Tuesday, July 03, 2007

3 July 2007 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

3 July 2007 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

Present: Hughes, Chairman, Fox, and Thompson
Also present: Pickens, Auditor
A uniformed officer was present.

ABSENT: Messmore, Administrator and Ewbank, Attorney

1. Fox motioned and Thompson 2nd to TABLE again- Jim West and DCEDI’s request to go to Council for $80,000. West was not present.

2. Transportation – Todd Listerman gave a 30-minute report.

1. Introduced the new assistant highway supervisor who works directly under Listerman- Tim Grieve is a lifetime resident of Dearborn and came from a previous position as the Assistant Superintendent of Roads for West Chester Township in Cincinnati. He has an associate’s degree in horticulture management and is a graduate of SDHS in Aurora. Tim started work June 23. Commissioners welcomed Grieve.

2. Hughes was OK’d to sign the contract agreements for county paving with O’Mara to be completed in 50 days. Listerman hopes to have it completed before school starts in August.

3. Supplemental agreement for $7900 for Bells Branch Bridge was approved. There were issues of archaeological areas to be staked, the approaches to the bridge needed variances,etc.

4. A change order of $8100.09 for the HVL entrance radius improvement to accommodate wide trailers was approved for safety reasons. The gravel shoulder will be paved.

5. Listerman was OK’d to send a letter to INDOT (Bob Williams) to see if they can get the trucks on US 50 to have to use the R lane to increase traffic flow. Listerman is asking their engineers to see if it will help congestion.

6. Cook Road has cul –de- sac turn around installed at owner’s expense at the end. ROW is already dedicated. Fox noted the old road that extends beyond that looks like an Indian trail. Hughes said he didn’t know of any roads around here that don’t look like that.

7. Hoffman Road also has cul-de-sac in place and it matches the road inventory for maintenance.

8. Commissioners OK’d Listerman to continue to check on using the Rack properties on Randall Avenue for consolidating Highway districts. It has sewer and is Industrial zoned. This would help with EPA compliance issues. Listerman has put this possibility into his budget request. Payment can be worked out over time with Rack possibly. He will follow procedures with Messmore on this.

9. Fox wants to explore moving Collier Ridge over the hill on the adjoining property rather than an expensive fix that won’t be permanent. Apparently, Fox thinks the adjoining owner would be amenable to this idea.

3. Pickens had commissioners sign his computer Disaster recovery plan. They also signed claims and minutes.

4. Fox told commissioners that Animal Control is re-evaluating their whole budget process. Pickens asked him to get them to issue one check to him rather than the bad checks that some have sent in. (Unclear – perhaps these are donations?)

5. Thompson just wished everyone a happy holiday for tomorrow.

6. Hughes had another Lifetime Resources letter to be signed on a home.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township


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Anonymous said...

”…and lets work on getting things done.”

Like closing "public comment" to concerned citizens, while Jim West is sending "editorial" material, in favor of the DCEDI to Jeff Hughes?

Yeah! That is the epitome of what constitutes a "community effort” by our local realtor/developers!

Anonymous said...

One need only ask themselves, who is for open for “all” government?

And who is for “closed to most” governance?

Anonymous said...

Simply, because there is no consensus for or against development, does not give one side the justification to try to commandeer and annex the entire process.

Open up the process!

Convince the people through open debate, as to your sides’ merits!

Closing down access to government, permitting organizations such as the DCEDI to operate as quasi-governmental body, is not winning you any votes!

Anonymous said...

"Open up the process!"

They cannot do it!

It is simple ecomomics...

...for every citizen involved in the process...

...the DCEDI folks...

...lose access to more of our tax-dollars!

Anonymous said...

"Open up the process!"

Remember those who got involved in the Republican Primary Process?

The DCEDI stooges in the Republican Leadership ranks, still tried to do an end-run around those "trying" to involve themselves in the "Process!"

Anonymous said...

And with just a hand-full of homemade signs, Thompson beat both the Democrat and RINO Republican parties in the last election!

What was the Linkmeyer to Thompson sign ratio?

1000 to 1?

Radio add ratio?

20 to 1?

The DCEDI cannot even steal an election!

Anonymous said...

DCEDI had nothing to do with the elections.

Nobody seems to want to except the fact that Thompson does business with companies in DCEDI.

Just cannot handle it can you?

Anonymous said...

What business does Thompson do with companies inside DCEDI?
Be specific please- inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

You cannot purchased a stick of gum in this County, with not, in one form or another, doing business with a Member of the DCEDI.

Thompson, is for opening up government, where there are no secrets.

It is your side who wanted to hide behind serial meetings, etc.

And DCEDI is all about elections.

As is any lobbying group!

What you cannot comphrehend, is that we are pro-business, just not pro-corruption!

Some of us, can make a dollar, with out the help of a political stooge!

Anonymous said...

"Nobody seems to want to except the fact that Thompson does business with companies in DCEDI."

Come on there Francis, tells us about all those "backroom" deals Thompson is making with the DCEDI?

Just name one?

Anonymous said...

"Be specific please- inquiring minds want to know."

Don’t hold your breath!

This poster, will just disappear into the ether, to only return later ranting about “Boogy Men!”

Anonymous said...

Hey, JB, Cyanotic yet?

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me please....Is DCEDI a governmental agency?

Also since there has been so much talk about corruption in the County Government can someone give me some hard facts on the corruption which is talked about.

It seems that everyone assumes things are going on behind closed doors by the County Government but I wanted to know if there were any facts to prove it.


Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me please....Is DCEDI a governmental agency?

No, it is not a governmental agency...it has just been given the power and money of one...without the taxpayers oversight.

...give me some hard facts on the corruption which is talked about.

Follow the money! Look to the DCRSD, a board handpicked by the commishes, for some of the most blatant, patent corruption!

And please, give it a rest!

Your make-believe roll as the uninformed, well-intentioned bystander, right off the turnip truck, has really been played out!

Anonymous said...

"make-believe roll as the uninformed, well-intentioned bystander"

Who, always seems to fall on the side of the realtor/developer!

Thank you for finally pointing that out.

They just leave you shaking your head in amazement!

Anonymous said...

Where is the corruption?

Show up and try to speak at a commissioners meeting, without having been placed on the agenda a week in advance and not being a member of the DCEDI, and you will see corruption.

Unless, you are one of the elites of this county, who does even need to show up at a meeting, to get what you want from our "public servants!"

Anonymous said...

If you want to see not even the appearance of impropriety, vote for more “Ralph Thompson” types of candidates.

Ralph is for opening up the entire process, to the disinfecting rays of sunlight.

Show me a politician, who makes it as difficult as possible for the “average” citizen to participate in government, who tries to shield the public, from the workings of government…and I will show you a politician who has something to hide!

Hell, Thompson, is open minded enough and fair enough to "table" West's proposal, after not showing up for his "scheduled" appearance, even after the mockery of a week before, where Hughes allowed West to yank his leash and let West on the agenda a day before the meeting!

Anonymous said...

Show me a politician who would fund the DCEDI, with no "public" oversight, and I will show you a "bought and paid for" politician!

Anonymous said...

"and I will show you a "bought and paid for" politician!"

And TGIF would ask:



Anonymous said...

TGIf...you make some valid points if things were run in this county like they should be run. It's not. And believe me it's not. If you think it is you have been brainwashed by Rick Fox or Jeff Hughes or you know them very well so you feel like it's your place to defend them. It's sad. This county is a wonderful place to live; however, things have to change. The serial meetings should stop (but won't). There is a severe lack of ethical understanding of how county government should operate with many of those holding office. No specific details needed. Look over meeting notes and talk to these people in office. There is obviously some "I'll do this for you if you do this for me attitude."

Anonymous said...

Come on there Francis, tells us about all those "backroom" deals Thompson is making with the DCEDI?


Anonymous said...

"There is obviously some "I'll do this for you if you do this for me attitude."

And then they all "DO" the taxpayer!!!

Anonymous said...

TGIF doesn't respond because he/she tried to play by your rules but was run out.

Multiple posters have tried to give their side of the story (rom EITHER side) but no matter what they say, as soon as they claim non-realtor/developer status they are shot down, even with honest comments.

You ask for fairness? You ask for parity? You ask for somthing you aren't willing to grant and hasn't been denied to you, you just lack the conviction to resolve it.

There are a few misinformed individuals on here spreading propaganda. Most of the comments on here are made by a single person.

So to the others that read this, for every 200 comments, ignore 150 of them becuase it's the same BS, read the comments, the phrases, the punctuation, the "rank and file", the "serial meetings", the "collective minds". No one talks like that unless they're brainwashed so either there is (1) disturbed sob out there or more than (1) sob out there and they all need to be ignored.

Anonymous said...

no brainwashing...several taxpayers are not willing to put up with the "non-sense" of this County. There are more people on this site than you think Ms. TGIF.

Anonymous said...

There are a few misinformed individuals on here spreading propaganda. Most of the comments on here are made by a single person.

Attacking the messengers because the DCEDI flunkies cannot stomach the message!

Which is why they can never answer any question posed to them...

...without resorting to their one and only "Boogy Man" comment!

You hate this blog because it permits discussion of your antics.

If you had your way, like "public comment," this blog would be shut down.

You folks can only pretend to be principled if you are in a room full of other unprincipled compatriots, such as yourselves, rooting each other on.

You are all sad cases.

With each and every election, to become even sadder!

Anonymous said...

you just lack the conviction to resolve it.

Like playing by the rules. Like thumping you in the primaries, only to have you amoral freaks, recruit a covert candidate in the general?

We have the conviction and the resolve!

But we are dealing with DCEDI lackeys who should be convicted!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"all need to be ignored."

Spoken like a true, hard-nosed, DCEDI Company "Enforcer!"


Anonymous said...

What is the total amount of tax-payer dollars "given" to the DCEDI?

A simple question, begging for a simple answer?

Anonymous said...

"There are more people on this site than you think Ms. TGIF."

Site Visitors so far 36,045!

That is a lot of potential voters!

Anonymous said...

These DCEDI types hate having to operate in an environment where everyone and every comment is equal!

Not one person on this site, smart-growth, smart-development, pro-development or anti-development, can leave a comment here, with out the chance of some form of rebuttal!

Some us like the debate, others, who just want to leave their dictates and move on, to more important matters, such as forcing their neighbors on to sewers, to buffer their bottom-lines, may feel differently!

Anonymous said...

These DCEDI types hate having to operate in an environment where everyone and every comment is equal!

The DCEDI further detests the fact that no one phones the sheriff to remove those expressing non-DCEDI approved opinions!

Anonymous said...

RE from above: "There are a few misinformed individuals on here spreading propaganda. Most of the comments on here are made by a single person.

So to the others that read this, for every 200 comments, ignore 150 of them becuase it's the same BS, read the comments, the phrases, the punctuation, the "rank and file", the "serial meetings", the "collective minds". No one talks like that unless they're brainwashed so either there is (1) disturbed sob out there or more than (1) sob out there and they all need to be ignored"

Could it be that there is a certain lingo or catch phrases used by certain like-minded individuals? For example- "economic development" or "outside-the-box" or "value-added" or return on investment."

I personally think it would be more useful to have DEBATE rather than name calling here. It is clear that the anonymity of this comment section allows people to be free with their thoughts. But as we debate we need to be reasonably respectful. Lets go for more light and less heat.
Chris Mueller

Anonymous said...

with out the chance of some form of rebuttal!

Now, each "rebuttal" will be layered in rose petals, with compliments from the management!

Anonymous said...

No one talks like that unless they're brainwashed...

Like the use of flowery terms such as "Shovel Ready Sites?"

Petunia, there are enough "catch phrases" to go around for both sides!

But do have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

"What is the total amount of tax-payer dollars "given" to the DCEDI?"

Lawrenceburg contributes about $80,000.
Greendale about $5,000.

The County about $40,000, plus expenses for the visitors bureau, which includes the DCEDI offices.

That pretty much covers West's Salary (approx. $125,000 annually).

What does the Chamber contribute to DCEDI which is a branch of the Chamber, not the County government!


Anonymous said...

"Site Visitors so far 36,045!

That is a lot of potential voters!"


Anonymous said...


Or a lot of voters!!!

Keep working on your stealth candidates!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but the people responding to this blog are only a few and not A LOT OF VOTERS.

I bet if you were to take a pole of how many people in the County new about the Vieste Study or the Future Land Use Map most of them would not even know what you are talking about or even care.

Anonymous said...

"most of them would not even know what you are talking about or even care."

An ignorance the DCEDI stooges in government were more than happy to foster and feed!

As far as number of voters goes...see ya this primary season!

Anonymous said...

Let us see a full court press, by the DCEDI and their buddies in office, telling all the citizens how great it would be to have "busy" subdivisions, strip malls and industrial parks next to their properties! And it will thrill the citizens to no end being informed it is with their tax dollars that realtor, developers bankers and lawyers are padding their profits?

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how any of the developers are getting any of the tax payers money?

They spend their own money to buy the land. They spend their own money to pay to go through the planning and zoning process. They spend their own money to develop the property, into residential lots or commercial lots. They spend their own money to have the utilities service to the lots.

Tell me where in that process the tax payer are giving money to the developer.

Anonymous said...

Tell me where in that process the tax payer are giving money to the developer.

Infrastructure costs. Infrastructure can only grow so fast, who do you think picks up the tab for all these attendant costs?

Our tax dollars pay their lobbyist to lobby us.

Our tax dollars pay consultants to find ways around the system for the developers.

We have enforced sewers to subsidize the realtor and developer.

All the tax dollars that went into Vieste and dollars that are still flowing to the DCEDI, both organizations being nothing more than benevolent societies to aid realtors and developers!

An not counting how development operatives have soured the political process while turning our public officials into their, private servants!

And remember when Zoning used to mean something? Now, one can only rely on the Zoning laws just as long as a politically connected realtor or developer does not purchase a piece of this Zoned land!

Anonymous said...

there are too many developers willing sit back and watch local governments scramble and spend our taxes fixing all the infastructere costs that arise after the developers are long gone!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone imagine the costs that are going to be associated with all these blasted grinder pumps and pressurized sewer lines in the future. And all these people are going to run and bitch to county gov. to fix their problems, or county gov. will be to blame for permitting them in the first place! Well at least the realtors and their buddies will had made a profit!

Anonymous said...

Another point with grinder pump systems is your average Home Owners Policy will not cover sewer drain backup damage caused by a defective pump, or where the electricity goes out for any length of time. You will need to purchase an additional rider.

Anonymous said...

"We have enforced sewers to subsidize the realtor and developer."

The developers pay for the sewer lines that they build. The hook up fess are not associated with the developers or the developments.

Also I wanted to know how "development operatives have soured the political process"?

Anonymous said...

The only way folks like Fehrman are going to be able to afford his subdivision on 50, is to use his influence on the sewer board to enforce sewer hook-ups of all those around his project!

The back scratching on the board has already started with the Dennerline deal.

Why do you think Ewbank and Messmore are dragging their feet on the Thompson iniated "No Forced Sewer Hook-ups" letter?

And if you cannot see how developer influence has tainted the political process, then you are truly hopeless!

Anonymous said...

Who do you think is behind forcing everyone on to grinder pumps and pressurized sewers up in St. Leon? Developer interests! Trying to get "their" costs of sewer service to their outlaying properties reduce by forcing the rest of us to contribute!

Anonymous said...

Leapfrogging. We are all to pay for the realtor and developers leapfrogging their subdivisions and industrial parks clear across the county.

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