Wednesday, November 08, 2023



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Sue Hayden, Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Recognition of Richard (Skip) Stutz for FORTY Years of Service with  911- Framed certificate was presentedand pictures were taken with Commissioners and Jared Teaney and Jason Sullivan. 

Update on Election, Clerk of Courts, Wendy Beatty-  9529 registered voters.  2331 ballots cast and 771 absentee- 46% turnout. Probst- Results on the radio by 7 PM. A boo-hoo to the voters who didn’t turn out. And thx for candidates for giving a choice. Beatty noted they have 2 new precincts for next election. May need close to 200 workers. 

Update- Director of Aurora Public Library District, Leslie Sutherin- Started her position in April 2022. She was in Indy and then South Dearborn Schools. Grew up in Dillsboro.and is thrilled to be back. Have 7 districts they represent in the County. They are like Lawrenceburg and no longer collect fines. They feel like fines make many people stop using the library. She hopes many patrons will come back. They do have to still pay for lost books. If they don’t turn in a lost book-and it’s $25- they have to charge for it. This is required by State Board of Accounts. The late fee portion- 10 cents a day- is no longer charged. All of Dearborn County is now fine-free. Kim Batchelor a staff member passed away and they left a memorial in her name. They have a loaning library that they will kick off in January with some of the memorial money. These are household items and ties for interviews etc. They have themed kits for people with dementia to help support conversation with the dementia patient. They introduced mobile printing so people can print from their phones. They have a book bike- it’s an ESS bike- and it has a container at the front. They rode it in Farmers Fair. Kick off more in warmer weather. They need spaces for people to work in. They need private spaces. Clubs and organizations. The train depot they bought a while ago. They are closed in 2020 to make it a lecture, meeting, classroom etc. This is more private setting. They are working ion exterior repairs to the soffits and fascia.  Digitization of records of teh board documents back to 1910. They digitized the newspapers with these were on microfilm before. They had no programming and now they do- preschool, tweens, and afterschool one day a week.Teen librarian with gaming. Adults- book, crafts etc. Dillsboro branch has low attendance. The started working with KRM Architects to renovate it. Adding a kids section and bathrooms. They want an attached garage to add meeting rooms etc. To duplicate many things like in Aurora. They utilize Solid Waste for their crafts in answer to Probst. Jack Sutton and Angela Burkhard were great additions to their Board she added.  

Federal Funds for Bridge #14-  Bells Branch Rd- SW corner of county Caesar Creek Township-  County Engineer, Todd Listerman- Federal call out and this is one of 14 on that list. $2,425.000 and $485,000 match. - He will go to Council next week if Commissioners approve. Approved.

Also More Late Arrival info- Listerman $1million awarded last Friday to County. Had to do 2 separate applications $848,000 and $152,000. This will be one DES number with these two awards. Approved.

Listerman- updated  via HWC so they can apply for Community Crossings again. They are asking legislature to increase the grant max as materials have increased, There sit a summer study group on these roads per Probst. 

Bridge 72 St Peters - field survey this week and starting Dec 4 and build over winter 

Bridge 32- clearing and working over winter’

Small structure #148 Huesman Rd- proceeding now too

Small structure 211- inspection lead to moving it up the list-seeking finds from Council- to build next summer. 

Thatcher asked about Hyland Rd- It’s narrow- but structurally sound- single lane. Grant letter for Ryland is next year. . 

Resolution to Entry into interlocal Agreement with Ohio County and Agreement - Baudendistel- Circuit Court #7 is over Ohio and Dearborn County and there are 2 employees are Ohio County. Judge Negangard proposed that all the employees are considered to be Dearborn county employees. Apparently the Ohio County benefits do not include spousal /family health care.Then Ohio County will send the county $162,000.This is an annual agreement that has to be considered. Council still has to approve.  Approved. 

Quitclaim Deed for Panhandle Lot Transfer for LMU- Baudendistel- Fette confirmed to Sue Hayden that the City Council has approved. Approved.

2024 Nomination to OKI Board of Directors (Rick Probst)- Probst Approved

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and October 17th Minutes- Approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- last fire inspection and employee space heaters. They need to add amendment personnel policies Section 5.14 to prohibit space heaters with possible termination for violations. Approved.

Alley vacation in Yorkville -needs an affidavit that clarify that the property goes to Phil and Anna Darling Trust. It will be recorded. Approved.


Probst-Aurora Lions benefit to local Veterans this week. Cold weather preparedness week so get vehicles prepared with wiper blades, blankets etc. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Steve Kelley- requested Grant applications from A Community Bridge which is run by Tamara Taylor .Fundraiser for JCAP.  $30,000 broken into 3 grants Three $10,000 grants. 

1. Working with IU they want qualitative data with videos of people who have completed the program in the past.

2. Parenting program to add to the JCAP program  includes $6500 to CMHC  

3. JCAP outreach to their families  and meet every couple weeks. They will have a licensed clinical social worker. This is for people who need resources and help.



Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township