27 November 2018 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes
Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Dan Lansing, Alan Goodman, and Bill Ullrich.
ABSENT: Charlie Keyes, Ryan Brandt
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor
SUPERIOR COURT II – Judge Sally McLaughlin presented by Connie Fromhold
Grant Signature- annual $500-1000. No match. Approved.
SIRPC – Patty Jackson
Housing Preservation Grant- USDA Rural Development for matching dollars was received. $70,268. This is 2-3 times the usual amount. It needs to benefit all of Dearborn County. The Council approved using it throughout the county.
LIFE TIME RESOURCES – Sally/Dana presented for guardianship dept. $75,000 with Dearborn Ohio and Ripley with us being the main. Guardianship for seniors. Lifetime Resources providing the match. Approve dot sign the grant.
Financial advice- Professional services for Umbaugh and Associates for research and analysis for the LOIT ( local income tax increase)- $5,892.02 approved.
High Ridge West expansion, US 50- Renihan presented with Doug Baer from public Health Dept - wants funding for Texas Gas and Sharon Dr. problem area. Baer presented the severity of the problem. Majority of homes built in the 60s before the health dept. had septic permits. Enforcement cases are ongoing. Sewer arrangements are a cost effective solution for these residents. Renihan said the sewer plant in High Ridge needs more customers to cover its operating expenses. This is the most densely populated area close to the plant with problems. the is the only project we have that we can serve ourselves- about 49 customers. Other areas will be partnered with municipalities and so they will not bring income into the DCRC fund. This will cost just about $500,000. Need at least 30 customers to meet operating expenses there.They have never compelled anyone to hook on. At least 70% usually sign on in their experience. Realtors are all asking home sellers about selling. Average bill is about $35/mo. They will work out payment arrangements. Some get home equity loans. Some do a 6% interest rate and monthly payments to DCRC. $5000 for grinder, pipe to road, and destroying the septic system. Average new septic system costs $15,000 -20,000. So signing on to sewer is cost effective from the construction standpoint. Some of the homes are older than records in health dept and they do not meet the codes currently. Plant operator costs about $14,000/year. This operator also operates the Milan plant. Once they do this project they will be about at capacity. They can double the plant if needed- and if development comes the development can pay for the expansion. Council approved the money out of Fund 4917. Goodman thought this was a good idea and it helps put DCRC in the black.
PARK BOARD – Jim Red Elk- long list of items $133,000 in the account. Will get $33,000 in 2019. Asking for is about $47,000. Liz Morris asked him to try to use County Farm Fund 4925 from logging etc. first before capital account.
Bright Meadows Improvements- building repairs ad split rail fence- $13,000
County Farm Improvements (shooting range)-$2,000
Gladys Russell Improvements-Improvements-Poor system, -powder post beetle infestation in barn, and painting and repairs- $16,750
Guilford Covered Bridge Improvements- pedestrian bridge- $2,000
Misc. Park Improvements- picnic tables- tree removal- $5400
Rullman Park Improvements- electrical service- $8,000
Kraus said they want to get these things covered at budget time, not really emergencies. Council approved the above expenditures out of park funds. Applied for $25,000 grant for a Kubota and got $20,000 from DCFoundation and will get the additional $5,000 from another source. Approved the above requests.
COMMISSIONERS – Sue Hayden- presented by Connie Fromhold
Transfer of funds for gas- $5,000 from a dormant Workers Comp fund to transfer to gas fund. Approved.
AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold
Minutes from September- two sets from Morning Sept 26 and evening of Sept 26. Approved.
Building Department – Transfer of funds for vehicle repairs for $500 and $500 from 2 different funds. Approved transfer.
Soil & Water – Vickie Riggs (Ordinance update – 2nd and 3rd quarters)- salary ordinance changes needs signature- approved.
Salary ordinance for 2019 to do the last pay so they can get payroll out next year before their next meeting in January. Approved.
2019 Reorganization meeting for 4th Tuesday in January- January 22, 2019 - approved for next year. Budget will probably be in August.
Morris asked Council to look over duties and boards for next year when they need to get appointments. Connie Fromhold will try to get some names together also. They want a better email list and phones of their appointees.
$6,000 maintenance dept needed transfer of funds for building repair- approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township