Sunday, February 01, 2004

MACA Recomends Appointee to Sewer Board from District 2

A county wide sewer system may be far in the future but planning for it is starting now. Each district of the county should be represented by someone who lives in the district. District 2 is lucky enough to have an expert on sewage treatment living in the district. His name is Pat Hanlon (not to be confused with Patrick Holland from Sparta). Pat has been part of the backbone of the Manchester Area Civic Association (MACA) since its inception. MACA was his idea and he is an active member and past president.

I think he would make a perfect member of the Sewer Board and, knowing his dedication to the welfare of Dearborn County, I believe he would accept an appointment to the Board. How do we go about pressing the case for his appointment?

Sue Weldon
President, MACA

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