Thursday, October 19, 2023

19 October 2023- DC Regional Sewer District Board Meeting Notes

 19 October 2023- DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger arrived at 5:05 PM

ABSENT: Steward Cline 

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Bob Hrezo, Jim Thatcher,(Commissioner) Rick Probst,(Commissioner) and Liz Morris (Council)  They are also ARPA Committee members and 7 Citizens.

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: October 5 Minutes- Approved.

Treasurers Report: Reviewed by the Board- Approved 

Public Comment:Joe Madden- Stateline area -Justis Rd and Hope Lane- bought 260 acres and want 5 houses on there with 2 under construction now. Sewer there is under interlocal agreement with LMH- that is now Crossroads. DCRSD needs to amend the interlocal agreement to accept the main that DCRSD has with them. This is just an addendum to that over Stenger. They have been working with Christy from Hrezo. They need to get with her to see what the max capacity of that kine is as they are wanting 5 extra taps for people to have options as this passes by their properties also. Board approved Frank Kramer to amend the interlocal agreement with LMH/Crossroads and double check with Christy also.

Mr and Mrs Wilkes out in Mt Tabor area are here again per Renihan. Bob Hrezo said they were going to look at pressure gauge etc. A regular head pump should work at their location. It worked fine when it was put in Feb 1st. They discussed the pressure at Wilkes line which is the end of the line. Board voted twice in the past to install a pressure gauge and told Hrezo to get CM&H to get that done. Hrezo had said that the calculations indicate that the pressure should work. Board said that it needs to be done to be sure they have it right. Floats had been readjusted to be sure no unnecessary air is getting into the system. Doug has been out there to check all of those. There are 3 permanent pressure gauges out there to monitor that line. They could put in a high head pump if needed. That would put more push on it.  More discussion about the logistics of the installation and locating the fiber installed out there. 

5:38 PM closed public comment.    

Project Updates: Bob Hrezo presented updates below

Guilford- design for going under the RR is completed. Presented to Kramer and it can get going. Kramer asked - The entity that provides money for project- some require you too have a written easement rather than just using the ROW per Kramer. Is that acceptable to the federal government thru their grant program. Some is in county ROW and other sections are not. There are easements for the plant and some for the line. There is also an easement to discharge to the creek. Board voted to have Kramer get with Baudendistel to check on the easements etc. 

Kramer wants to get approval to pay $4500 application fee to RR.for Guilford project. Board said Kramer should proceed with the application and spend the $4500. Approved. 

High Ridge WWTP- 4 weeks to submit design to IDEM. High Ridge West Expansion - Texas Gas Rd

Wilson Creek Project

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane

Harrison TIF/Stone Project- Line at Pear Tree Lane will be repaired and it’s  commercial area. They will flag the lots so that anyone who develops there they will pay to access the line out there per Bill Shelton.

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive

Stateline Rd

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court

Moores Hill

Dillsboro- Lake Dildear- Christy went to the Dillsboro plant and worked on the survey. Close to being done with that. Per email from Cline t Renihan- Input from Watson to Steward Cline and Christy had cost estimate. Should have info by next meeting. Board voted to have Hrezo continue dual capacity with design of collection system while we are hammering out the interlocal with Dillsboro. Per Stenger the ROW is only 25 ft on some of the roads out there. High probability that they will run into easement issues out there.  

New Business:Fehrman  per Crossroads presentation last meeting- asked about putting shut-off valves to shut off their water if they don’t pay the sewer bill.[NOTE: Did Crossroads say they would use that means to force payments?] Kramer recommends the lien process.

Per Baer- In July the laws changed back to state. There is no distance requirement like there was before. The administrative code does not have distance requirements. The Health Dept didn’t get that distance- so they cannot require it. There is no quick and easy fix for hook ups. Court takes time.  

Office Update: Texas Gas Rd still has pumps that they have not picked up from Lischge’s to get installed. Contractors have to communicate with Hrezo to be sure they are keeping track of hook-ups and charges. Kelly at office- found out that people paid for the pump and are stalling on installing them. Seals can go bad if stored too long. Will need to get Kramer to send a letter to tell these individuals that they need to install it. Board said that Kelly can send a letter. Renihan will review the letter before sent. The warranty starts from the purchase date of pump- not installed date. Per Renihan- They spent $600,000 to get a line out there and we need to get them installed. 

Renihan said they slowly collected $29,000 in overdue bills. Developer owes $4400. He cannot sell property until he pays for the pump. He said he’s paying now. The lien process works, apparently. 

Perkins left them with a $600 bill and he changed his phone. In another situation they have the sheriff serving papers on him for court. 

Rate consultant- Mr Brock will be here with the rate study. November 2 meeting. 

Claims: Approved. 

Discretion of the Chairman Comments: sent a letter to Barnes and Thornburg and needed a reply- Jacob has been on maternity leave. They will have an answer soon to their questions. 

Kramer asked if they saw the email from Jacob today. He showed the email from Jacob at 3 pm today. - Email letter said- We have started work and will be here on Nov 16. We will invite and include board members and are excited to present several scenarios. 

Thanked Commissioners and Council rep for coming tonight.

Adjourned: 6:22 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township