Thursday, September 07, 2023

7 September 2023- DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

 7 September 2023- DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, and Steward Cline 

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

ABSENT: Jeff Stenger 

Also present: Rick Probst, Commissioner and Jim Thatcher, Commissioner, Christy- Hrezo Engineering and Bob Hrezo

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: August 17th Minutes- Approved with correction on a motion made by Fehrman to a motion being made by Beiersdorfer at Baer’s suggestion.

Treasurers Report: none

Public Comment:none

Project Updates: Christy updated that she’s been out to Lake Dilldear- and that’s all she’s done in the last 2 weeks

Guilford- Frank Kraemer told them that the RR is not budging on the ingress and egress and hold harmless clause. The easement road I actually RR property. The gas company has no written agreement with their access across the same easement. The existing agreement reads that they have to give us copies of whatever they agree with other entities. Probably charge them $30 grand One time charge)  too to -  Ohio Valley Gas and Texas Gas and Sycamore Gas which all access this area along the easement. Next step is to get the boring under the tracks worked out. They want to have that in place when it goes out for bids and IDEM gets their step done too. Kraemer is working on these steps and did not take that negotiation regarding the sewer line under the tracks yet- the board wanted him to start that now.    

High Ridge WWTP- Doug said that they were not paying for something that was supposed to be free. It’s straightened out that we did get the free item and they will program it for us- It is an upgrade the system. The previous ones were free too.  

Pine Run pump was being rebuilt for $7700. He will get price on new one also. The warranty on each is needed to be known. Rebuilt is about 6 months. He is to get that in writing quote on warranty for rebuilt one  and a quote on new pump.There is still one pump operating on the lift system. This is all separate from the lagoon system. 

Tri State Liquid was out for clean out and pump on lift station. That was not about the main area.   

High Ridge west Expansion - Texas Gas Rd- Renihan said 6 customers hooked on and being billed- 7 more hooking on. There are 6 more pumps out at Round Barn to be picked up. The installer is behind right now. This adds more paying customers to the sewer district.

Shelton said that the contractors are supposed to notify Hrezo to inspect as they install. How can we enforce this? Renihan wants Christy to contact the contractors to see when installations are. Cline suggested that they get a deposit that is refunded when they have Hrezo inspect. Something substantial enough that they have skin in the game. Doug has inspected 4 also. Renihan said that Mr. Roth knows that he is supposed to call Hrezo. There is a preferred list of contractors.  

Wilson Creek Project- nothing

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane- nothing

Harrison TIF/Stone Project- nothing

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive- nothing

Stateline Rd- nothing

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court- nothing

Moores Hill- nothing but Cline said they were here last meeting with Mary McCarty from SEIRPC. There is some scope inside their town and additional scope outside the town that needs to be clarified

Dillsboro- Lake Dilldear- Surveyors sent out and still on pace with dates set for this project. Watson will get rate info to Kraemer tomorrow.

New Business: none

Office Update: Kelly said we have to have our liens filed 15 business days before the taxes.We have quite a few delinquent accounts. Frank Kramer should file this and not the sewer office. One of these will be in small claims court as he sold his house and we missed the lien on him. 21 people are behind on their bill to the tune of about $29,000. Frank Kraemer will file the liens and his fee is part of the liens filed. The DCRSD board voted for Frank Kramer to do this. They also approved Kraemer taking Funch (who sold his house) to small claims court over his sewer fees. He will need a copy of Kelly’s letter to him already sent. Renihan will get one to him. Lischkge still keeps a list of who picked up pumps and relays that to the office.  

Kelly on vacation on the 22nd. Bill is on vacation with Kelly. Renihan will hold the phone for 10 days and try to address concerns during that time. Her billing will stay on schedule.

Depreciation schedule discussion between Fehrman and Cline. There is a trailer park that makes it unable to trace issues to individual homes. Asked Frank Kraemer to look at Paine Run Mobile Home Park agreement. Sand got into the line there. This old lagoon system was approved by IDEM years ago. The pump is our pump and we maintain it. The lines feeding that are the old lines from the original lagoon system. Lift station is piped twice a year last year. They will need 3rd party that repairs the pump to assess if there is damage that is abuse versus age.  

Claims: Approved to pay.

Comments: Had a lunch meeting last week- Bill, Steward and Steve - plus thatcher and  Baudendistel  and Goodman met with Envirolink and Crossroad Utilities. There was a 2nd rep from Envirolimk there also who has OUCC and regulatory experience. Thought it was a good meeting. They are still interested in working with us. Mike Meyers said he would come to 1st meeting in Oct. 

Steward said there was a dialog with 3 steps- How to stabilize, how to address the defined known problems, and how could we organize to keep things moving foreword with long term viability. Protecting teh current members and lower the rate to be competitive in Dearborn County. Mike Meyers will tell how to do these independent from Envirolink. We made it clear that we would look for more than one company. Capitalize with LMH (Crossroads) possibilities. How regulators will be engage to protect the customers. Envirolink is a privately held company. Shelton said they need to consider them but how do we advertise this? Likes it so far - but wants to proceed with caution. Steward said- we were there to listen and have a dialog- but the important part was when we make this presentation in public. They made it clear that there is superintendent relationship or a buy out. 

Steward- Three weeks ago we decided to get a letter to Barnes and Thornburg. He put his version of a letter to each board member. He broke it down into 4 steps. Financial for operations and capital improvements. How are other rural areas in the state managing this problem? What best practices or lessons learned. Options to sell for. Private or public company? What would the process be- how would value be determined? What other companies should we also encourage? What guidelines should be specified for a request for a quote from these companies. What other options should we consider? Set a deadline for Barnes and Thornburg’s response. How are customers to be represented - through an elected body or the company? Beiersdorfer wants to know specifics on available grants from them. How to get 100% participation and compel people to hook on. 

Commissioner responsibility doesn’t dry up just because the funding is gone. I asked- Also need to know what the county’s liability if it doesn’t work and thus the taxpayer’s may then become involved in paying off that. Board discussed that issue and how to ask about getting info on that from Barnes and Thornburg. 

DCRSD agreed that Steward’s letter will be updated and corrected and have Renihan sign its and get it to Barnes and Thornburg by Tuesday next week.  

Adjourned:6:20 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township