Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Commissioners Make Sewer Board Appointments

At the Feb 2, 2004 Monday Morning Commissioner Meeting, Health Board Chairman Rodney Dennerline recommended that commissioners appoint Vera Benning to the Sewer Board citing that the current Sewer district was in her Commissioner district.

Commissioner Karen Shell thought that the board should not be political and didn't want any commissioner appointed to that. She wanted to use the commissioner designee option.

Following some discussion, wherein Commissioner Benning reasserted her request to be appointed (citing her work to get the district in place and efforts shepherding the GRW consultants through the process of getting it set up), the commissioners made their two remaining appointments.

Commissioner Dan Batta made the motion to appoint Pat Hanlon from Manchester as the District 2 representative (term ends 12/31/2004) and Pat Holland from Sparta as the Commissioner designee (term ends 12/31/2006). Chairman Karen Shell seconded the motion, because commissioner Benning would not. It passed two to one, with Vera Benning voting Nay. She did wish the two chosen "Godspeed."

The commissioners revoted the District 3 rep - Barry Pruss - to make it "legal" because the original vote was at a meeting where one of the commissioners was present on speakerphone. Vera Benning commented that her choice, Barry Pruss, may not want to be on the board now as he has been medically advised to avoid stress.

That means this appointment may need to be changed...

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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