Wednesday, May 06, 2020

6 May 2020 DC Commissioners Meeting Notes


Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst (via telephone)

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

VIA Bridge Conference Calls if necessary

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Update re: COVID-19- Baudendistel- Governor Holcomb set for stage 2 thru May 23rd. Meetings protocol here extended to June 4th. Local governments can set own policies all the way out to July 4. This can change if adverse effects are noted.
Employees coming back on May 11:
1. local emergencies remains 2. emergency proclamation is extended. 3. review at each upcoming meeting  4. Back on Indiana track adopted 5. county employees work on May 11 and some can work from home if they meet certain criteria spelled out in the update. 6. All employees and officials shall enter thru the Mary Street entrance.7. public access by appointment only with a mask. 8. Entrance procedures for other facilities will be determined by the dept heads. 9. This will be in place till May 17.  10. Travel emergency is extended but reduced which is yellow 11. Travel advisory is advisory yellow.
County can be more restrictive and not less restrictive than the state per Probst and Baudendistel concurred. 
Commissioners discussed the entrances for employees. Employees enter before 8:30 AM  at High Street. Public enters Mary Street and any late employees. Separate entrances for employees keeps 
Approved the resolution.

Guaranteed Savings Contract RFP- After close review of both contracts, it was noted that one company had not fulfilled all requirements of the RFP resulting in their elimination.
Although both companies would provide excellent service for Dearborn County, Johnson
Melloh is the recommended company to be awarded the Guaranteed Savings Contract. There are no amounts to be awarded. They provide expertise to get bids etc. Probst wanted clarification on certain projects under consideration and the budget now. Thatcher said there are projects in yellow that are options. They probably won’t be doing some of them For example the Solar projects are not up for bids as there is no cost savings there yet. Possible savings of $100,000 savings on these projects. Probst was OK as long as the projects come back for approval to Commisisoners and they also go to Council for funding of the projects. 
Johnson Melloh gets a cost savings and that benefits county. Johnson Melloh’s fees are in the cost of each project and is a percentage of that project. 
Commissioners approved Johnson Melloh as contractor for Guaranteed Savings Contract. 

Highway Engineer- Todd Listerman:
Pavement Asset Management Plan Update Agreement with HWC- NTE $10,700- this is the requirement for getting access state funds and this company does the plan every 2 years.  Approved.

NO TRUCKS Restrictions for SR 350 Bridge Closure- Because of the closure of SR-350 for INDOT Contract B-38352 and per Dearborn County Ordinance 2019-5,  Listerman and Hwy Dept recommend that no thru trucks be allowed on Soap Hill Road and on North Hogan Road from SR-350 to Soap Hill Road for seventy-seven (77) days starting May 18, 2020 and ending August 3, 2020. State closing for complete deck overlay and repair of structure. Approved. 

Contract with HWC for Bridge #5- East Laughery Creek Road- Listerman says this is for construction inspection work for the state at 80/20 reimbursable and NTE $135,285.40. Approved. 

EMA ( Emergency Management ) Board Appointment - Zachary Compton- back in January Dave Wissman had to step down for time conflicts. He was recommended and has the experience and background. Probst checked with the board and Wissman and all are on board with this. Approved. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing more

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and Minutes from April 21st approved.

NRCS Grant for Union Ridge and North Hogan for  $1.185 million for Highway slip needs to be paid up front and reimbursed later. Only will pay this if we get approval of the grant. Approved as it is definitely necessary.  

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing else

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- thanking Mike Burgess for 10 years as veteran’s Officer on retiring and a salute to him as Marine. His replacement on board and veteran Air Force officer is Dave Currence. Burgess is running for Council.
We need to continue o practice safe measures to reduce exposure to the virus. Be even more vigilant.
Little- Hopes virus doesn’t interview with Bright festivals in July.
Thatcher - Also salutes Burgess and welcomes Dave Currence. 
Primary concern is to keep all the employees and public safe. Hopes things will move in right direction so they can open up a little more in the coming weeks. The folks who passed were over 80. Shady Nook had several 




Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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