Lawrenceburg, Ridge Avenue near Proximo tia the to Conservancy are and greendale soccer field and all a play thru to L-bg schools. They have 8 proposed trails to connect to all their neighboring communities.

Arora has Dearborn Trail , Lesko Park and they want to connect these 2 via the George St Bridge and or the streets in Aurora. They also have a Downtown Connector Trail option across to SR 56. 

The County has a trail plan also in their plan.

Dillsboro, Moores Hill and Hidden Valley have plans, some more than others.

Franklin Count has the Metamora trails. Also the Whitewater River trails. 

Hamilton County has Whitewater River to Shawnee River connections  that we can do.

Ohio County does not have any on file.

Sutton outlined several potential funding sources He has talked to DNR and 60% of Ind state funds will be to locals.There are other sources.

He suggests a Regional Group to keep the Dearborn Trail and more connections to have 4 local governments to share in costs of that trail for sustaining a unique asset to the county.

Thatcher asked about overnight accommodations for the hikers of eta longer trails.

Sutton said that Inns and B&Bs can be set up along these.

Mark McCormack said they have had 30 or so applications for funding and got all but 2 over the years he worked here in Panning Dept.

Thatcher said- we may need a grant writer for this. 

www.onedearborn.org  has the complete slide show and report for this plan.



Probst- warned to stay vigilant on COVID

Little- noted and chuckled that if you believe the news the President is going to give us all COVID. He also has masks and sanitizer in his truck to pass out.

Thatcher- liked the presentation on Parks and moving forward on the county issues with broadband etc.


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township