Tuesday, October 05, 2010

5 October 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

5 October 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Ralph Thompson, President, Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.

An Executive Session preceded this meeting with a discussion on real estate.

Commissioners discussed a counter- offer on the real estate and commissioners decided to have the county attorney to negotiate a reasonable offer. All ayes.


Tucker Development- Seldom Seen I, II, and III and Old Orchard (continued tabled)

DCRSD Appointments- tabled since 7/20- continued tabled for questions involving territory covered by appointees to be resolved.


Doug Baer Health Dept- H1N1 grant extension- CDC and the state have more money to health depts. Each county is to get a plan to handle flu pandemics. Health dept has to submit a grant application to obtain some of this money. Approved by commissioners to send out grant application.
Baer said they now get $10,000 under a base grant and can get an additional grant for being in the larger region. This could help with the clinics. They are under no obligation to continue the job once the grant is up. This has to be signed by the Auditor attestation of Scudder’s signature. Jack Gay reviewed the grants and commissioners approved the auditor's signature because of the grant application ordinance.

Kitty Allen- Discussion on yard sign ordinance- Orschell said that he talked to her and she wanted to have P&Z revisit the sign ordinance. She wants to keep a sign in her residential zoned yard. She has no problems with P&Z . Ashley Webb said that planning dept was already reviewing that ordinance as part of their general review.

Brett Dodd-RQAW- Progress report on jail expansion study- started preliminary design phase with the folks down at the jail. They are doing a facility analysis. There will be an existing space analysis to update from the one in 2004. They have discussed with users and maintenance staff etc. They found out that the building is well maintained. It is 20 years old. There are some technologies that need to be updated. Jail is designed for 144 people. Kitchen serves 250 meals plus 11-12 for juvenile per day. They also assessed laundry. Some material need to be better matched as repairs. HVAC needs attention in one section of the building. Goal is to be finished up with potential solutions in February 2011. They would like to bring preliminary designs to the public for feedback as they go along.
Oct 13 is their kickoff meeting. The more they hear and the more perspectives they get- the better the project will be. They will do this kick-off during lunch as the judges are available then. They will also get a planning committee together at that meeting, that is comprised of a broad base of the users of this facility. Thompson said this effort will continue in making this a public process. Messmore, Kraus,Sr., and Morris from Council and one commissioner, along with other staff are proposed. Dodd said he would try to get electronic copies of these plans for the building as Thompson had requested be available when this is completed.

HIGHWAY DEPT- Todd Listerman gave a 20-minute report:

Time extension change order for chip seal/fog seal on North Dearborn and North Hogan was signed. There is no change in cost. This was requested so that appropriate humidity etc was present when the project was to be done.

Signature for the Holt Road Bridge #219- this project will be let Nov 1 and construction in the spring. Another signature for Regional 401 permit for IDEM on the Holt Road Bridge project.

Commissioners approved Howard Barth and Assoc for design of small structure on Lower Dillsboro Road to be under construction by summer 2011 for $22,000 for hydraulic engineering, and all documents for letting.

Met with INDOT this morning for the installation of variable message signs on US 50 as part of the Artemis project ITS system on I-275. These are 100% fed funded. One sign is by McDonalds and another by Wormies and the Vet office. There are separate phases for construction. Up to $50,000 is set aside for this. This will hopefully be constructed by fall 2011.

Working with Clyde Perfect and Joe Schmeltzer to work the intersection of Pribble and SR1. This will add a turn lane and passing blister there. All will be at Perfect North’s cost. Commissioners gave their approval of Perfect’s to pursue this. They will not be able to change the Pribble approach to SR 1 due to lack of land to get the proper grade. The turn lanes will help soften the turn angles and make that safer.

Private lane signs are brown with white lettering here and do meet federal standards and proper letter sizes. When a NEW sign goes up it will meet new standards. Old signs stay as is. Approved.
Chip seal projects and striping have been completed.

Mark Payne of OKI went with him to INDOT and discussed the flashing sign applications for the schools.

Orschell on SR1 at the bottom of Mt Pleasant the pavement is falling by inches a day. Listerman said they have state sub-contractors to be working on that by the end of the week. This could be a serious hazard.

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- claims and September minutes approved as amended.
$20,000 contract for 2010 Bright Fire and EMS signed. times 2 for 2 units)

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay-nothing to add- and has 4 ordinances for review in November

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- web site domain name will be renewed. 20 year term is $279.80. He wants to re-register dearborncounty.org and .gov. So 2x $279.80.
Some position swapping will be addressed by Council and Commissioners OK’d that. [NOTE: the original domains were assigned by the state - each county had their own name followed by in.gov. Ours was dearborncounty.in.gov. Is it necessary to get these other domain names?]


PUBLIC COMMENT- Phil Darling- York Township reported semi trucks with long trailers coming up that road (Burzelbach Rd and Bonnell) One got hung up two weeks ago on a Sat morning. Asked for signs at Guilford to warn them away from those double 90 degree turns. Todd Listerman will try to get signs similar to the ones on Pribble Road and get them by Yorkridge.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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