Tuesday, February 21, 2006

21 February 2006 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

21 February 2006 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

Present: Benning, President, Fox, and Hughes.
Also Present: Pickens, Auditor, Ewbank, Attorney, and Messmore, Administrator

1. The GIS dept. was tabled again for Messmore to do some more research. Ewbank advised them that a separate GIS dept would require an ordinance to create the dept., but putting GIS under one of the other offices would be simpler and perhaps more advisable.

2. Todd Listerman- Transportation Director:
Advised the commissioners of the estimated costs for Woliung Road per their request from the last meeting. Total estimate is $180,000 with Dave Lykins contributing $30,000 of labor. ROW not much problem, as Lykins owns most of the land on both sides of the road.
Priority lists for paving graveled roads has not been done. Probably by the end of the summer- he’ll have the counter in place and a system for evaluating the roads including ADT counts.

Vogelsang Road will be researched to see if Ellsworth Harper wants to have the road all the way to the homestead as it was originally. County maintains .35 miles to 22561 Vogelsang Rd (Schmidt’s home) and recently added 400 ft of gravel to Harpers land. There is a gate blocking the last .29 miles of the old unmaintained road. (Records show it wasn’t maintained on that section for 10 years at least) This road historically went down to Cook Road in the old days per Fox. Listerman to talk to Harper and report back at next meeting.

Jay Droege was present in the audience but commissioners didn’t call him to the podium. They decided to let Todd Listerman meet with him to determine what road he wanted to have ditches repaired on. [Note: Clerical error listed it as Bailey- it was Grelle.]

Rick Fox wants guardrail to be place on the curve and hill on Yorkridge where some deaths have occurred in the past. Listerman has been getting used guardrail at ½ the cost. He’ll check into this to see if it is on the guardrail list.

3. Bryan Messmore- Administrator-
Carl Petty was reappointed to the Hospital Board

Commissioners signed the lobbyist agreement with Barnes and Thornburg for 2006 and INCREASE of $18,000 over last year’s fees for federal lobbying.

Roger Rullman and Trina Hessler (sp?) were appointed to the Aurora Library Board.

The RFQ for professional financial management services will be sent out. This is to see where the county is with respect to potential borrowing options. So far they are only seeking Qualifications of the service.

4. Bob Ewbank gave them an update on the Building Ordinance, which incorporates the state laws in effect since 2003. It will be checked by the Building Safety Commissioner of IN and then published before it is in effect. This will give interested parties a chance to review the materials.

The Hospital wants to issue some tax-free bonds which will require resurrecting the Economic Development Board of the County. Members are a commissioner, the mayor of Lawrenceburg, and a Council member they think.

5. Hughes is on vacation next week and got coverage for his other meetings except for the Plan Commission- by law the others cannot sub there.

6. Benning will be in Washington DC in March for an educational conference.
She reminded commissioners to complete their NEMS training as required and that the TIF districts will be heard at the Feb 27th meeting of the Plan Commission.

Meeting adjourned at 7 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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