Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Duane Bischoff, and Kevin Turner
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator
Also present- Marc Emral- Register and Sam Mortenson who spoke under Public Comment at the end asking about the possible sale of the sewer district. (SEE THAT AT END OF MEETING NOTES)
TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.
2025 BOC Meeting Schedule - TABLED from prior meetings waiting for 3rd commissioner. Meeting times are changed from morning at 8:30 AM and evening meetings at 6 PM.
BOARDS for new D-3 Commissioner - TABLED from prior meetings waiting for 3rd commissioner.
OKI- Kevin Turner
Emergency Management- Kevin Turner
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council- Kevin Turner
Citizens Boards:
911 Communication Board – Additional member Appointed by Mayors w/approval by BOC: Anthony Smart and Austin Woods (1-year term initially, then 4-year)- Approved- Kevin will reach out to Dillsboro and Moores Hill and Duane to St Leon to get their people
Cemetery Board – Open position (5-year term) (continued tabled – no recommendation yet)- Will have one for March hopefully. TABLED
Redevelopment Board Members (1-year) Current members– Jim Deaton, Jim Mansfield, Tom Tepe / Recommended: Trevor Bischoff - Duane said he is not related to him. He’s a Rose Hulman graduate- smart - real estate background. Wants someone younger who will have an interest for longer. Broader generational base too per Kevin Turner. These younger people are future commissioners etc. Thatcher did not want to have someone that new at this time on this board. and Non-Voting School Board Member (2-years) - Daryl Cutter -TABLED to think about making it a 7 member board.
2025 Economic Development Service Agreement with One Dearborn – Gage Pace, One Dearborn- outlined their successes briefly. The agreement is below. Baudendistel talked about the governmental position on that board ( Duane Bischoff) being able to abstain from voting on that board too. ( At Duane’s request) Approved the agreement printed here below:
This Agreement is effective as of January 1, 2025 (the “Agreement”) and is executed by and between
the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners (“BOC”) and One Dearborn, Inc. (“One Dearborn”) whose principal place of business is located at 500 Industrial Drive, Suite 2110, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025.
WHEREAS the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners wishes to acquire certain economic development services which One Dearborn can provide; and
WHEREAS One Dearborn is willing to provide such services in return for appropriate compensation;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
1. Economic Development Services.
During the term of this Agreement, One Dearborn will maintain an economic development office in Dearborn County and will provide the following economic development services to BOC:
a) Prepare, update and administer a joint Economic Development Plan that integrates development goals across all cities, towns and the unincorporated portions of Dearborn County.
a. Coordinate task force teams around the BIG 8 Economic Impact Drivers identified in the Plan.
b. Annually, create a strategic plan that outlines specific action items aimed at making positive long-term progress on the challenges and opportunities identified in the Economic Development Plan.
c. Partner with the Commissioners, Planning & Zoning, Board of Health, Sewer Board and other boards/departments within Dearborn County Government to support shared goals for the betterment of Dearborn County’s long-term economic prosperity
b) Serve as the central, county-wide Local Economic Development Organization (LEDO) as required by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) and other regional organizations in order to receive confidential new business leads.
c) Serve as a resource, gatekeeper and intermediary between parties to help ensure that new businesses settling in the unincorporated area of Dearborn County have a professional, quality experience that meets their project deadlines and creates positive impressions.
d) Promote the County and its TIF districts through business development marketing, a centralized economic development website and collateral materials which discuss the attributes of the county, region and state of Indiana. This includes maintaining a data base of available sites and building inventory and administering any programs available through utility partners and others that support growing the County TIF districts;
e) Integrate the county’s existing businesses into a Business and Retention program, identifying common issues and concerns that could be a barrier to growth and success;
f) Develop and implement strategies around a ready workforce for current and future employers;g) Be actively engaged in the southeast Indiana region, Cincinnati metro and with the state of
Indiana around economic development goals, programs and advocate for shared opportunities to impact the future of Dearborn County for the better.
2. Fees paid to One Dearborn.
Based upon the time estimated to be required for the above-described Economic Development Services,
BOC will compensate One Dearborn the following fee during the specified periods:
January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025 – Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for services noted above.
For administrative reasons for both parties, fees will be invoiced to BOC from One Dearborn in one installment in January 2025.
3. Parties agree that:
a. Payments to One Dearborn under this contract are in exchange for services and other benefits provided to BOC.
b. Payments received by One Dearborn are not based upon and do not involve a consideration of the tax revenues or receipts of BOC.
c. Payment amounts under this contract have been negotiated by One Dearborn and BOC.
d. BOC shall only be billed for services and other benefits that are actually provided by One Dearborn.
4.Documentation of Work Performed. One Dearborn will provide semi-annual reports outlining the work performed and accomplishments and will meet with the board of commissioners of the BOC as requested
to review progress.
5.Advisory Input. After signing this agreement, BOC may choose to select a member of their board of commissioners to serve as a liaison and advisory representative on the One Dearborn Advisory Board
which is designed to obtain input from customers and community partners on economic development strategy, projects, and various work groups to accomplish common goals.
6.Best Efforts. One Dearborn will use its best efforts, skill and experience in rendering the Economic Development Services described in Item 1. However, BOC shall recognize that economic development
project deals are complex and may not come to final fruition despite quality communication and gatekeeping to ensure issues are resolved and questions answered throughout the process; especially when due to circumstances not under One Dearborn or BOC’s control. If claims arise relating to the performance of the Economic Development Services hereunder, both parties agree to work amicably to resolve those claims. Each will carry professional liability and the respective insurance carriers may ultimately have to resolve claims in the best interests of both parties.
7.Term. The term of this Agreement shall be through December 31, 2025. Either party may terminate this agreement in writing within sixty (60) days of its intent to terminate the Agreement. In the case of such
notice of termination, BOC will only be billed for services that have actually been provided by One Dearborn.
8. Extension of Agreement. This agreement shall be renewable for additional terms of one year upon approval by the BOC and One Dearborn, Inc.
9. Notices. Any notices required or allowed hereunder shall be in writing and given by registered mail to theparties at the following addresses or at such addresses that may be furnished by one party to the other:
Dearborn County Board of Commissioners
165 Mary Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
One Dearborn, Inc.
500 Industrial Drive, Suite 2110
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
10. Independent Contractor. This Agreement does not create a principal or agent, employer or employee, partnership, joint venture or any other relationship except that of an independent contractor relationship
between the parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create or imply a joint venture, principal an agent, employer or employee, partnership, or any other relationship except that of an
independent contractor, and neither party shall have any right, power or authority to create any obligation, expressed or implied, on behalf of the other in connection with the performance hereunder.
11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and understanding between the BOC and One Dearborn with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed as of the day and year first above mentioned.
Dearborn County Board of Commissioners One Dearborn, Inc.
Jim Thatcher, President, Board of Commissioners Mark Graver, President One Dearborn, Inc.
Travel Advisories – EMS Director, Jason Sullivan- Approved to accept those yellow advisories retroactively.
911 Director Recommendation- The letter said- On January 23, 2025, the Dearborn County Communication Board met for the purpose of making a recommendation for the vacant 911 Director position. After some intense discussion and deliberations, we provide the following candidates for your consideration:
• Kristopher Heitmeyer - Primary Choice
• Jeffrey Butler Jr. - Alternate Choice
We recommend that the commissioners interview the candidates before making any employment offer.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Thatcher said that he tested him with recommendations and he got them done and decreased run times to Perfect North Slopes.Turner and Bischoff agreed that he has handled it well. Approved
Engineer, Todd Listerman - Unofficial Detour Agreement w/INDOT for Iron Truss Bridge and a second structure east of Whites Hill Rd - Closure of SR-46 West of US-52, County 6/9/25-10/31/26. Official detour Harrison Brookville, North Dearborn, Jamison, Whites Hill. The unofficial one is not signed or marked , but is eligible for reimbursement for maintenance repairs. Approved and signed.
ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden-going to AIC conference this week.
AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold -Claims/Payroll and January 21st Minutes- Approved
ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- welcomed new commissioner Kevin Turner.
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Duane -welcomed Kevin and also sent 75 emails out with Sue’s help- to businesses
Thatcher- pursuing St. Elizabeth’s about the building of the new hospital down in Greendale- wanting a timeline,
Andy Baudendistel- said that maintaining an acute care hospital in DC was part of their original agreements, but there was no date put on that part of the agreement- only one for the cancer center.
PUBLIC COMMENT- Sam Mortenson - Hogan Township- congrats to Kevin on recent election. Had heard about a commitment to sell DCRSD. He asked Jim Thatcher if he was in favor of the sale of the sewer district.
Thatcher said he has been to a lot of their (DCRSD’s) meetings. They are financially struggling. The projects they are currently involved with like Lake Dildear and Guilford would not have happened if the county had not provided the finances (thru federal ARPA money). Going forward, the way Thatcher sees it in the future - there would be no new developments served. (No mention of the large capacity at Guilford that will be available soon???) He thinks that if a for profit organization took over the sewer district then that entity as a private entity would be looking to grow and expand to provide sanitary sewers. We (the Commissioners) do not have the authority to tell the sewer board what to do. Information will be provided to them and then they can vote for whatever option they feel is best for the DCRSD and Dearborn County. Keep in mind, regardless of what we think, the final decision rests with that board.
Mortenson asked Kevin Turner what his opinion was on this.
Kevin Turner said- This is my first Commissioner meeting. He said he has heard what is going in with the sewer board but with transitioning from Council where we are doing fiscal stuff to Commissioners, he wants to hold his comments until he gets more information.
Mortenson asked Duane Bischoff what he thought.
Duane Bischoff said he needed more info also. Previously being President of St. Leon Sewer Board for about 10 years and a business owner who is trying to grow his own business, I would like to see them become self-sufficient and that could be done. I do not like to lose control of assets. I think you would lose control of the ability to help he community. A lot of times when sewer lines are put in, people are forced on and people may not have that money. It’s $10-20,000 to get hooked on to a city sewer system, so it has to be looked in to- so that it is not detrimental to people who can’t afford to hook on.
Andy Baudendistel said that every legislative session it seems like they switch back ad forth between forcing people on and allowing people to stay on septic. Most recently if you are notified by IDEM that your septic system is in failure, the most recent change was to allow you to hire a private entity to inspect your system and say to Health Dept or IDEM that they are wrong , that it is working. Municipal and regional Sewer Districts do have the authority to do forced hook ups within 300 ft of the property line. As far as the County’s involvement, we did the interlocal agreement that authorized the commissioners to pay the legal fees for the DCRSD, just because DCRSD doesn’t have a lot of money- that’s Barnes and Thornburg that Jim has mentioned. My understanding is that they were evaluation all the options that were available for DCRSD. I have not seen the responses they have received from that RFP ( Request for Proposals )
Thatcher - With the new system coming into Guilford- those rates are going to be kind of high. The company called Envirolink - called Crossroads in Indiana -in Bright took over LMH in Bright and has 13-1400 customers. And if the acquisitions did go thru- those customers in Guilford would have lower rates because it would spread those costs over more customers. Now I know DCRSD has not raised the rates in a number of years. So people down that way are looking at a tremendous increase in their rates. DCRSD has about 150 customers and only about 100 pay their bills.So there are issues that need to be dealt with.
Mortenson- Thank You.
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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