Monday, February 05, 2024



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Ordinance 2024-001- Vacating a certain right of way easements- Verity Lane- Andy Baudendistel- said that they had the hearing at the last meeting. This is the ordinance for that. Approved and signed.


Soil and Water District Update- Beth Terrill, District Coordinator and Ken Gunkel Board Chairman- Terrill said 7 people went to annual conference in January. 15 people on their boards now. Trainee grant- for $1000 so they have that now. Tree giveaway at Bright park for white pines and persimmons and see packets for snowy rain garden. Also May 3 plants  - order due and May 16-17 pick at their office. March 14th - annual meeting 6:30 at Dearborn Adult Center. There will be guest speaker who will present on Mushrooms. 

Ken Gunkel- followed up on a couple items. Notified by Senator Maxwell that he will be attending annual meeting. Moved one Supervisor to Associate position due to his farm work and Tom Gaynor is moving up to that position. Home and Garden Weekend- had a booth. 

ONE DEARBORN 2024 Economic Development ServicesAgreement- Mike Perleberg, Executive Director- Perleberg presented copies of the services agreement. Same as last year but refreshed the dates. No questions Commissioners approved the agreement and signed. 

Perleberg said OCRA had a Stellar Pathways Communities Program. The lead applicant must be a county gov’t or a county non-profit group. It sets aside funding for participating communities and gets help from 6-7 state agencies.  Quality of Life and Quality of Place opportunities. There is a 10-20% match for the county as a whole for this. $8 million OCRA - $3 Million INDFOT 1.5 Million from Community Block etc.. Not looking for an answer today. There are a series of meetings about this. Timeline for letters of intent due May 1st so need to know by mid April. That funding is split across all counties. It is a competitive program to get 2 out of the state. The winners have been county wide efforts. One Dearborn will coordinate those efforts for the county. 

Jason Sullivan EMA Director- Travel Advisory Ratification -Sullivan presented the two yellow travel advisories Jan 6-7 and Jan 19-23 from last month for ratification. 

2023 EMPG Salary Grant Agreement - Sullivan was about $39,000. This reimburses the county payout for 2023. Approved.

Yearly Update- Animal Control Director- Steve Hofstetter- presented the stats and didn’t have as many after hours emergencies. None in March or May. Cracked down on rabies vaccination. This also gets them to the dog license. Came about a new vehicle and being outfitted,It will be in use by March-April. Multiple mechanics were unable to fix an old one. The old Ford Explorer has no air or heat though- but usable. Goal is for. Anew van. Goal to get to 2 good vehicles. Dog licensing will be a larger effort now. 130 total licenses collected. Similar to last year.Also PAWS has a license for each adopted dog. Kennel licenses- getting them in compliance each year. Baudendistel said -Can get ordinance violations in city court so that helps too. They are given an option to pay the fee but now also court costs of $130 which is split 50/50 with the county.    

Todd Listerman- County Engineer: Sue Hayden presented

2024 Paving Agreement Contract- $1,875,555 for O’Mara- Approved and signed. 

Quote for Repair Bridge #218 Lower Dillsboro Road-  Invert placement- $43,150 total cost McAlister  Excavating - Approved.

2024 Nurse and Doctor Agreements- for Jail- Sue Hayden presented- same except increased Doctor from 11,500 to  15,000

Nurse increased from 13,000 to 15,000

Approved both

ORDINANCE 2024-002 to AMEND THE CAPITAL ASSET POLICY- Baudendistel this is an update from 2004. Fromhold raised the threshold from $500 to $5,000. Sheriff reports weapons and Midwest Data reports tech. Approved.

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing more.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and January 16th Minutes- Approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Legislative session at halfway point. Proposed bills include Ability to restrict developments on a slope. State standard is less than 25% so it would be less stringent than ours. 

Police officers being hired and using training reimbursement agreements. And it can include reimbursable 1st year base salary. 

Another means HOA cannot prohibit lemonade stands.

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Alan Goodman- commended hwy on their work this past month. 


PUBLIC COMMENT - Harlan Burlage  SR 1-  asked about the county cost for One Dearborn - $20,000/year was answer. 


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township