Tuesday, December 05, 2023



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Highway Bids - Highway Superintendent, Tim Grieve- fuel down in price but stone is up and he doesn’t see that coming down again. He asked to accept the fuel bids form Laughery Valley Coop. He asked for the ability to choose the asphalt bids from closest sources depending on the project and location. Trucking is almost double the price now getting asphalt or stone to the site.Grieve explains the details of some of the processes they use to save money on the deliveries.  Approved all bids.

The stone and asphalt bids were close in price and had 4 bidders- Rohe, O’Mara, Hei-Way and Barrett

Gas 90 Octane no ethanol- $3.2886 + st tax

No 1 fuel- $3.8523

No 2 Diesel fuel premium- $3.0023

No 2 Road Diesel- $2.9998 + St tax

Revise Contract for upcoming Aerials- Pictometry- Director of Planning and Zoning- Nicole Daily- a couple months ago the looked to update the contract with Pictometry  and they updated the program that helps assessor with drawing updates. Three payments left for the aerials from the 6 year contract. The payments were increased to reflect the update. The amended contract with the updates was approved and signed. 

As an aside while they were signing - Probst asked Daily about supervising a building that needed to be in electrical compliance in Aurora. She said that it was being done and new owner was told. 

Vacant County Right of Way for unmaintained roadway, Verity Lane- Director of Planning and Zoning- Nicole Daily- out east of Lake Dildear out  by Dillsboro and the gas station on US 50 - It was privately maintained and there was a single house and they passed away and the person going to buy it .  Business zoned district . They are purchasing both lots and combining to one parcel. Lots 1 and 2 combined and 2 and 3 will split the land between each of them from Verity Lane. There is asphalt on the ground there under all the ground cover. Thatcher said something about blessing the vacation of the lane. 

Baudendistel told them they couldn’t BLESS this as they were going to be the ones approving or not the vacation. Probst also asked if the sewer line extension would be affected by this They need to find the existing utilities. This has to go thru Planning and Zoning first. Hrezo should have design showing were sewers go. 

Design Contract for Replacing Small Structure #127- Grelle Road- Todd Listerman, County Engineer- praised Grieve and crew for replacing SS on Goose Run. This one is with CivilCon $65,000 and cannot be done in-house. Approved

Also 2 on West and one on East Laughery  are being done in-house with Grieve and crew


Annual certification of compliance regarding nepotism- these have to be filed no later than Dec31st. Needs 3 council , coroner and sheriff still out. Probst  certification is coming in today. 

Midwest Data 2024 Annual Support agreement - Hayden- $99-109 on site  and remote $75 to $99. Indicom works for Midwest now- so they have computers and internet. Approved. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  — Revenue Sharing Agreements with Riverboat Revenue for Fire Dept and EMS- Approved. 

Claims/Payroll and November 21st Minutes were approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Rob Seig had updated on Lawrenceburg property with Hospital. Waiting on CHMC transfer and memorandum of understanding and then they will get the transfer done. 

Trilogy Health Care that owns Ridgewood Health Campus on Campus Dr off Wilson Creek and SR 48 are interested in a parcel of property by hospital that county owns at corner of Wilson Creek and SR 48. Commissioners want DCRC - Redevelopment to handle it and so the  process will be like the properties in Bright perhaps. Discussion was that they couldn’t just sell it- had to get appraisals etc. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Thatcher during holiday time we should strongly consider folks not as fortunate in our thoughts and prayers and financially if possible. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION-Listerman- needs to order structures to have in spring for   Civil Con  SS #137- Al box- smaller 85715.25 on West Laughery Creek Rd  and larger SS #218 for 101,023.06  on East Laughery Creek Rd- They are in budget. Approved. 



Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township