Wednesday, March 08, 2006


How to obtain absentee ballots

If you have reason to believe you will be unable to be at the polls for the primary election in May you may vote by absentee ballot. YOU WILL HAVE TO SELECT A REPUBLICAN BALLOT ON THIS FORM IF YOU WISH TO SELECT THE OFFICES LISTED BELOW. Be sure to request your ballot early, so as to be able to get it back in time for the election. You can mail the ballot back or return it in person. Official absentee ballot request forms can be printed from this site:

Mail the completed form in to Dearborn County Clerk of Courts 215 West High St., Lawrenceburg, In 47025-1909
Phone 537-8867

You may send the request form in any time now, but they won’t begin processing them until April 3rd.

In the May primary the local elections only have opponents on the REPUBLICAN ballot. You must select a Republican ballot in the primary if you wish to choose these officials:

Commissioner District 3 (voted on by entire county)- Ralph Thompson vs. Vera Benning

Sheriff- Linda Estes vs. David Lusby

Miller Township side of HVL and the Bright area for district Council seat -Elizabeth Morris vs. Craig Lysne

There are no local choices on the Democrat ballot in the primary.

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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