Wednesday, February 21, 2024




Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Nicole Daily, Director of Planning & Zoning

Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Dearborn County Zoning Ordinance Pursuant to Indiana Code § 36-7-4-607

Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Dearborn County Zoning Map Pursuant to Indiana Code § 36-7-4-608

Daily said she is bringing the request for approvals for zone change map and text. She said we are in the 4th year of working on these. The Plan Commission voted to give a favorable recommendation with 7 out of 9  in attendance  last month and had 2 abstentions in the vote. (Thatcher abstained and Kraus, Jr. (Chairman)  did not need to vote as it was not a tie.) 

We created an Ag district and Ag Homestead which is like the current Ag district. And R1,2 and 3 with low to high density. 

Daily also showed the texts and definitions and said there were new definitions based on new texts too.

Baudendistel said Ordinance 2024-003 is in front of them. They do not need to have a public hearing as the Plan Commission already did. 

Goodman moved and Probst 2nded to approve the texts. Approved. 

Thatcher went over what he called Ag Residential (he means Ag Homestead???) as being like the current Ag, etc.  

Board also approved the Zoning Map as presented.  

Yearly Update – Dave Currence, Veteran’s Service Officer- presented the services that the Veterans office provides. He wants them to be treated with dignity and respect. They go to the American Legion Posts and presented to them- it’s a big step in explaining the benefits they have. The new clinic is open and he encouraged them to check it out. He gets his accreditation renewed by attending trining in Indy. He put together a small set of metrics each year. Transports about 43 per month. Growth - 21% increase in office visits and 28% in claims processed. He is the only person in the office and he thanked the staff and commissioners for their support. The new facility has an eye clinic now. They have more medical professionals. They have Benn open about 6 months. They have suicide prevention education, homelessness, etc that they educate veterans and tech community on. 

Probst asked about his “ugly” flag. It was an Air Force Flag. So Probst gave him an ARMY flag too. Laughter and applause. 

Resolution to Accept Transfer from Dearborn Co. Jail Holding Corp.- Former Commissioner Rocky Schroeder is the only surviving member. He helped them by executing the warranty deed. Commissioners approved and signed a resolution accepting the land from the Dearborn County Jail Holding Company. 

Proclamation for LUCKY RACER DAY, February 24, 2024 - Sue Hayden- said Chris Shearer (sp?)and this is from her father. It’s a scholarship program with skiers. It is to build champions on and off the slope. She wants to have proclamation presented to her on that day. Approved and signed. Thatcher will present it too her on that day he said. 

Acceptance / Completion of Lower Dillsboro Rd Slide Project - Approved.

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing more,

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and February 6th Minutes- Approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Sheriffs dept is donating old laptops to Moores Hill Fire and EMS- approved  the resolution to allow this. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Probst- HWY did a good job with recent storm. Hats off to them. Goodman and Thatcher both agreed with him on that. We have 525 miles of Rd and less than 25 people get the roads cleared per Thatcher.  


PUBLIC COMMENT- Tom Gaynor and Steve and Mike Kuhn - his sons. Discussion was on the problem of their farm which was AG now shows up as R1 on this map. They were at the last PC meeting but did not see that their land was R1. Commissioners and Baudendistel stressed that they can still farm for 200years in R1. They do not want to be grandfathered use. They want what they had. Ended up with Gainers saying they will have to get a rezone.  [NOTE: One of the things to be learned from this entire rezone process is that the maps were confusing to many citizens as they said they could not locate their specific properties because the maps used at workshops etc did not have landmarks or enough street and road names. The second thing to be considered is that when a citizen or developer asks for a zone change, they are required to notify the adjacent property owners of the request. That same courtesy (dare I say right?) is apparently not the case when a county redoes the zoning map. The Gaynors are long time farmers on their land. It was previously zoned Ag. This process changed that. It seems we might need to consider a process that would not require these people to pay for a zone change themselves to get back what the county took away from them.]

Ron Rourke - McCann Rd- They have a woods parcel and right of way issue. They are considering some hard questions due to family health issues. He wants to know what it is now. It’s Ag Homestead. He wants to know the process on changing it if he needs to. Will visit Plan office with Nicole.

Christian Vesper- Logan Township- thanks for updating maps with roads so I can tell where my property is. Ag Homestead- Why can’t they raise bees or insects and worms? Discussed all the  things he might want to do- would Ag be better?

Greg Hyland- 5th generation of Hylands. It’s hard to please all the people. Nicole has done a yeoman job putting the puzzle together. 


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township