Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator
TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.
Executive Session 8:30 A.M. called pursuant to Indiana Code § 5-14-1.5-6.1 for the purpose(s) of: Indiana Code § 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(7) For discussion of records classified as confidential by state or federal statute.
Memorandum from Executive Session- Baudendistel read the memorandum certifying that is all they discussed- Approved.
Action of Executive Session- No further action to take at this time per Baudendistel
Soil and Water Conservation District- Kyla Dick - Stormwater Coordinator and Ken Gunkel Chairman of the Board - Upcoming Tillage Breakfast- a live drone presentation and free food- but need reservations.
Recent Tour hosted by DCSWCD for OKI -Ken Gunkel - Kaiser Pickles, Halls Farm, Logan’s Sons Farm, Scenic View, and ate out after.Probst- enjoyed straw blanketing pickles seeing how things are done.
Update on MS4- Kyla is meeting with the MS4 committee
Ken Gunkel - announced Kyle being engaged and Vicki Riggs is leaving in June or July so
Commissioner Appointment as a Class A Member of SEI READI, Inc- Mike Perleberg , Executive Director of One Dearborn- Perleberg said with Art Little’s resignation from Commissioner- they need a new appointment. $500 million dedicated for the state for READI They need a private sector member that is appointed by ONE commissioner. The only responsibility of the Class A member ( commissioner) is to appoint the private member, Previously Art Little appointed Randy maxwell - who is now State Senator.
Alan Goodman accepted the nomination as the Class A position. Perleberg has a list of possible appointments for Alan to consider. Perleberg will check with by-laws to see if the commissioner retains his Class A spot until he is no longer a commissioner.
Over $800 million awarded to Indiana fr broadband. BEAD funding. One Dearborn had teh list of all addresses with broadband- about 10,000 per Perleberg. They vetted each address with teh various providers of broadband in the county. There is a monthly meeting with board band access they share with Ohio County.
Boards for Alan Goodman- Sue Hayden sowed them their boards they serve on. Alan Goodman can pick up Region 9 Workforce and SEIRPC from Art Little. Commissioners approved SEIRPC. And Region 9 Workforce Board, and LEO Agreement for Region 9 - a local elected officials agreement was signed
Alan asked about Community Mental Health Board - he’s there from Council- but he can remain there as Commissioner if they can clarify that the law changed to allow that,.
911 Board Fire Chief’s Appointment for 2024-2027- presented by Hayden- Jeff Lane is leaving at end of 2023. They meet quarterly. They ask for Pat Myer, the new Fire chief as his replacement. Approved Pat Myers.
ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- 2024 Commissioner Meeting Dates- follows same schedule - a few changes May 8 Wed , Nov 6 Wed due to elections and Oct 15 to morning meeting for 2024. Approved.
AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold -Dates for Claims and Payroll and 2024 Holiday Calendar were Approved.
Claims/Payroll - (Claims are reviewed by Probst and if he’s out he asks for another commissioner to review) and October 3rd Minutes- Approved
ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- iupdates- 911 interlocal with West Harrison and L-bg City Meeting accepted transfer of the panhandle he’d done. Need that on Nov 8 meeting to certify.
LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Todd Listerman- in process of North Hogan and Union Ridge Rd bridge. One owner is rejecting all offers on the land needed. They will have to start the condemnation procedures for this. They are asking another $10,000. If they don’t proceed and delay to could affect the federal aid money they get. Owners are Jonathon Kolb and Meghan Dunnigan property at that intersection. One other property needed is having checks sent today as they accepted their money. Approved to proceed with condemnation.
Listerman hopes to have ROW cleared by May 2024.
Sue Hayden- announced that she has stated publishing meetings on Youtube.
YouTube and search Dearborn county commissioners meeting. Rick Probst did not want the meetings to be streamed until 2025 when state law requires that.
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township