Tuesday, December 17, 2024



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


2025 BOC Meeting Schedule- tabled Nov 6, 2024- still tabled but first meeting is January 7th at 9 AM


Re-appointments of Department Heads- Approved for 2025.The DCRC spot was handled separately. See below. 

  • Administrator / ADA & Title VI Coordinator – Sue Hayden
  • Animal Control Director – Steve Hofstetter
  • Attorney – Andy Baudendistel
  • Building Inspector – Bill Shelton
  • Emergency Management Director – Jason Sullivan
  • Engineer – Todd Listerman
  • Highway Superintendent – Tim Greive
  • Maintenance Director – Eric Hartman
  • 911 Director – INTERIM, Kris Heitmeyer 
  • Appointments to fill vacancy - Dearborn County Redevelopment Board: Two candidates:
  • Trevor Bischoff applied for one of the spots.  Realtor and builds homes with grandfather Cliff Bischoff. Looking for a way to give back to the county. 
  • Tom Tepe 5 years in Dearborn County- retired Chevrolet dealer. Asked to serve by some of DCRC. Served on Batesville YMCA and also for the community hospital. He owns residential properties for rental. Lives on Billingsly Dr in Aurora. 

Probst- motioned after stating that he valued what the board had suggested to appoint Tom Tepe to the DCRC to fill out the remainder of the term of Jim Helms. The Commissioners will revisit this after Probst’s replacement is appointed via caucus next year. Passed

Discussion on Juvenile Justice System Grant Funding- Judge Negangard and Prosecutor Lynn Deddens- Judge Negangard presented. - The grants available for 2 years . One is a diversion program ( attendance program with the schools) Second is a day -reporting program. Brought in a half million $$s with this. $159,244.50 Grant has been applied for to pay for the Physician that is covering those 2 programs. There is a basement at the courthouse program that is big enough for that but it needs some walls. The schools have committed to help find the programs if the grants don’t continue. They do have the money for the computers and desks. Just not money for the construction for the walls. All the schools in Dearborn and Ohio County are on board with this. Day reporting is for kids who are trying to get kicked out of school too. Attendance program is thru DCS. Day reporting is capped at 10 kids. Commissioners approved the juvenile grant funding. Negangard and Deddens are to approach Council for the Construction funding.  

Stellar Pathways Update- Mike Perleberg, One Dearborn Executive Director - announced that this morning they were notified that they were one of 2 recipients of the Stellar pathways Award.This includes the City of Greendale and Town of Dillsboro and Bright. Thanked Jim Thatcher, Vince Karstetter and Doug Baker for being co-chairs of this.The commissioners stood with the sign for a picture for One Dearborn. Also thanked Nicole Daily and Tim Doll for helping. 

Planning and Zoning Director- Nicole Daily: Zone Map Amendment- AH  Ag Homestead to B-1 Local Business- Manchester Township-  this was forwarded to the Commissioners with an UNFAVORABLE recommendation to Commissioners. She detailed the many reasons they said it was unfavorable. There were 7 votes for unfavorable and one ab=staining at tech PC Meeting. Thatcher said he was at the meeting and asked for motion to REJECT the rezone. Approved to reject the rezoning request. 

 2025 Fellowship with the Urban Green Infrastructure, McKinney Climate Fellow- Nicole Daily said they have been accepted for this program. There will be a student assigned to the county. They will plant 100 trees. They will be watered and maintained by a professional company. Value is $125,000. These trees will be about 6 ft tall. 

Bid Awards- Highway Supt- Time Grieve- County Paving 2025 - Paul Rohe- $2,715,386.65 and O’Mara- $2,792,056.95.  Rohe was accepted and Approved.  Community Crossings money will be used for paving East and West Laughery, Roberts Rd,. Cross Rd, Park Ave, Soap Hill Rd and St Peters. Feller and Trackville will be paved and repaired at the same time as St Peter but using Dave O’Mara  bid for $498,547.20 as it was the lowest bid on that. Approved.

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Annual certification of Elected Officials Compliance with Handbook and IC 36-1-2-2 ( Nepotism) She will be sure to keep on the one person who has not turned theirs in yet.  

Nurse agreement for jail for 2025 signed for Ron Phillips. Dr Dobbs is retiring and they have no replacement for him yet. Approved

Conservancy district Vote Wendy Rainey, Mike Noel, and Jim Kittle are running. Commissioners delegated the vote to Sue Hayden and it has to be turned in by Jan 16th. Approved.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and December 3rd Minutes- Approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- presented platted easement showing utilities. Approved to execute the platted easement and sign it. 

Thanked the commissioners for reappointing him and looks forward to working with them and Duane Bischoff.


Rick Probst commended maintenance dept. and the decorations look great. Just like every year. 

He has indicated his intention to retire Jan 4. Honor to serve the community in a variety of roles and thanked Sharon, his wife, for supporting him, noting how important she was in that role. Also thanked the employees for their dedicated service They make the county work. The citizen board volunteers hep us make good decisions too. Thanked everyone in the room. What a great meeting- we had people in the room- this is what it is about.

Alan Goodman- Thanked the citizens for the 9 years he has been here. He will continue to give back in many ways. He also thanked all the employees of the county too. Rick mentions the beautiful Courthouse - the girls do a good job it is stunning. Thanked the Commissioners and his fellow Councilmen too. Merry Christmas.

Jim Thatcher- I have 4 more years so I’m not going to thank anyone. Laughter. He said he’d know Rick since kindergarten. They graduated together from HS.   


PUBLIC COMMENT- Jim Kinker from Tri Township. Talked about how the Bright TIF District was accepted without water utility information about critical infrastructure. The information passed out regarding the TIF research that was used for the PC, Commissioners, and Council approvals of the TIF neglected to inform or contact the Tri Township Water Co. And they are the ones who would be servicing any development- whether it is business, commercial, or residential. The commissioners did not seem to consider that the drainage issues cited as a reason for the TIF designation money were pictured in the area of the potential 12 townhouses and the St Elizabeth Medical Building. There is reportedly not enough tap capacity for 12 townhouses at the current time. His only route is legal help with an appeal of the TIF decision, if he thinks it was based on incorrect or incomplete information per commissioners.

Brian De Bruler- asked about the Manchester Zone Change request that was discussed earlier. He noted they had a large  amount of people there and they had a lawyer.

He was also at one on May 2024 regarding the townhouses in Bright. 

Similar to Manchester people spoke out against it. But this was approved. Question was what was the difference? The lawyer?? 

Thatcher said they usually go with what the PC decides as a recommendation. Brian asked what advice they had for citizens who oppose something. Baudendistel answered for Commissioners and that they needed to list the specific criteria. Daily also added that each case has to be looked at differently. DeBruler- stated that they were spot zoning in his opinion in both cases. Probst did tell him you are doing what a responsible citizen should do.  DeBruler said - the average citizen is seeing this as inconsistent in the way these were handled. 

Dave Finney- asked for findings of fact for AR Engineering. Regarding the Manchester zone change denial. Was told that he can get them from Plan Commission. ( they were also stated at the meeting tonight during the Plan Commission presentation of that zone change motion that listed all the findings)


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Friday, December 13, 2024

AGENDA- December 17th Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting



December 17, 2024 

5:00 p.m. Henry Dearborn Room

Dearborn County Government Center

165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana





  • 2025 BOC Meeting Schedule – tabled from Nov. 6, 2024


  • Re-appointments of Department Heads
  • Administrator / ADA & Title VI Coordinator – Sue Hayden
  • Animal Control Director – Steve Hofstetter
  • Attorney – Andy Baudendistel
  • Building Inspector – Bill Shelton
  • Emergency Management Director – Jason Sullivan
  • Engineer – Todd Listerman
  • Highway Superintendent – Tim Greive
  • Maintenance Director – Eric Hartman
  • 911 Director – INTERIM, Kris Heitmeyer

  • Appointments to fill vacancy 
  • Dearborn County Redevelopment Board

  • Discussion on Juvenile Justice System Grant Funding – Judge Negangard and Prosecutor Lynn Deddens

  • Bid Awards for Paving – Highway Superintendent, Tim Greive

  • Stellar Pathway Update – Mike Perleberg, One Dearborn Executive Director

  • Planning & Zoning Director, Nicole Daily
  • Zone Map Amendment – Agriculture Homestead (AH) to Local Business (B-1)
  • 2025 Fellowship with the Urban Green Infrastructure McKinney Climate Fellow


  • Annual Certification of Elected Officials Compliance with Handbook and IC 36-1-2-.2

VII. AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold

  • Claims/Payroll/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel





Thursday, December 12, 2024

Commissioner Rick Probst Resigns Effective January 4, 2025

                                                                                                      December 6, 2024

                                                                                                        5214 Wilmington Pike

                                                                                                        Aurora, IN 47001

Dearborn County Circuit Court Clerk

Wendy Beatty

165 Mary Street

Lawrenceburg IN 47025

Dear Wendy,

In accordance with IC 5-8-3.5-1 you are given notice of my resignation as Dearborn County Commissioner, District 3. This resignation is effective January 4, 2025


Richard M (Rick) Probst

DC Commissioner, District 3                                FILED 

                                                                                Dec 06 2024

                                                                                Wendy Beatty

                                                                Clerk of Dearborn Seventh

                                                               Judicial Circuit Court

12 December 2024 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes


12 December 2024 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

Prior to the meeting starting, a gift bag of cookies was left at the Auditor’s office by Mike Perleberg of One Dearborn for Mark Dole. He offered to share cookies with the other Council members. 

Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Kevin Turner, and Mark Dole. 

ABSENT:Glenn Wright, Tim Doll, Dan Lansing

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor

Title VI Statement read as legally required by Baudendistel

FUND REDUCTION- $777,521.34 (8950)ARPA and out of County General (1001)- Approved


Highway- $777,521.34 (8950) ARPA- Approved

$250,000 will be used of Small Structure #213 Lower Dillsboro Rd

$527,521.37 will beds on Bridge #215 Brush Fork Rd

DSRSD Amendment for Guilford & Lake Dilldear- Total $777,521.34 (1001) County General

Lake Dilldear-$150,000



Clerk- $1,000 from 30903 into 17100 for election worker Social Security and Medicare portion of their wages- Approved.

SIRPC Appointment- SE Indiana Regional Plan Commission -Dennis Kraus Sr. continues to serve.- Approved.

Ordinance 2024-002 Meeting Decorum Rules- Baudendistel - presented and he went to training and Barnes andThornburg spoke there. He checked his draft with them. These rules are a tool if needed. There are 3 warnings in the rules before being ejected. He said historically they have not had to ever get to that. These guidelines put everyone on the same page at the meetings. The state legislature wants this done. Commissioners adopted. Plan Commission and BZA  have their own rules in their code. Council moved to adopt this. Approved. 

Auditor- Minutes - Approved

2024 & 2025 Salary Ordinance- Approved

Late Arrival- none

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

10 December 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

 10 December 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Mansfield, Mark Dole, and Daryl Cutter (non- voting school board member)

ABSENT: Jim Helms (see resignation info below) and Daryl Cutter, School Board member.

Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer, and Anthony Smart, attorney. In audience- Commissioner Jim Thatcher and Senator Randy Maxwell, Marc Emral, Register, Kendall Eberhardt, Bright Fire Chief, Pat Little, Miller Township trustee, Denise Bowling, Harrison Township Trustee, June Tucker, Jim Kinker -Tri Township Water Co, Regina Pennington, Owner of 1 More Bar in Bright (with a verifiable petition opposing the TIF)  [NOTE:  Why did all these people from Bright take time to come to a morning DCRC meeting? There was no public comment period on the agenda.]

Title VI statement read as legally required.

EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 8:30 a.m. preceded this meeting

IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties;

IC § 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4) (A) to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision

Memorandum for Executive Session- Board certified they only discussed what was advertised.

Action from Executive Session: Unclear what these motions below are about so far.

Board motion- Accept the non binding Memorandum of Understanding from executive Session - Approved

Board motion- Accept the land donation and conditions for ROW improvements- Approved. 

Approval of Minutes for November 12, 2024 Meeting- Approved with Mark Dole saying he only heard about half of them via telephone attendance. Deaton suggested maybe he shouldn’t vote. It was not clear if Dole abstained or not. 


Claims: Drake Lawn $840.00 for mowing properties in Bright, Harrison and Aurora; 

Seitz Agency $100.00 for DCRC Blanket Crime Bond;

 Jeffrey D. Thomas $700.00 for appraisal of property in Bright

 and Bayer Becker $2093.75 for Task #7, attending meeting and call to Nicole Daily. 

and One Dearborn $12,000 for community development corporation establishment [NOTE: What exactly is this?]

Total: $15,733.75- Claims approved

Financials – Review- no questions

Resignation of Board Member Jim Helms- Deaton said Helms had been ill when absent from the November meeting. Deaton also said Helms has been a long time member of the group from way back when they were meeting in the Chamber of Commerce - We will miss him.  

Old Business 

Bayer Becker Update - Mark Rosenberger - agreement with the Ohio RailRoad company to address the $43,942 NTE (not to exceed) - and the crossing over they tracks on Moore Lane in West Harrison TIF.$43,942 is the working cost for this.The RR will not meet with DCRC (Rosenberger)unless they agree to the $43,942 NTE fee.  Authority signed is to agree with the reimbursement costs for engineering due to Rail Road. Rosenberger is looking for a crossing like it is on Kilby Rd. So it should NOT cost this much for engineering from teh Rail road. Discussion is that he will negotiate that cost to get it down.  They need to do this or they won’t meet with DCRC (via Rosenberger) [NOTE: Does a DCRC member go to this meeting with Rosenberger? (from Bayer Becker)]

Confirmatory Resolution 2024-DCRC-004-for the Bright Allocation Area. Mark Dole said he has had discussions with them - Fire dept  and 3 township trustees. He thinks they can work through their complaints and issues. Met with a couple other ( unspecified) people. Thinks this is good for Bright. Dole -  Motioned to sign this confirmatory resolution for the Bright TIF. Jim Mansfield 2nded. [NOTE: Both these board members live in Bright area.]

Dave Deddens said he had met with Mark Dole? and June (Tucker)- and they want to incorporate. [Note: I wonder who else was at that private meeting?]

Discussion of board is that they (Bright) can still incorporate later and then help decide what to do with this TIF money. [NOTE: So how is that going to work? There has been a strategy here to do what supposedly no one else can do besides DCRC.  The “But/For argument” for using TIFs fails to address the fact that many things TIFs do CAN and probably SHOULD be done BY private companies and not using public $$s FOR private enterprise. Instead we  appear to have “pay to play.”]  

Deaton said he has appreciated all his discussions with the public. 

No public was asked to speak.  

DCRC Board (4 present) voted to approve the confirmatory resolution. Approved.  

New Business-:

Non-Voting School Board Member Commissioner’s Appointment - Board had not asked if Daryl Cutter ( South Dearborn) would like to continue to serve. Commissioners want a recommendation from the board on the school board member to serve 2 year term. Deaton said that Cutter was a farmer and so in the early morning he gets out the field and he might not be able to make the meetings. [NOTE: Cutter has been in attendance at nearly all of the DCRC meetings I have attended. He was missing at this one.] 

The board brought up Jamie Graf from Sunman- Dearborn to see if he will accept the spot. Or would rotate school districts for representation.[Note: Graf’s attendance was spotty in the past, when he was on the DCRC board.]

One Dearborn Report- none

Attorney’s Report- none

Other Business- none

Adjourned at  9:25 AM while 2 hands were raised from the audience.

Jim Kinker- asked to speak- There was a back and forth with Deaton and Smart about being adjourned so they could speak after meeting. He said he wanted to speak now so the people could hear. He runs Tri Township Water- How did we get to the point where  Ordinance 25-76- was not followed? The utilities etc were not notified of the TIF process.  Deaton said he did not know what this Ordinance 25-76  was. Kinker said- We were not notified for our knowledge of  the water capacity to serve this TIF area. [NOTE: Apparently there are not enough taps available in the area serving the proposed townhouses. They have 3 available and the homes need 12.]

Deaton- Advertising requirements were done???

Deaton- Money for the county is to be diverted to Bright to fix deficiencies there. 

Meeting was essentially over. Board dispersed.

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township