Tuesday, June 28, 2005

27 June 2005 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

27 June 2005 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present: Present: Mark Mitter, Chairman, Jeff Hughes, Patrick de Maynadier, Tarry Feiss, Dennis Kraus, Jr., Robert Laws, Mike Hall, and Nick Held. Absent: Jane Ohlmansiek.
Also present: Travis Miller, Planning Director, and Mark McCormack, Enforcement Officer, and Arnie McGill, Att’y.

1. Tom Kent Gets Approval for replat of Carlee Acres off SR48 and Burns Rd.
One neighbor spoke and one letter was received on this application. The concern with the Burns Rd. access to SR 48 was addressed – Kent explained the delay with utility companies needing to move their utilities prior to the road realignment.
Kent also has the approval of each owner of the sold lots on the replat. This replat creates one more lot with access in case the adjoining owner does not buy that lot (Lot 10). If it is to become buildable it will require septic sites to be approved as well.
Hall motioned and Feiss 2nd to approve the replat with all tech review items addressed and only lot 5 and 10 sharing driveways, lot 4 and 6 to have direct access to Carlee Drive. All ayes.

2. Contrived Roadway Access Leads to Denial for 3-lot Family Subdivision Off West County Line Road in Jackson Township.
Kraus, Jr. and Mike Hall stepped down for this application. Both had surveyed this original land.
Carol Vassil, owner had purchased the land wishing to split it for her and two children. Approval would have required a dimensional variance in street width of 2 ft./ a 950-ft variance in cul de sac length, and a 90 ft. dimensional variance on the two curves. The curves would be widened to allow emergency vehicles to pass. Asphalt pavement was proposed. Four neighbors in the area spoke against the division. Drainage issues due to the flat land and soils in Jackson Township, mosquito control, more traffic (FROM 3 HOUSES!), car lights shining into homes on the property near the road bends, this division being the start of further ones possibly, etc.
The PC members noted that this looked like it was designed to be a one-lot piece originally. The original land already has 5 flag lots on it. There were issues of safety with fire- dept. access on the road. Too many variances requested to fit it in.
De Maynadier motioned and Laws 2nd to deny based on not meeting sections d or c of the standards for granting a variance. All ayes to deny.
Applicant asked if she could come back for 2 lots. The answer was yes, if there were direct access to the main road.

3. Request From Highway Dept. to Change Ordinance Section 450 For 75% Buildout to Trigger Road Acceptance in Subdivisions Denied.
This rule of thumb does not apply in all cases. Plan Commission felt it was better to judge on a case-by-case basis. The county’s interests need to be protected before roads are taken in to inventory.
DeMaynadier motioned and Hughes 2nd to Deny. All ayes to deny.

1. Draft Budget for 2006 approved with Hughes abstaining and Laws voting nay.

2. BZA may need some language changes in ordinance to clarify enforcement issues such as stop work orders. Discussion on complaint based enforcement ensued. Will advertise this for upcoming hearing later.

3. Patrick deMaynadier will step down form BZA due to being over-committed. PC to select a new member to go to BZA next month.

4. Thursday August 18th 7-9 PM will be next PC Working Session to decide how to work on the Future Land Use Map. Master Plan Advisory Board is not being notified of this yet. The meeting IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, though.

5. DOGRIDGE ROAD SUBDIVISION came in for tech review today for phase 1- 44 homes. Mike Hall reiterated that his motion was to have no homes or lots sold until the 2 intersections with SR1 and SR46 were constructed!!! The Board instructed Travis Miller to have Maxwell notified that any work he does on subdivision roads or utilities prior to this is at his own risk. Maxwell is to sign off on that prior to the improvement plan being approved. [NOTE: No lots or homes are to be sold until after the intersections are complete. This will occur at 2ndary approval. The preliminary groundwork is at Maxwell’s risk, should anything fall through from INDOT or ROW issues for those intersections.]

6. A letter from county citizens protesting the St. Leon Sewer hook-ups was passed out to all board members. Travis informed them that the citizens requested that the PC be notified and that Channel 9 – I team was involved.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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