11 February 2025 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes- 9:30 AM
Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Tom Tepe, Dennis Kraus, Jr., Jordan Hoffman, Jim Mansfield, and Daryl Cutter (non- voting school board member)
Also present: Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Anthony Smart, attorney, Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties;
IC § 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4) (A) to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision
Title VI statement read as legally required.
Welcome and Introduce New Members of the Board- 3 NEW MEMBERS- Tom Tepe, Dennis Kraus, and Jordan Hoffman. Deaton said they participated in the executive session.
Election of Officers Jim Deaton accepted Chairman with caution- as he hopes a new chairman will be here in a year as the last thing you want is an 87 year old still running this board. Jim Mansfield is Vice chairman. Dennis Kraus, Jr is Secretary.
Memorandum for Executive Session- Board certified that they only talked about what was advertised ( see above) in the executive session.
Action from Executive Session- accepted proposal from Intera to do an impact evaluation. Approved.
Establishment of Meeting Dates and Times- NEW MEETING TIMES - Hoffman asked to have some meetings where the public could attend. Executive sessions will be at 4 PM and Meetings will be at 5 PM on the 2nd Monday of the month. Approved.
Approval of Minutes for December 10, 2024 Meeting- Approved noting the only 2 members were still here from previous board. Anthony Smart said they could all. Still approve.
Claims: Bayer Becker $1,760.00 for Task #7 and attending meeting. One Dearborn $12,500.00 for 4th quarter billing and BakerTilly $8,876.25 for work on Project Boost, TIF projections and creation of Bright TIF area. Anthony Smart $11,406 for legal services 6/17/24-1/29/25. Total $34,542.25- Approved
Financials – Review- Board received copies. Jordan Hoffman asked if the assets were in cash- Answer was YES.
Old Business
Bright Meadows Park Pledge- Perleberg- Last November pledge was to be matching $100,000 for stellar grant that was received. This was to be $100,000 out of the DCRC cash fund. This was money that was not in the individual TIF funds. This comes out of other sources- land sales , interest, etc. There is no money in the Bright TIF. The first Bright TIF fund is coming in 2026 from that Bright TIF. It’s projected to be $50,000 per year from Bright TIF. These would have to be formally done in a resolution. Anthony Smart will do that.
Also pledged funds for I-74 grant which was $350,000 as it’s 10% of that. Smart thinks they should show these pledges so they remember what’s coming out of these funds- keep track of these promises. [NOTE: Like the DCRSD (sewer district) money that saved the West Harrison TIF and allowed Whitewater Mills to be built ahead of TIF money coming in from it?]
New Business
Project Fresh Economic Development Agreement- TABLED
Project Fresh Tax Abatement Resolution- this allows them to consider this abatement- 2025-DCRC-001- was approved.
2025 Mowing Services- properties by hospital and by west Aurora TIF and West Harrison and Bright property. Drake Mowing charges $70/hr. Kraus ask about bids- and history was given of that and the cost. Approved as the cost and service has been reasonable.
Meeting Decorum- rules that Commissioners and Council have adopted. Tabled until the Board could review for the next meeting.
Bayer Becker Report- Mark Rosenberger- Billboard permits that are needed to have trees cut down. Trying to get those permitted to get tree cutting permits submitted. This is all through INDOT.
INDOT meeting on Moore Drive needs a DCRC board member plus Listerman to be there - Tom Tepe will go to that.
Slipping on the on ramp to I-74 East and will get that to INDOT to move that project up- slated for 2032. There are a lot of trucks using that . Trying to improve that.
One Dearborn Report
One Dearborn Service Agreement- Perleberg presented. $55,000 for doing day to day services. Noted $16.5 million secured grants. Dyke , Kaiser etc brought in and have $0.9milion ( $900,000?) in private investors. Approved
READI program- $10 million in finds in SE Indiana- Last year. Opportunity now for $250,000 from READI grant could be here for Moore Drive project.- There is some red tape and a grant administrator needed and Commissioner and Council approval too.
Deaton added praise for One Dearborn- that without One Dearborn - not any of those things would have happened. They are getting things for us and the county in general.
Attorney’s Report- nothing to add.
Other Business- June Tucker- asked if there is a steering committee on Bright TIF- she wants to be on it. Nothing has been done yet per Deaton.
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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