Tuesday, September 06, 2022



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Schneider GIS Contract- Nicole Daily, Zoning Administrator-Tabled at the request of Nicole Daily until 9/19/22 meeting

BI Inc Agreement for Electronic Monitoring- Steve Kelly, Director of Court Services- $220,000 /year historically spent on equipment. Saving $56,000/year. This comes from grants and users fees. Baudendistel reviewed and amended the contract already. BI has about 80% of the GPS services in counties in Indiana. They have had competition and dropped prices. Approved. 

Soil and Water District  Updates- Matt Jarvis, NRCS District Conservationist- passed out state officials visit  info pictures. Completed the Johnson Fork and Bonnell Rd pictures that they worked on with the county. Had public meeting a couple weeks ago for resources for programming. There is a priority list there for them to see what they plan to work on in the county. Tim Gunkel also presented - Beth Terrill -Joined as district coordinator and they  got a storm water coordinator too. Kyla Dick was hired and is getting trained in to take over Jennifer Hughes position and handle MS4. Thatcher asked about the progress they can expect on her duties. Lives in HVL and from Dearborn County and she worked for Duke Energy also. Matt Johnson joined Board as an associate- non- voting member. Their annual meeting is in March.  

County Engineer- Todd Listerman:

Bridge Inspection Contract from 2023 thru 2026 - 80/20 contract for $274,706.27 between American Structurepointe and Dearborn County. Approved

Contract Agreement for Small Structure  #111 and #112- on Station Hollow Rd-  Paul Rohe Company- this puts the bonds in force for that project. Approved.

Triple Whipple Bridge #95 Inspection Contract- has to be inspected every 4 years as our pedestrian bridge. There is no requirement for this but the county does this every 4 years as this is a fracture critical bridge. The other pedestrian bridge in the county is the one on the Lawrenceburg Aurora Trail. Lawrenceburg is responsible for that. This is $4500 and all county funds for Triple Whipple pedestrian bridge in the budget.

Listerman is working with contractor for thin overlay on bridges. Looking at trying to surface seal for a 5-6 year life as compared to the 20 year life. Looking at the bridges that are in the interim gap process that might need this. He will get prices on the soon for them. 

Also Listerman gives a shout out to part time employees- they had an unfunded mandate to put emergency and load limit signs on bridges and had to be done by Sept 1. Larry Stroll and Gary Ryan did this part time to get it done this summer. 

Resolution Authorizing the Investment of Public Funds- came from Barb working with Baker Tilley on getting quotes on CDs outside the division. Thatcher had issue with paying Baker Tilly to go and look for these rates. Since we use CDs it seemed like a high prices. They have other options they can look at even if we don’t use them. Approved. 

Ordinance to Repeal the Ordinance to Create a Sheriff Sale Fund- $300 on adm fee on these sales. This simplifies the sales. Approved to repeal the fund.

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Ordinance Amending Section 5.5 of the Personnel Handbook- Use of Cell Devices- Hayden said State Board of Accounts wanted this. This covers employee ones as well as those dispersed by the county. This updates the current ordinance on that. It also strikes out pagers per Baudendistel. Approved.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Sheriff’s jail grant $55,000 with no match. Integrated reentry support program. Approved.

Claims/Payroll and August 16 Minutes- Approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more


Probst- schedule change is Sept 19th at 9AM for Commissioners meeting




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township