Monday, October 26, 2020

Greendale Plan Commission Approves PUD Along SR 1

 Greendale Planning Commission

26 October 2020

Anthony Smart- Attorney- presented

Zoning Change Request for Crossings at Tanners Creek PUD

Before them for about 4 months now.

Changes made based on redlines.

Elder Housing has been removed from the ordinance.

KMK Attorney for the applicant.Ordinance now agrees with the standards they have set.

Audience- Question- PUD- should have mixed use. This PUD is now all residential now. The PUD suspends the zoning rules so that they can do townhomes etc for examples. Also lot sizes and setbacks. 

They are getting a lot of variances in a PUD- smaller streets and lot sizes, setbacks and town homes its all they are asking for.

It does create higher traffic. 30 acres but houses are on 12.5 acres of it. More density. The master plan comp plan said it was looking for cluster housing in that area.  

Harlan and she are here as neighbors for safety and there should be a traffic light there. She has tried to express that at every meeting. If they had more services on the site, the neighbors might  view this better. 

INDOT doesn’t want a light now. They city could ask for this perhaps? Board also seemed to note that the city cannot put the light up and they need a light there. There was traffic study done. It was done during COVID- so they adjusted for that per Rosenburg. There are some improvements at the curve. Per Grant Hughes- Dedicated turn lane int the sight. Entrance into it is widened. Shoulder widened. Stressed it was not safe. 

45 vehicles removed per Cromer? for the elderly housing that are not being built. The senior housing will be replaced by the oher homes- still 86 homes. 


She also asked about the earth moving and erosion down toward that creek. Casey and Rosenburg said that will be addressed. 

Other PC board member - Hospital development coming in and will need a place for this e workers to live. Definitely need that type of housing.

Who determines if the changes weaken they have to notify us? Anthony Smart- there is no process for this. Will they have to notify PC eery time they want a change. Yes. 

KMK-lawyer- There is a self reporting declaration for buyers so the individual homeowners will know about it and they will complain. 

Fire dept chief told Cromer that he finally became satisfied that they could accommodate the PUD to handle fire issues. It was a good compromise- each side had to give.

A traffic study done while PNS is in session in the winter would perhaps yield different results.

Neighbor was also concerned about the construction mud and dirt clods on the road during the phase that could be from 5-20 years. It is happening now with site prep. What are plans to mitigate that? Casey-  Gas line and old home removal were different contractors- we have graveled the drive so that helps that.  Neighbor can tell Jay McMullen and then he will contact the developer. Perhaps a bond is needed for that. Same as she had to do when she did her driveway. KMK talked about enforcement. Cromer indicated she could call the developer- Casey. This would be up to her- Finally they decided she should call Jay McMullen and he will handle the complaints.

Motioned to send with a Favorable recommendation to Council. All AYES.

6:30 PM adjourned

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township