21 November 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes
Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger, Russell Beiersdorfer, and Steward Cline
ABSENT: Bill Shelton
Board Attorney - Frank Kramer
Also present: Bob Hrezo, Mike Hrezo, and Christy of Hrezo Engineering, Sue Hayden, Administrator and Rick Probst, Commissioner
Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.
Minutes: November 17th Minutes Approved with correction of one name spelling- Nicole). Baer abstained as he was not present on 17th.
Treasurer’s Report- Stenger asked where the line items for the new ARPA grants.Baer said they are working on that- TABLED to give accountant and treasurer time to get this updated. They want a paper trail. There should be deposits and checks that need to be recorded.
Public Comment: none
Project Updates: Bob Hrezo presented:Contract agreements signed by CH&M for Guilford project and Lake Dilldear project. The board signed the contracts. They already had accepted it prior to this. Bonds were done. Copies kept at Hrezo’s office and copy for DCRSD office.
Mike Hrezo talks to Tim Doll- Perfects are extremely interested in connecting to the Guilford sewer. They want to know connection fees and rates etc. DCRSD can permit the line casing by the gas line. They could sleeve thru the connection when they hook up. They were going to keep the Lawrenceburg connection for redundancy. They feel it would be a win-win. But we need to give them more info. Cline- Is there a heavy fluctuation seasonally with them? Stenger- We need to know if we can even handle their flows. We also need to know what kind of water they are sending us. Cline - and get ideas of the pump costs etc. How are we going to establish the gallons treated. Stenger- It has to be a metered connection. Also find out if the pond water has any additives that will enter our system. Mike will check out.
Christy- estimate for extending the line 200 ft and a pump to PNS $18,500. This would be PNS expense as the project is already bid by DCRSD.
Discussion regarding some individual property issues for people wanting to sign on. They will need to pay for engineering to get to the line - Not going to be DCRSD’S cost.
People getting onto the sewer line need to know that once the pump etc are installed- it belongs to the owner and they pay for maintenance etc from then on.
Doug told Christy the last 2 pumps that need to be rebuilt were picked up.
They were not able to incorporate run time meters on the Guilford project.
High Ridge WWTP -
High Ridge west Expansion -
Wilson Creek Project
Huesman Rd and Cole Lane
Harrison TIF/Stone Project
Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive
Stateline Rd
Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court-
Moores Hill
Dillsboro- Lake Dildear- easements were in email to DCRSD members from Kramer. He’s hoping they will reach agreement. SEIData owns land they need an easement on. Cline doesn’t want any surprises from them. But SEI and the church, another commercial property and gas station are along the line to Dillsboro. The signed contract with Dillsboro is in their email.There are 40 homes in Lake Dilldear. We need to pay an incremental capacity charge for treatment when they sign on. SEI Data has a lot of employees per Kramer. Church should be smaller water usage. Christy will help is calculate those numbers. The easement is not going to be a big number for these. Kramer- we need to disclose those numbers to the commercial entities. Check with Shelton to see what he knows from talking to these entities. Stenger said Kramer is best to represent our interests with the 4 properties.
Renihan passed out insurance contracts for the 2 sewer projects- Guilford and Lake Dilldear. RR contract and Federal funding contract requires builder’s risk insurance. One for each project. He is also worried about an 800 psi gasoline they are crossing over by Guilford. Baer said to take it out of the legal portion of the ARPA funds. Cost for this insurance is $11,464 Guilford and $4,664 Lake Dilldear. Both paid for from the legal portion of each projects ARPA budget. Approved.
New Business: Sue Hayden explain the ARPA contingency needing to be held by the county.The county then writes a check back to DCRSD for contingency amount. Approved and signed. Shelton will sign tomorrow at Hayden’s office. Baer will return the money to County. Approved.
Office Update: Baer- Clores (sp?) have finally signed on and they have two taps and ONE water meter. Two residents on one tap and two on another tap. These people are all related and the owner will have to divvy up the sewer bill. Approved. Fehrman left before this vote.
Baer- James Raymond got tabled at a previous meeting. They are working on this and will correct this to get a proper reading estimate. Board said to include Fehrman as he has some other information. Somehow the meter number got recorded as the gallons.
Renihan said they talked about on Craig property down by firehouse.
Claims: Operating claims- Approved.
$3,420 on Lake Dilldear claims Approved.
Guilford- Earth Tek $347,445. Hrezo part of work over last 3 years from Bob Hrezo that he did not bill for then - $43,134, Kramer $3,315.35 legal - Approved. Bob Hrezo did not bill previously as he wants them to go into the ARPA funding and not mess up the ARPA budget.
Baer will establish a separate checking account for the returned contingency money.
Adjourn: 6:40 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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