Tuesday, February 02, 2010

2 February 2010 Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission Annual Meeting Notes

2 February 2010 Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission Annual Meeting Notes

Present: John Rahe, President, Kevin Lynch, VP, Jim Helms, Sec’y, John Maxwell, and Dennis Kraus Sr sitting in for Council. Tom Orschell was absent due to conference in INDY. Mike Rozow, and Paul Kunkel, his assistant were present as well.

2009 annual meeting minutes, audits, year end financials, and 2010 budget were approved.
Officers were elected- same as listed above.

TIF balances were part of the packet. It was noted that they are accumulating about $65,000 per year in the three TIFs total. The total amount of TIF income is $229,345 with West Aurora TIF at $95,736.93 (they have the most industry already to generate the income.) St Leon TIF has $33,509.86. West Harrison TIF has $100,098.21 (they have been in existence the longest.)

Aurora generated $50,048.23 in 2009, West Harrison generated $10,295,74 and St Leon generated $13,010.25 in 2009.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 PM

This meeting was followed by an executive session. No decisions will be made at that. They will announce a public meeting if they need to make a decision.

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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