Tuesday, May 04, 2021



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Ordinance Modifying the ARP Funds Plan- Thatcher stated this was put into place so they can evaluate everythingand not to just push things through. They felt it was important to have Council people on the committee noting that Doll and Goodman were at large councilmen representing the entire county. They have introduced this and will vote on it at the next meeting and add changes if needed. NO DECISION - on this - see below for the ordinance proposed.  



ORDINANCE 2021--_____ 


WHEREAS, the Federal government has adopted the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) which provides assistance to local communities as they continue to combat the COVID-19 pandemic; 

WHEREAS, State Examiner Directive 2021-1 issued by the Indiana State Examiner dictates that local governments must establish a plan for the expenditure of the funds; 

WHEREAS, the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners have previously adopted a basic plan that must now be modified to further outline the process for the expenditure of ARP funds received by Dearborn County. 

BE IT, THEREFORE, ORDAINED by the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners 

that the plan for the expenditure of ARP funds previously adopted as Exhibit “A” to the Ordinance Establishing the ARP Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund shall be modified as provided in Exhibit “A” to this Ordinance. 

ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana this the _____ day of _______________, 2021. 



______________________________ ______________________________ 


ATTEST: ______________________________ 




County Auditor 

I affirm, under penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law. 

/s/ Andrew D. Baudendistel_______ 

Andrew D. Baudendistel 

Dearborn County Attorney 

This Ordinance prepared by: Andrew D. Baudendistel, County Attorney, VOTAW & SCHWARZ, 60 East High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. Phone (812) 537-4500. Fax (812) 539-4500. 

Exhibit A 

The plan for the funds received by Dearborn County from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) shall be as follows: 

1. The funds received shall be used to combat the negative impacts of the COVID- 19 pandemic on the Dearborn County government, its citizens, and its businesses and to make necessary investments in infrastructure as permitted by Section 603(c) of the Social Security Act as added by Section 9901 of the ARP and in accordance with guidance issued by the United States Treasury and the Indiana State Board of Accounts; 

2. Those wishing to request money from the Dearborn County APR funds for authorized purposes or projects shall complete a Dearborn County ARP Funds Application; 

3. Said Application shall be initially reviewed by the ARP Fund Committee. The ARP Fund Committee will give the Application a recommendation of “Favorable”, “Unfavorable”, or “No Recommendation”. The Committee shall consist of the following members: 

Jim Thatcher, Board of Commissioners (Chairman) 

Elizabeth Morris, County Council 

Allen Goodman, County Council 

Tim Doll, County Council 

Sue Hayden, County Administrator 

4. After the Application has been reviewed by the ARP Fund Committee, the applicant will then present their Application to the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners. The Commissioners will also give the Application a recommendation of “Favorable”, “Unfavorable”, or “No Recommendation”; 

5. After the Application has been reviewed by the Board of Commissioners, the Applicant may then approach the Dearborn County Council to request an appropriation of money from the Dearborn County ARP Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the purpose or project. County Council will consider the recommendations of the ARP Fund Committee as well as the Board of Commissioners when deciding whether or not to appropriate funds to the purpose or project. Funding may only be appropriated for purposes or projects that qualify under Section 603(c) of the Social Security Act as added by Section 9901 of the ARP and in accordance with guidance issued by the United States Treasury and the Indiana State Board of Accounts; 

6. The ARP Fund Committee, the Board of Commissioners, and/or County Council may “Table” any application and request additional information from the applicant prior to making a recommendation or deciding whether or not to appropriate money; and 

27. This plan may be modified by the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners as additional guidance is issued. 

Dearborn County ARP Funds Application 

Name of Purpose/Project:_______________________________________________________ 

Name of Applicant(s):___________________________________________________________ 

Name of Authorized Representative:______________________________________________ 

Address of Applicant:___________________________________________________________ 

Phone Number of Applicant:_____________________________________________________ 

Email Address of Applicant:_____________________________________________________ 

Please list any additional community partners that will be involved in this Purpose or Project (if none, write “N/A”): 




Start Date for the Purpose/Project:___________________ 

End Date for the Purpose/Project:____________________ 

Amount of Funds Requested: ________________________ 

Please select the permitted use that this Purpose/Project falls under (mark all that apply): 

To respond to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 or its negative economic impacts, including assistance to households, small businesses, and nonprofits, or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality. 

To respond to workers performing essential work during the COVID-19 public health emergency by providing grants to eligible employers that have eligible workers who perform essential work. 

To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. 

Transfer of funds to a private non-profit organization (as that term is defined in Paragraph 17 of Section 401 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act – 42 U.S.C. 11360(17)), a public benefit corporation involved in the transportation of passengers or cargo, or a special purpose unit of State or local government. 

Provide a brief summary of your Purpose/Project that you are requesting funds for. Please address the following items within your proposal: 

1. How will this Purpose/Project benefit the citizens of Dearborn County, Indiana? 

2. How does the Purpose/Project qualify for the permitted use(s) that you selected? 

3. What will the funds be used for on your Purpose/Project? 

4. Have you explored other funding or grant opportunities? 

5. How much of your own funds will be committed to the Purpose/Project? 

6. If applicable, how will the funds help you combat the negative impacts of COVID-19? 


Soil & Water UpdatesJessica Rayburn, District Coordinator and Rocky Schroeder, Board Member- Jessica said Jennifer had EC help with Weed Wrangle pulling weeds at the Bright Park. She announced workshops like pollinator workshop. Rocky Schroeder talked about attending the farmers markets in Dearborn County.Doing Dillsboro, Bright, and Lawrenceburg Markets. They will increase their visibility there. He said the Field Day is in August  ( the 14th) at his farm in Manchester that their family owned in 1963. They have made improvements and had ongoing support from Soil and Water. They will return about once a month to give them updates. They want to increase ad enhance their relationship with the Board of Commissioners. 

DC Regional Sewer Board- Steve Renihan-  DCRSD was accidentally left off agenda per Hayden who apologozed.  Renihan said they want permission to approach Council for release of their own funds $87,100 for final plan documents for OCRA in November for the Guilford Project. They have to have a lot of easements in place and they need the final engineering from Hrezo to do this. Mike from Hrezo said they have to have the easements in place for OCRA to consider this. The grant is for $600,000. Easements cost around $1400 on average in the past. This $87,000 is not for the easements. There is about $30-40,000 for the easements needed. Probst advised them to ask for the easements for up to $50,000 for those easements. They also need to purchase 2.5 acres. They will need an agreement for this up front also. He doesn’t think they need to ask money for that up front in case it doesn’t work out. They are working with the Railroad on crossing there via Frank Kraemer, DCRSD attorney. They have to work with Texas Gas on their easement too. Baudendistel said they have 3 options for the lines. One is to run to Greendale which will eliminate the railroad issue. The other option is forced main to L-bg which they think is the least desirable option, and also the one to treat the sewage in a plant there. The Greendale option picks up more houses. They are well on the path to treat at Guilford. Accepting OCRA money requires compelling them to hookup. OCRA does have low and no interest loans for qualified owners. This area does qualify as low income. The income surveys are already done. Approved to go to Council to seek $90,000 for engineering and up to an additional $50,000 for easement support activities.

County and Lawrenceburg Resolution for Inspections- Bill Shelton, Building Commissioner- Baudendistel presented. Carl Fryman is retiring from Lawrenceburg, This agreement has Bill Shelton taking over the inspections. They are paying the county for this service.This increases our workload in the Building Dept. This will be covered by the fees coming in starting with $46,000. The county dept may be able to become self sufficient with this added work and fees. Approved. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and April 20th Minutes approved.  

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more


Probst- employee whose child came down with Covid- encourage people tp get the shot. The reasons TO get the shot far outweigh the reasons NOT to.

Little- said that 60% of men at Camp Knox died in 1918. 

Thatcher- said our numbers are good with 2 consecutive weeks in the blue range, He STRONGLY encourages to get the vaccine, It helps get you protected and it protects others. 


PUBLIC COMMENT- Fire Chief for City of Harrison.- June 10-13 there will be a Vietnam War wall replica. They will be having the motorcycle riders escorting it. Going form Versailles down US 50. Hitting Aurora around 5 PM. coming in. Just wanted to give them a heads up as it comes thru our county. The 3 cities are being notified here. Also invited them to come view it in the field on Campbell Road just to the right of JTM. 

He also will bring a proposal on their fire and gems back up again this year in June/July before the budget hearings. 

He asked about any new business in their West Harrison coverage area and Hayden will have DCRSD or Perleberg from One Dearborn talk to him about the door company possibility.

He will return to June 1st meeting with a contract proposal for covering the county in NE end.   



Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township