Thursday, December 29, 2016

Agenda- Jan 3 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting

 January 3, 2017 
8:30 a.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana




1.  Election of Board President

2.  Re-appointments of Department Heads
Animal Control Director
Building Inspector
Highway Supervisor
Maintenance Supervisor
*911 Director and Emergency Management Director previously addressed
  3.  Boards Commissioners Serve (All serve on Solid Waste & Drainage Board)
Emergency Management (Shane currently)
Juvenile Board (Shane currently)
Personnel Advisory (Shane currently)
Plan Commission (Art currently)
Region 9 Workforce (Art currently)
*OKI (Kevin) & SIRPC (Art) previously addressed

4.  Citizen Boards – Re-appointments
Alcohol Beverage Board – Jim Dole
Cemetery Board – Chris McHenry
Convention & Visitor’s Bureau – Tina Bojack, Marilyn Bower, Ellen Perfect, Charlotte Hasting
Health Board – Gerald Miller, Harbans Gill, MD
Regional Sewer District – Dennis Folke, Robert Lischkge
SERCC – South Eastern Regional Community Corrections Entire Board

5.  Other Appointments – ADA Coordinator

1.  Lease Agreement – Bill Black, Jr, Water Rescue


VII. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington
1.  Claims/Minutes
VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel




Tuesday, December 20, 2016

20 December 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Mee

20 December 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator

Baudendistel read the Title Vi statement as legally required.

Dillsboro EMS 2016 Contract tabled from last meeting. Randall said there was some confusion last year so they didn’t do the contract until late in the year and got paid in Jan 2016 with the funds encumbered. With new leadership they made the mistake of thinking that was their 2016 contract. She has Bev Tackett with the Dillsboro EMS here tonight. 
Bev Tackett said they pay $5/hr per run. They took on 3 new members to help fix. One is already a certified EMT. In the past they put people thru class and then they bail. Trying to get people who live in the town to alleviate that problem. They are still missing a few runs. Has opened it up to ant Dearborn County EMT to get some more volunteers who are off from other units. 
McHenry said that they have been working on things since Nov. This is nothing personal- but we have to get coverage or we hear form the public if things aren’t going well. Randall talked with Seth Elder and Mary Lou. The Fire Dept sent Seth Elder a letter to try to merge with them. They felt they had to check things out with the town board. They didn't think they could settle this without the town’s input. She thinks the door is still open to see what that offer from the Fire Dept would be. It’s still not a lot of pay and this is a rural area. This is a temporary fix for 2017. She thinks they should meet further. She told them also that nearly 100 runs that Aurora had to make for them should make them consider giving some of that money to Aurora. Tackett agreed that would be fair to consider. Andy could draft some legal documents for them to transfer that money. Lynch said that he appreciates what she came into and how she has tried to handle it now. By reaching out to other depts to help make runs. Lynch thinks we need to take another approach. He doesn't think we need to mandate giving money to Aurora, but its a good idea. He appreciates her stepping up. And the Fire Dept can help as drivers and some of them are also EMTs. Volunteers are going to need to be paid. Too much training is required for this to be all volunteer. Aurora has bee a great partner to you. Lynch motioned to execute the contract for the 2 ambulances for Dillsboro this year. Little 2nd. Approved $40,000. This will be signed in front of notary tomorrow. Randall kept stressing the idea of donating to Aurora. 

2017 PAWS Agreement- Baudendistel said this agreement has been reviewed. He had to leave at this point. He also reviewed the other items on the agenda. Sandy Carley said she really has nothing to say. New director - Brenda Wagle. They will have their 2016 stats in January and introduce the new director. They will do that for Council too. They are doing well. Agreement stays the same as 2016’s. Approved and signed. $10,000 per month. 

HIGHWAY DEPT. Todd, Listerman, County Engineer- Local Roads and Bridges Matching Grant Agreement- [pesented by Randall in Todd’s absence. Community Crossings Matching grant. Woliung Road Bridge. $575,443 is the max for the award. Commissioners signed the agreement. 

St. Leon 2016 EMS Contract- Randall presented. $20,000 for one squad. They are also working on their program. They are providing response but NO TRANSPORT. The other squads are saying it isn’t fair to have this much money with only half the work done. They are not doing the full contracted work. We need to put it out there that these units need to communicate with us. We should pay for this year and then meet to see how we are going to deal with them for 2017. Commissioners agreed to pay the contract. 

PTABOA Appointments- Mark Hardebeck and Mark Neff- approved

2017 - 911 Director- Jared Teaney approved
2017 EMA Director- Jason Sullivan approved

DC Hospital Board of Trustees appointment- Ron Denney as reappointed 

2017 Meeting dates and times- only conflict is Feb 21st evening time for McHenry. This will also be a morning meeting in Feb. McHenry said that he wants to move the evening meeting time to later like 6 PM for people who work to be able to attend. Third Tues of all other months will begin at 6 PM. Morning meetings will be the same time at 8:30 AM. 

ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall- Agreement with DCH for EMT training- IVY Tech had EMT training at $1200. DCH does it for $800. The alliance has a website and working on  training video for recruitment. The hospital stepped up and we are happy with the cost savings. They screen the people coming in to be sure they are committed. $100,000 was earmarked for recruitment and training. $10,000 should go into the line item for dining along with the $4000. The EMS alliance would do a proposal for a scholarship of sorts.and 50/50 match paying for the training. The squads are putting up 12 people with $400 each except for two of them that have some cert already. Looking at formalizing that program for next year. Approved. 

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Claims and Dec 6 Minutes approved. Both payroll for the end of the year are submitted- Dec 9 and Dec 22. approved. 

ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- nothing- he was gone by this time due to another commitment. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch- exciting too see the steel going up out there. Wish every one a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanked Terri and Gayle for all they do this year.
Little- Thanked Kevin for his good wishes. This is the end of our four year term for Kevin and him. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and thanked Terri and Gayle and all the others who work here. 
McHnery was the flower boy for the chicken fry at the annual Christmas party. Laughter.



Meeting Adjourned at 5:55 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township



DEARBORN COUNTY AUDITOR                                    
                                                                                                                          Gayle Pennington
                                                                                                                                                               215-B West High Street
                                                                                                                                                               Lawrenceburg, IN  47025
                                                                                                                                                              Office:  812-537-8816                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                               Fax:  812-537-5534

Here’s the list of dates for the Dearborn County Council meetings for 2017.

County Council Meetings for 2017
January 24, 2017 – 6:30 pm
May 23, 2017 – 6:30 pm
August 28 – September 1, 2017 – budget hearings
November 28, 2017 – 6:30 pm

Meetings will be held in the Commissioner’s Room at: 215-B W High St., Lawrenceburg, IN

Sharon Probst
Deputy, Auditor’s Office


Friday, December 16, 2016

AGENDA- Dec 20th Commissioners Meeting

December 20, 2016
5:00 p.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana


1.  Dillsboro EMS 2016 Contract - tabled
1.  2017 PAWS Agreement

2.  Local Rd & Bridges Matching Grant Agreement - HWY Engineer, Todd Listerman

3.  St. Leon 2016 EMS Contract

4.  PTABOA Appointments:  Mark Hardebeck & Mark Neff

5.  2017 911 Director Selection

6.  2017 EMS Director Selection

7.  Dearborn County Hospital Board of Trustee Appointment – Ronald Denney

8.  2017 Meeting Dates & Times

V. ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall
1.  Agreement with DCH for EMT Training 

VI. AUDITOR Gayle Pennington
1.  Claims/Minutes
VII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel




Thursday, December 08, 2016

Dearborn County Park Board Requests Short Survey Takers

Dearborn County Park Board Requests Short Survey Takers

The Dearborn County Park Board has been working on updating our five year plan.  As part of the plan we would like to capture information from residents to help us improve the parks.  Would you be able to complete the survey and also pass it along to persons that you think may be interested?  The survey letter below has a link that will take participants to a quick online survey that will anonymously capture and consolidate the feedback provided.  If they can’t click on the link it can easily be copied and pasted into their browser of choice.

Thanks for your assistance.


Michael J. Hornbach
Extension Educator
County Extension Director
229 Main Street
Aurora, IN 47001
Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity institution.


Date:  December 7, 2016
To:   Survey Recipient
From:  Doug Burger

Please take a moment to help us improve your experiences in the Dearborn County Park system by completing the online survey at the following link by January 2nd.
The results of this survey will be added to the information being gathered for the 2017-2021 Dearborn County five year Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and will help guide our decision making for the next five years.  All results gathered from the survey will be anonymous and all information is completely confidential. No information from these surveys will be used for any purpose other than park planning.    

In addition to the survey, the Dearborn County Park Board will host a public meeting to review the draft of the updated five year plan on January 4th.  You are invited to attend the public meeting that will be held at the Purdue Extension Office of Dearborn County, 229 Main Street, Aurora beginning at 5:00 p.m.


Doug Burger
Dearborn County Park & Recreation Board President

8 December 2016 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

8 December 2016 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe, Alan Goodman, and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member)
ABSENT: Dave Deddens

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker, Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
Jim Deaton read the Title VI statement as required by law.
Verification of Information Discussed in Executive Session- The board verified that no other matters other than those listed in the public notice were discussed. 
Action of Executive Session- Rahe moved and Helms 2nd to authorize Ewan and Randall to proceed with offer on real estate and proceed with discussions with private investors- Approved.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Oct 27th meeting minutes were approved. Goodman abstained as he was absent in Oct. 
CLAIMS AND FINANCIALS- Claims paid from General Fund, Visioning Fund, and TIF Fund
Dues from I-74 Marketing group and Randall said they are really getting active.Ripley, Shelby, Rush, Dearborn, Decatur all in the group. Duke Energy and some more energy providers getting involved. 
Website hosting and conference from older invoice from a conference- All paid.
TIF Fund-  Barnes and Thornburg old huge bill from West Harrison TIF from the bonds and TIF up there. Umbaugh and the items for Skally’s in this bill too. Maintenance and mowing for West Harrison by Lonnie Steele. Approved to pay. 
Visioning Fund- KMK Consulting- for new EDI and this has to do with the development for a county wide development organization.Still meeting with mayors at times.  Paid. 
Financials- they went over the $63.90 to L-bg to close out the grant. Whitewater Mills - payments made to bond bank that Auditor took care of already.
Randall- Skally’s is at point where she was getting nervous. They got a new partner and had to start the loan business over. They have two banks in the final stages. They hired someone to do projections of the income. $40 million project. Appraisal couldn’t happen until they had the final drawings done. KZF Design just sent the 100% final drawings to Randall this week. The bank thinks that by next Friday they can get contingent approval hind=ging on the final appraisal. They should have loan done in January. No title on the land until closing. They are further down the road as the drawings are already done. They anticipate construction in March. This is one year late. they will be using some local lending and local construction per Randall. 

Kaiser Pickles- We can get them some money but only if we amend the TIF. You have all toured all the properties. She will type up the amendments for the parcel changes and get with McCormack in Planning Office. There are 6 parcels to add. These are properties where development may go in the future. She had to talk with Tom Pittman on this. They are going to give them a match on the infrastructure. She plans to rewrite what Pittman did before and save some money on redrafting documents. Then he will review it legally.    
Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

December 8, 2016
9:00 a.m., 3rd Floor Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana


  1. Call to order

  1. Verification of Information Discussed in Executive Session

  1. Action of Executive Session 

  1. Approval of Minutes
October 27, 2016 Meeting 

  1. Claims & Financials
1.  Approval of Claims
- General Fund 
- Visioning Fund 
- TIF Fund

2.  Review of Financials

  1. Unfinished Business

  1. New Business
  1. Economic Development Officer’s Report

  1. Attorney’s Report
  1. Other Business

  1. Adjournment

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

6 December 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

6 December 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator

Baudendistel read the Title VI statement as required by law.


Change Orders for Courthouse Annex Project- Ryan Strotman Maxwell Construction- weather so far has helped get pretty far with foundation and the steel is being set. Steel will set the bar for how far they can get with the project this winter. 
Project savings of over $100,000 with various change orders. Some adds some deducts but net is over $100,000. 
Lawrenceburg Municipal utility was an overage.
Bruns Gutzwiller deduct- modified a juvenile ADA ramp and the underground tunnel. Juveniles who are handicapped can come thru basement level to elevator. Plus some other minor changes. $91,312.84 saved.
$4002.60 additional to Bruns Gutzwiller for laminate change and solid surface tops changes to some granite in judges areas.
Paul H Rohe $49,514.85 deduct - steel piers for ADA  and some other minor changes in the project
OK Interiors- Add $2,512.00- Tin ceiling tiles in existing tiles for coffered ceiling instead pf the tin tiles in Humphrey’s courtroom for ease of maintenance
Cook Mechanical - $10,865.00 deduct  of pump and can have gravity sewer instead.
$ 5036 deduct also from Cook Mechanical for one less pump in storm sewer system.
Banta Electrical $1,800 deduct for electrical feeds for the pumps that were eliminated. 

HIGHWAY DEPT. Todd, Listerman, County Engineer- Supplemental #1 RW for Bridge 24 Cold Springs Road for federal aid project. The residual properties on ROW acquisition adding  $8,800 to bring cost of  $37,150 as total for this 80/20 project. United Consulting is doing this design. This is set for Spring 2018 on the construction schedule. Baudendistel reviewed contract. Approved. 

Pavement Asset Management Plan Contract- HWC Eng. for this plan- contract needed to apply for grants for 50/50 match. Requires Bridge plan that we already do, but this plane for pavement plan is required by the new state requirements. $75,000 budgeted. $30,000 was the bid from HWC. They also did some work for Aurora and other entities in the state that he checked with. This allows us to apply for $1 million in grants under the Crossroads project. The actual person who works on this is in Patriot so they are closer to us- he used to work for Aurora. Baudendistel reviewed contract. Approved.

McHenry brought up the Engel issue with the gate from last meeting. Wanted a turnaround there. Gate stays open and county official turnaround is past the gate by the old barn. Per Baudendistel and Listerman.

Tim Grieve, Highway Supt.- Accept Annual 2017 Highway Material Bids and Fuel Bids
All aggregate and asphalt bids were accepted for functionality depending on proximity to the project. 
Asphalt- Rohe Kilby $47 , Rohe $45,  O’ Mara $42
Laughery Valley Ag Coop - Fuel only bid- $2.037 plus tax. Oil $2.418 Diesel- $1.709 and other forms were near that amount for grades of diesel. Approved. 
Aggregates were all accepted also. Watson, Newport, etc all bid on these. Approved all. County will post the details on all of these.

So far we have an abundance of salt and stockpiled 300 new tons in. 
Three individuals have knee issues and so they may be short of help- but he plans to get it all done and be safe. Equipment all in and up to date so far.

Water Rescue Status- Bill Black Jr- apologized for not having the material to them prior to the meeting. Established in 1983 by commissioners and have grown with a lot of equipment. In 2000 they found a foundation under cicil defense with volunteers to help fund this. He understands that Council has taken their funding out of the budget thru EMA. They get less than the $20,000 that each life squad sent. They are hoping that this was last minute and they didn’t expect this to happen. Question- If we were formed as a civil defense agency under commissioners in 1983, does it take an ordinance to dissolve this?
Are we going to still have EMA volunteers? 
If you are going to dissolve us will you still support us by allowing us to use the building under EMA?
McHenry said that he thinks that they can still use the building. Main issue is insurance. And to do it like life squads and fire depts have. Council took them out of some money- but they still get some money out of Riverboat. Hastings and Mollaun- two mayors had concerns about this. Since tree cities are the majority of the riverfront perhaps they can help fund with about $5000 each perhaps. He wants a commitment from the other two commissioners to allow them to use the building still and to continue to work thru this. Baudendistel would have to put together some sort of agreement for this. Approved. $15,000 of insurance they got on their own to cover them for a year. Vehicles used need to be titled in water rescue as opposed to EMA title. Many were bought thru grants at no cost to the county- using coast guard grants and the foundation. Baudendistel said they are incorporated as water rescue and that makes them separate entity form EMA. Port Authority activities may require that they step up to the plate on this as that comes to fruition. Lawrenceburg may get a surprise as to the costs needed to support the port activities. Black said there are a lot of little things to also work out that they use from EMA in the past. McHenry said that the SBOA guidelines on how to do this right now need to be obeyed. He said we will work through this. They appreciate all the work of the volunteers etc. 

Bright 74 Study- Lynch said that they all had received the report and a group of residents that were opposed to the project. He said his recommendation to not proceed with this project at this time. Little said that this is probably 20 years down the road anyway. He 2nded motion. McHenry said this was looked at and that some of this has gotten out of control. It was a good experience and that people got involved and good to hear from more people. Some people said some things that were political. Didn’t want personal shots to be taken. He said no one had any bad intentions or a major highway up there- at least he didn’t. He has met with some private individuals trying to connect people with trails etc that could also come from the study. He appreciates all the time Kevin and Art put into this. There was a lot of misinformation that needed to be addressed. They would never have done anything without listening to the people.. We probably learned some lessons about figuring out how to get more citizens on the board for this.
Lynch said it was a good exercise and the community got involved. It’s been a long time since we looked at a project of that scale.
Commissioners approved the motion to not do anything with the Bright-74 Project at this point.  

Barnes and Thornburg 2017 Contract- $5000 per month in session and $3000 per month for out of session times. $48,000 total. Ties to Governor Pence and this will be good for us per McHenry. Baudendistel said they are helpful and easy to talk to about issues. Six months in session and six out of session. Approved. 

Midwest Data 2017 Support Agreement- This is for the ADM building network data services - Randall added that IT issues and cyber security are big issues. Digitizing records are happening. Cloud based tech etc. The county needs to consider getting an IT person inside eventually. Approved. 

Dillsboro EMS Contract 2016- Randall said she has gotten to St. Leon to get theirs done before the year end. Continuing to work with Dillsboro on response times etc. Milan is also making changes that may give us  some more EMTs available. She’s also looking at more organizing of this process. McHenry noted that Aurora’s missed runs are sometimes when they are running for Dillsboro. A sort of vicious cycle occurs out there in that territory. Milan covers too. They are close to missing almost 50% of their runs. McHenry says that he wants to hold some money or give some to Aurora who is covering for them. Randall said that EMS turned down a generous offer from Fire Dept. and that they were thinking that maybe they needed to pay someone to stay there. Also they only had one more volunteer out of 18 form last training class.  McHenry is over it- they aren’t keeping up. TABLED.

Plan Commission Appointment for Jake Hoog-harder and harder to find a democrat in the county and this spot requires a Democrat per Little. He only missed one meeting this year. Approved.

Park Board Appointment for Doug Burger- approved

OKI Rep Appointment- Kevin Lynch- approved

SIRPC Rep Appointment - Art Little- approved

Support Letter for Lawrenceburg Fire Dept. AFG Application- for radio systems to comply with national standards. Old ones are 10 years old. Approved. 

Certificate of Appreciation to Aurora Boy Scout Troop 637- Rick Probst had help from them during the elections in May and November for patriotic support- Approved. 

McHenry joked that he was moving Abdon up on the agenda due to a 10AM meeting he had to be at. And Al had promised to take him to lunch. Abdon said he was going to drive him to lunch- not pay for it.
Resolution and Assignment of Tax Sale Certificate to City of Aurora Conwell property (presented by Genevieve Emery) and City of Greendale Ridge Ave Property (presented by Al Abdon) Redevelopment Commissions. Both issues were caused by the Resolution was read and approved and signed for each city’s redevelopment commission. 

Proclamation- Indiana Statehood Day and Bicentennial- Sunday Dec 11, 1816 President Madison signed Indiana as a state. Signed. Also a new flag that has flown over the statehouse will be flown here.

ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall- none

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Claims and Nov 15 Minutes approved. Meeting schedule will be as usual for 2017, the times may change after discussion in January. 

ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- business property lease agreement with DCRSD. SBOA requires sewer board to pay  lease of $1 for each of three years for the office space they use here in the building. Approved. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch- the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor tomorrow- honor our vets and reflect on it.
Little- WW II changed his family- his brother enlisted the day after Christmas 1941 at his ra work toomothers request to wait till then.


LATE ARRIVAL- Randall said- Andrea Shuter was honored at Heart of Gold recipient. She works a lot here with GIS extra too - she deserves it. McHenry noted how much she volunteers at the school and St. Johns also. 

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Saturday, December 03, 2016

AGENDA- December 6 MORNING Commissioners Meeting

December 6, 2016
8:30 a.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

I.          CALL TO ORDER

              1.  Change Orders Courthouse Annex Project - Ryan Strotman, Maxwell Const.

              2.  Highway Engineer, Todd Listerman
                        1. Supplemental #1 RW for Bridge 24
                        2. Pavement Asset Management Plan Contract

              3.  Highway Superintendent, Tim Greive
                        1.  Accept Annual Highway Material
                        2.  Fuel Bids

              4.  Water Rescue Status - Bill Black, Jr.
              5.  Bright 74 Study

              6.  Barnes & Thornburg 2017 Contract

              7.  Midwest Data 2017 Support Agreement

              8.  Dillsboro EMS Contract 2016

              9.  Plan Commission Appointment for Jake Hoog

            10.  Park Board Appointment for Doug Burger

            11.  OKI Representative Appointment, Currently Kevin Lynch

            12.  SIRPC Representative Appointment, Currently, Art Little

            13.  Support Letter for Lawrenceburg Fire Dept. AFG Application

            14.  Certificate of Appreciation to Aurora Boy Scout Troop 637
            15.  Resolution & Assignment of Tax Sale Certificate to City of Aurora

            16.   Proclamation – Indiana Statehood Day and Bicentennial

V.         ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall

VI.        AUDITOR Gayle Pennington
            1.  Claims/Minutes
VII.       ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel



XI.        ADJOURN

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

DC Redevelopment Meeting Dec 8 moved to 9 AM

Executive Session & Meeting

The Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission 
has called an Executive Session for 
Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.
A public meeting will take place at 9:00 a.m.

The Executive Session has been called for the purpose of discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties.
This is classified confidential by state and federal statutes.  
IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D)

These meetings will take place at the
Dearborn County Administration Building, 
3rd Floor Commissioner’s Room,
215 B West High Street,

Lawrenceburg, IN  47025

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016



22 November 2016 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

 22 November 2016 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes
Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Dan Lansing, Charlie Keyes, Ryan Brandt, Alan Goodman, and Bill Ullrich. 
ABSENT: Dennis Kraus, Sr. 
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor and Teresa Randall, County Administrator
Liz Morris read the title VI statement as legally required.
PROSECUTOR- Aaron Negangard- Personnel- Thanked the Council - Negangard this will be his last meeting  with Council. He has been named Chief deputy for Attorney General - elect, Curtis Hill, starting Jan 9th. Hopes to take what he has learned as a prosecutor to the state. Liz Morris thanked him for his years of service too. She noted that she took his position on Council years ago. 
Wayne County’s Adult Protective Services region needed help and with two additional personnel from them Negangard feels he can do a better job serving 10 counties with personnel for Adult Protective Services than the 5 counties he now serves. Two individuals will be added based on the grant for $125,094. Needs approval from Council to bring those two people on. They will be employees of Dearborn Ohio County prosecutor’s office. In the past the county had to supply some of the overage. He said this will not be the case. There will be a tsunami of elderly people by 2030 and need people to deal with that issue. It may grow out of the prosecutor’s office. When the money goes- these positions go. They will be hired knowing this. PAC- Personnel Advisory Committee recommended this be approved. This is a 2 year period grant. Wayne County is needing help- which is why we are gaining those 5 counties in their region. This may change coming out of next year’s legislative session. Council approved with Lansing motioning and Ullrich 2nding.
PARK BOARD- Jim Red Elk- Park Board Appointment- appointed again by Council.
Playground Improvements- $2200 . This is for playground equipment repairs and swings. Material costs included are $1635.08. Local citizen - Celeste Calvitto- wrote check for $3500 for Park Foundation to fund this and the sign refinishing for $1300. So no county money needed. 
Parking lot for disc golf $7700, split rail fence and gate $4500, picnic shelter $7000 for total $19,200. Approved with Brandt motion and Lansing 2nd. Out of fund 179- non-reverting Capital Account.
County Farm Improvements- Refinishing signs- $1300- also covered by Celeste Calvitto’s check for $3500 
Vandalism is improving due to the video monitoring system. Council thanked Celeste for her donation. Council approved the donation. 
JAIL- Sheriff Kreinhop- Inmate Medical Care- $15,000. This will cover to the end of the year. The bulk of the budget cover Advanced Correctional Healthcare. Dentist and Mental Health therapist gets covered. They make every effort to have the courts release inmates on their own recognizance with known medical issues on non- violent cases etc. Brandt motioned and Goodman 2nd. Approved out of Riverboat

COMMISSIONERS- Terri Randall- Request draw for Courthouse Annex Project. After looking at funds that mature in January with Council president and Auditor- she revised the request to  $1.4 million draw down tonight. Come back in January for about $3 million on the CD that is coming due for the county so they can get that interest. Keyes asked for more input. She said they get projections that are ball park numbers from Maxwell. These are only projections and we have contracts to pay. Keyes said maybe we should have more meetings perhaps so we get more interest rather than taking too much out at once. Ullrich motioned and Goodman 2nd. Approved. Lansing NAY.

REGIONAL SEWER DISTRICT- Steve Renihan- Wilson Creek Project $84,670.26 for extension on Wilson Creek. They have been working with Lawrenceburg city interlocal agreement. They are also looking to work with them on Guilford area. Olen Clawson from Lawrenceburg Municipal Utilities spoke said he sees a real need for cooperation to solve these issues. Morris said these projects get cost prohibited due to the lower density in the county. Clawson said this is their first attempt at a cooperative venture for these 14 homes. There are 7 homes that want to hook on right away. This system is voluntary hook-up like all county ones. Clawson said that eventually the county will need to get all hooked up to make the system work correctly and size the flows appropriately on the lines. Utility Board is fully aware of this concept per Clawson. With a 4th port on the Ohio this may lead to more development and need for sewers. Randall asked about the rates - county rates would be the same as Lawrenceburg rates. Rider associated with the rates for these homes to help repay the $85,000 charged. Greendale Aurora and Lawrenceburg have different rates now. As customers get added to the system rates can change. Try to get to an average rate for all residential customers. Brandt motioned and Goodman 2nd. Approved. 
In 2017- the DCRSD Board will be funded by their receipts. There may be some situations that require the Council to revisit that. 

SUPERIOR COURT PROBATION/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS- Steve Kelly - Grant to expand the veterans regional court for Judge Cleary for a diversion program. 
Kristy Alig salary- switch salary to be paid for by the Veteran’s Court Grant. If the grant does not renew in September she will go back on the county payroll. Brandt motioned and Ullrich 2nd. Approved.

Kayla Griffin salary- promoted to case manager and getting rid of her old position. Found that they did not expand as much as projected by criminal code changes. This saves $30,600. Lansing motioned and Goodman 2nd. Approved. 

AUDITOR-  Gayle Pennington- Maintenance -Utilities- There is $35,000 in COIT to pay for this. This is needed for December. Balance will be small in COIT after this. Lansing motioned and Ullrich 2nd . Approved. 

SIRPC appointment- Dennis Kraus agrees to serve still- Brandt motioned and Goodman 2nd. He was reappointed. 

2017 Meeting dates- Jan 24, May 23, Aug 28-Sept 1 Budget, and Nov 28th. These 4 are mandated by the state. More will be added as needed. Approved. 

2017 Salary Ordinance- finished based on the budget. Ullrich motioned and Goodman 2nd. Approved. 

Minutes from the July 26 meeting were approved. Both budget hearing and adoption 3 weeks later Oct 21 minutes were approved. Council members missing abstained from voting. 

Ullrich said that Morris and he discussed the warning sirens briefly. He thought that that discussion needed to be continued as noted in the local paper with Dillsboro. They will put this on the agenda for January. The municipalities may need to fund these. Randall said that the commissioners have received some calls on this. She talked to Jason Sullivan and Commissioner McHenry. They will be putting out a press release. They have Sullivan and Teaney to do research on this. Nothing has changed yet- the broken sirens have been broken for over a year. Morris said they need facts on these sirens. EMA is for the whole county- the cities don’t have these mandates. Randall said- Let the experts work on this. Check with other counties. Morris feels that reverse 911 on the cells is good.  

Brandt wished everyone a happy thanksgiving.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township