Wednesday, January 09, 2008

SEWER ISSUES - Excerpt of December 18 2007 Minutes of Commissioner Meeting

SEWER ISSUES Excerpt from Minutes of December 18, 2007 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting

This is essentially a transcript of the “tape” of the meeting. Commissioners have not yet approved these minutes. No corrections have been made to any spelling etc in this transcript. Some areas are highlighted for those wishing a “quick read.”

Meeting Date: December 18, 2007

The Dearborn County Board of Commissioners met In the Admin. Bldg., 215•B West High Street, 3rd Floor - Commissioners Room. Lawrenceburg, IN on December 18, 2007 starting at 6:33 pm. Present Jeff Hughes, President, Rick Fox and Ralph Thompson, Commissioners, Bryan Messmore, Administrator, Robert Ewbank, County Attorney and Cary Pickens, Auditor.
Jeff Hughes, President opened the meeting with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

7:18:20 pm - Tom Hammond, citizen spoke about the following subjects .
St. Leon sewer

Commissioners letter to DCRSD from the Apr. 17, 2007 meeting

Mr. Hammond explained he represented a coalition of families in the county called CASE. (Citizens Against Sewer Enforcement.) They are a community group willing to dedicate their time & energy necessary to defeat the imposition of forced sewer connections in Dearborn County.

Tom Hammond wanted to talk about the letter from the Commissioners to the sewer district from the April 17th, 2007 meeting.

Bob Ewbank, Co. Atty. stated that the first thing Mr. Hammond would have to fight on the issue was the municipal law - not county law. In terms of the two statutes there, it is where the city runs out a municipal sewer on 300 feet of the property line that also had a jurisdictional limit of ten mile. This was not an issue for the County; it would be an issue for the State legislature if Mr. Hammond wanted it changed.

(At this time, Tom Hammond asked Mr. Ewbank if he could stop him there because he wanted to say something & Mr. Ewbank told him - "No, let me finish. Then Tom Hammond said, "Excuse me, but you stopped me. Rick Fox, Commissioner exp1ained that Bob Ewbank wanted to give the legal side of the issue. Tom Hammond replied that he wanted to stop him before he went any further.)

Tom Hammond said that they were not present discussing that municipal law nor the county law.

Bob Ewbank stated it was prefatory information and if Mr. Hammond would listen - maybe he wou1d get his answer.

Mr. Ewbank said that #2 -the regional district also had a provision for a 300 ft. property line tap in. Along with that it had a unique provision for septic tank soil absorption where there was actually an exemption if they had a new system and a unique provision to spread the expenses over 20 years. Lastly, there is a the county ordinance. It has effectively been repealed by the creation of the regional sewer district. If the regional sewer district had a sewer system out where he lived, he would fall under the provinces of that law. Right now he was Mr. Ewbank explained that right now he was falling under the provinces of municipal law.

Tom Hammond said he appreciated Mr. Ewbank's effort but it did not answer his question. He explained the reason he was speaking before the Board of Commissioners was that the Commissioners made a statement unanimously on Apr. 17, 2007 that they were not in favor of any forced sewer hookups. Tom wondered where the letter was that officially made the statement of how the County Commissioners saw the Issue. The growth in the county has stopped & he thought that it was just one reason for the stoppage because the county had not made the letter official.

Bob Ewbank asked Mr. Hammond if he wanted to change the law.

Tom Hammond answered, no he wanted Mr. Ewbank to take the paper & simply sign it.

Mr. Ewbank could not see what good it would do because, they did not have jurisdiction.
Tom Hammond said it was mentioned at a commission before that a precedent would be set with the issue & he wanted to make sure that the precedent gets set. The statement from the Citizens Against Sewer Enforcement read that they didn't endorse sewer hookups.

Mr. Ewbank stressed that the County Commissioners did not have the jurisdiction to speak about that issue; the Commissioners did not have that power. If he wanted to deal with that issue, he would have to deal with the State legislature.

Tom Hammond asked about the citizens who lived in the county that were under the threat of the sewer hookups. Weren't they entitled to a statement?
(Tom Hammond told Mr. Ewbank he was not talking to him; he was talking to the Commissioners.)

Mr. Ewbank told Mr. Hammond for the second time that he was asking the Commissioners to do something that they did not have the jurisdiction to do.

Mr. Hammond told the Commissioners that the people would like to see them make a statement of what they stood for and what they represent.

Rick Fox said that Tom Hammond was making it sound like the County Commissioners could fix the issue for him. Mr, Ewbank is talking from the legal side of the issue.

Mr. Hammond said that the board was leaning on Mr. Ewbank & his law firm and he supercedes them.

RickFox added that Mr. Ewbank was there to tell the board what they should know or what they don't .

Tom Hammond said this was not a court of law. He was simply asking for their endorsement.

Mr. Ewbank emphasized that he was asking for a legal opinion that was outside his jurisdiction.

Tom Hammond said he came to simply asked the Commissioners about the letter and
Mr. Ewbank (the Co. Atty) juggernauted into the legal issues.

Mr. Ewbank stated that they do not juggernaut into legal issues. They are a government of laws. The County Commissioners cannot change it. Mr. Ewbank commented that if the Commissioners could change it, they would probab1y change it.

Tom Hammond said since it was a public hearing maybe it was time for the Commissioners to come forward with their position on the issue.

Mr. Ewbank explained that the Board of Commissioners could give their individual opinions but collectively as Commissioners they cannot change the State law.
Rick Fox thought they had given their individual opinions and he did not believe in forced hookups.

Jeff Hughes, President said he liked the county ordinance whereas the people did not have to hook on if they had a functioning system. President Hughes added that he could not change State law.

Rick Fox stressed that there were minutes of all the public meetings for the record.

Mr. Ewbank reiterated for the third time that Tom Hammond was asking for a legal opinion from the Commissioners as a body for something that is outside their realm. There is no problem with the Commissioners giving their individual opinions on the issue. The law they are dealing with is a state law and if Mr. Hammond wants that law changed he must go to the State legislature & get it changed. Mr. Ewbank said the first thing he would change would be the 300 foot requirement.

Tom Hammond said they were working as a group & 2008 would mark their third year on their resistance. The resistance was creating a lot of the non growth.

Mr. Ewbank did not think that anyone disagreed with Mr. Hammond's position. The problem was he had a State law that was a municipal one - not a county one. The Board of Commissioners cannot change the State law.

Tom Hammond said simply that their problem would become the county's problem.
It has been three years their group has been together & three years that St. Leon had not received from 118 Individuals ($4,000 hookup) they could have had in their coffers. They could have had three years of user fees. With issues like that &. the county is saying they cannot do something & their group is still together, they will then get regional coverage, television and newspapers.

Rick Fox adamantly said that the board could not fix his problem.

Bob Ewbank gave an example of how the problem could be fixed. He mentioned the High Ridge Estates. The former Board of Commissioners & the Commissioners serving today are still in support of rescuing the subdivision called High Ridge. The people living there were threatened into leaving their homes because of the sewers. The County Sewer District was formed; they called it string-beans geographically. Mr. Ewbank stated he thought the sewer district needed to be extended because of health problems - where the septic systems there do not work. For those individuals that would fall under the statutes of the county ordinance they would get relief for the very same that Tom Hammond is requesting. The down side is the State legislature has passed a law that if they extend their sewer work where they are allowed to go out ten miles & have forced hookups. The State gave the county the power to do the sewer district to fray the expenses & to go to a procedure. Mr. Ewbank stated again that the Commissioners were not against Mr. Hammond nor was the County Attorney. The County Atty. even sympathized with his situation but he in turn was asking the board to do something that they have no control over. If there was a county sewer district where Mr. Hammond lives he would full under the provinces of the county ordinance; he would not fall under St Leon's ordinance.

Mr. Ewbank understood his other issue too. Since Mr. Hammond did not live in St. Leon why should he have to fall under their guidance? However,the State legislature created the law that wanted to extend their ordinances to have an economy of scale to have the people to tap into.

Mr. Hammond said the eyes of the world will come down on the county.

Bob Ewbank said that each of them will come to his court hearing & testify that they think it is a bad law and then they will say to him that the problem is that it is a law that legislates the change - not the Commissioners. He further explained that the judge will not sit and listen to the non relevant evidence; he will listen to the material evidence & focus on the issue, The issue being: Should those people who are within a 10 mile radius of that municipality have to force intothe system.

Tom Hammond brought up House Bill 1671. Their group has been working the ordinance issue and the law issue. As everyone knows, that many laws until they are challenged the people don't know whether they are good laws or not. House Bill 1671 is in the legislature & states that regional water, sewage and solid wastes districts prohibits regional sewage districts from requiring the owner of a property to connect to the district sewage system if the property is already connected to a sewer system approved by the state.

Mr. Ewbank suggested the following to Mr. Hammond:
Since he lived 10 miles within St. Leon, he needed to get that law changed on the 10 mile limitation.
Forced hookups - If Mr. Ewbank was in charge, he would not require the forced hookups. He thought it was a bad law.
The bottom line on the legal issue was - where was that letter.
Lastly, Mr. Ewbank said he was the attorney for the county that expressed the opinion on good legal grounds that the Dearborn County Commissioners can do nothing about that law. If Mr. Hammond wanted the County Commissioners to testify, they would testify. If he wanted the Commissioners individual opinions against forced hookups. the Commissioners are against forced hookups.

Jeff Hughes, President said when the regional sewer district was formed the Commissioners did not have the authority but the Commissioners did give the authority about everything that wasn't already under new municipal jurisdiction. If they want to increase the ten mile capacity from St. Leon, they have already been awarded that certain area. The regional district would have to work with that situation.

Conflict of Interest - Mr. Hammond stated his second issue was a conflict of interest issue surrounding the County Regional Sewer District. A big developer sits on the, sewer board and when he was appointed ....

Mr. Ewbank said that he was attacking the developer's character. If the Commissioners didn't want the developer on the sewer district. they can remove him.

Mr. Hammond attended a county council meeting recently & the developer was lobbying for expansion money and the developer has a business that would be a direct recipient of where the infrastructure went. It seemed like a conflict.

Jeff Hughes explained thet he would listen to his comments but the meetings should stay in the boundaries where business is conducted

Mr. Hammond said the board had the power that they could at least look into - what about the power of an individual sitting on the regional sewer district and he is not hooked up to sewers .

Mr. Ewbank stressed to Mr. Hammond that if he felt that a developer had done something wrong and engaged in some moral turpitude, then he must go to the Prosecutor. The county attorney did not think he had any grounds to go to the Prosecutor. In fact, he thought that Mr. Hammond was slandering the developer which was unfair. Mr. Ewbank added that Mr. Hammond had gone way beyond coming before the Commissioners to speak. If he came to the meeting to complain, then he should complain. But he should not go about attacking things that had nothing to do with the issue he presented.

Tom Hammond said he was complaining & asking the Commissioners to take notice. (He did net think he was slanderous.)

Mr. Ewbank asked Mr. Hammond to state specifically what the developer's moral turpitude was. What did the developer do that would be criminal in nature where it was a conflict of interest.

Mr. Hammond stated that the developer asked for County Council to present a favorable letter for 2.3 million dollars for the expansion of the St. Leon Sewer District.

Mr. Ewbank said that may have been the case but that was not moral turpitude. The developer was benefiting a lot of citizens up in that area with the people in the High Ridge Estates that needed sewers.

Mr. Hammond said that was the next conflict because the developer sits on the sewer board and the developer wasn't connected. In other areas of the county if someone wanted to get on the Advisory Board, they won't be able to because they aren't connected.

Mr. Ewbank said again Mr. Hammond was just - politicking. He was attacking an individual citizen.

Tom Hammond said he was saying the exact same thing that other citizens that have appeared before the board when they asked for the board's help.

Mr. Ewbank stated he did not. like the way Mr. Hammond was slandering people.
Mr. Hammond replied that he was not slandering anybody.

(At this time, Jeff Hughes told everyone to settle down and called the meeting back to order.)

Jeff Hughes, President said that Tom Hammond had a couple of questions.
1. The first was addressed because he was asking about the letter and the Co. Atty. told him that the board could give their individual opinions or go to court. All of the members on the Board of Commissioners have stated they do not agree with the forced sewer hookups. If the citizen has a functioning system that was not causing a health issue, then Mr. Hughes was in agreement.

2. Why did the municipalities have the right to go outside their incorporation? Mr, Hughes could not tell him why the State allowed that because he was not a State legislator. Did he think it was right? The Dearborn County Regional Sewer District now works with those (in other words anything they are not certified to have by the state then they have to go thru the county because of the regional county sewer district).

President Hughes did think that the High Ridge Estates was a problem.

Tom Hammond explained that one of the reasons he came before the board was to say that something just did not pass the smell test.

Conflict or Interest: Tom wanted to know why in one sewer district could people sit on a sewer board & be appointed & not be connected to the sewer board. Yet ten miles away when it might be convenient for a citizens to help solve some of their problems & some of the issues- that individual cannot sit on that sewer board. This is no only the same state but it is the same county, There is a conflict.

Mr. Hammond stressed they were no going away because they cannot go away. They have got a hook inside of them that is called a legal lawsuit; they cannot get away from it The only other thing their group could do is set there & take it or become a coalition of concerned citizens & bring attention the issue. It soils the reputation of Dearborn County & any companies wanting to come in &. settle here.

(At this time, Tom Hammond told Mr. Ewbank to keep in mind that there was freedom of speech.

Mr Bob Ewbank gave Tom Hammond a warning to be careful on what he said because anything he said could be held against him.)


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Anonymous said...

Don't forget about finding someone to replace Charlie "The Tax Dollar Fairy" Fehrman. He is working for Maxwell and supports all those funding deals that Maxwell needs!

And this is supposedly a man of the cloth??

Anonymous said...

but Jake is not for sale.

You could not corrupt any of the Hoogs if your life depended upon it.

Anonymous said...

You could not corrupt any of the Hoogs if your life depended upon it.

So I guess Hoog won't be getting the "Development At Any And All Costs To The Rest Of Us" vote?

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to see an honest republican running against an honest democrat in the primary.

That way the people would win either way.

Anonymous said...

"but Jake is not for sale.

You could not corrupt any of the Hoogs if your life depended upon it."

Sounds like the beginnings of a winner to me- Has he said what he stands for yet?

Anonymous said...

Lets face it. You figured us out.
We are going to have you subsidized our endeavors. We are going to make you hookup to the sewers. Anybody thatg is associated with sewers, developers, realtors, republicans are all out to get you.

Anonymous said...

No- Anyone that is associated with tapping into ciizens to subsidize their business interests is out to get us all.

There are developers, realtors, republicans, and sewer boards that re NOT out to do that. Some stand on tehir own merits and have obtained profits independent of the taxpayers.

A foreign idea? I don't think so.
They just quietly do their jobs. Ask teh rank and file carpenters, builders, plumbers, electricians, etc. what they think of your antics. I would bet you would find out there are some out tehre that hate the black eye you have given to the homebuilding and homebuying industry.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it. You figured us out.

Yes, we have figured out the dcrsd and the St. Leon's sewer scammers and their enablers.

We are not alone.

Lawrenceburg Council, the County Council, the local newspapers and the voters have also figured them out.

Have a wonder day.

By the way, how are Jeff Hughes phone calls going?

Is High Ridge Estates still dumping raw sewage into Hogans?

Did Maxwell hook up to St. Leon's sewers yet?

And will our local republican party leadership once again spit in the eye of the primary voter if a development toadie is not nominated?

Anonymous said...

Someone tell me how anyone could recoup all the costs to retrofit their homes to connect to sewers they do not need and do not work during a power outage?

Sure, it will save a few politically connected realtors/developers quite a bit of money having the rest of us subsidize their sewers.

But what of all the costs to existing homeowners?

When we do decide to sell our older homes, they will cost more than the new ones in subdivisions just down the street, subsidized by our older homes.

This sewer swindle is nothing but robbing Peter to pay Paul.

That is not "growth!"

Anonymous said...

Yep! Our wonderful development butt boys want to saddle us with tens of thousands of dollars in debt so we can connect to their masters' sewers to begin to pay them off. Take the current market price of the average older home, then add the tens of thousands of dollars these sewers will cost and you have a home that you cannot sell if you hope to recoup those "hookup" dollars. All because a handful of crooks found a way to force us onto their sewers.

Anonymous said...

"That is not "growth!"

That's fallacious growth!
ie. With intent to deceive!

Anonymous said...

At the very time St. Leon was in turmoil with their forcing hook-ups to their shoddy sewer and law suits were flying, what do our dimbulb Commissioner trio do?

They rushed into existence the very same type of sewer district and gave them free reign to coerce us to subsidize a few development crooks' sewers!

Under the pretense that the DCRSD was going to fix the sewer nightmare that is High Ridge Estates!

Is High Ridge fixed yet?

Dirty, sneaking politics!

And now the voters are finally paying attention and we want these con men and women out of office and off of our county municipal boards!

Anonymous said...

Lets face it. You figured us out.
We are going to have you subsidized our endeavors. We are going to make you hookup to the sewers. Anybody thatg is associated with sewers, developers, realtors, republicans are all out to get you.

How not lumping yourself in with the honest realtors, developers, bankers and lawyers in this County?

There is only a handful of development crooks in this County, problem is, they somehow gained control of this County.

But we are in the process of fixing that little matter.

Anonymous said...

That icy time of year is back with us. Let us pray for our neighbors in the county already forced onto Maxwell and friends' sewers that they do not lose power and cannot flush their toilets. Maybe Maxwell can leave his back door unlocked so we can use his toilets during outages? He is still on septic somehow.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Charlie Fehrman can take some time off from praying for Mr. Maxwell's well being, he could maybe pray for the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

I guess since Mayor Cunningham and the Lawrenceburg Council told Mr. Watson that they wanted an agreement suitable to all parties up in St. Leon, before he gives St. Leon any money for their sewers, Mr. Watson has been on the phone mending fences with all those folks he has been trying to bully onto Maxwell and friends' sewers?


Has anyone even seen the first glimmer of working out an agreement between everyone by Mr. Watson?

Or is Mr. Watson just planning another end run around the rest of us to give Maxwell what HE wants?

Anonymous said...

Would the DCRSD ever go to the council for more money to fix High Ridge without one of their "insiders" profiting from High Ridge's fix??

Doubt it!!!

Anonymous said...

So, did Maxwell work out his differences with St. Leon, as to his connecting his home up to their sewers?

I must admit, I am rooting for him to tell them St. Leon sewer scoundrels to go to hell.

Maxwell, being an educated man, understands that the St. Leon sewer scoundrels are only out to profit on the backs of the politically helpless.

Anonymous said...

Are there any politicians out there, locally, willing to throw our hard-earned dollars to St. Leon and the DCRSD, to better "muscle them up" to steal from these self-same politicians' friends and neighbors?

Do these politicians really want to be listed in the Dearborn County historical records of infamy alongside the clueless Vera Benning and the hapless Rick Fox, Jeff Hughes and Liz Morris?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Hughes, Rick Fox and Vera Benning, three profound reasons not to lend your vote to those who really, really need the “paying job” of elected “politician!!!”

Anonymous said...

Morals and common sense.

But still such concepts are lost on our development crony class.

Anonymous said...

By any means... that not the rallying cry of our few, development "professionals" in this county... any means... matter where those "means" shall leave our families?

Anonymous said...

Someone...whisper into the ear of Rick Fox or Jeff Hughes and get back with us all as to how long it took Bob Ewbank to track you down and vehemently respond to such a whisper...

Anonymous said...

Bob Ewbank, as he relishes some time alone from his republican leadership herd:

Anonymous said...

Our local arrogant and feckless politicians and their relationship to our questionable development interests in this county, Faustian characters...all...

Anonymous said...

John Maxwell's expression when he learned that even the Lawrenceburg Council was not buying what he was selling:

Anonymous said...

This fine day:

Is High Ridge still dumping raw sewage into Hogan's creek?

Is John Maxwell still refusing to hook on to St. Leon's sewers?

Is the Dearborn County Republican Leadership still conspiring against its own rank and file primary voters?

Anonymous said...

High Ridge dumping, Maxwell refusing and the County leadership conspiring...

...Read the Bright Beacon if you want the answers to these questions and more!!!

Surely the Beacon is working hard on these stories as we speak!!!

Anonymous said...

sign your statement on this Blog
Names I need names
then we will see who really knows what is taking place.

Anonymous said...

sign your statement on this Blog

I just looked in the local phone books, the name “veva” does not seem to exist.

Is “veva” a proper name or some sort of acronym for a Maxwell/Ewbank brownnoser?

Anonymous said...


Let Rick Fox and Jeff Hughes show their lack of cowardice and tell the primary voter this spring the truth, up front, that they both will throw their support to whatever Development lackey that Ewbank comes up with in the general election, if the primary voter does not vote for them!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cowards, how are Jeff Hughes' phone calls going?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what sort of political voice rick and jeff would have had if ewbank had not have surreptitiously appropriated their vocal cords.

Anonymous said...

Rick and Jeff are empty vessels. The only "voice" resonating from them could only be just echoes of someone else’s' forced and rushed tutoring. Expect more candidates of the same caliber and capacity from Ewbank, Inc.

Anonymous said...

Any Hughes and Fox political lifelines thrown their way this May will be by those "affinity" voters who feel a kinship with their "affinity" for screwing the rest of us for the benefit of John Maxwell and his ilk hoping their re-electiion may throw a few of those 30 pieces of their like-minded Iscariots' silver their ways!

Anonymous said...

Let Mr. Hoog beat his dishonest "desperately wanna be" Republican Country Club Republian political opponent in the General Election!

May he be a true "Truman" Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Let Mr. Hoog beat his dishonest "desperately wanna be" Republican Country Club Republian political opponent in the General Election!

Unless the Republican in the General Election is a true "Conservative" who does not view the rest of us as simply fodder for our Rebublican Development Pimps war on our savings to better buttress the bottom lines of Ewbank and friends!!!

Anonymous said...

Names I need names

No, you need Prozac and Midol cocktail.

Anonymous said...

Spine for sale, never used . contact Jeff Hughes.

Anonymous said...

Rick Fox and Jeff Hughes would not be for blacktopping all our cornfields if they could have found evidence of Shoeless Joe Jackson during their many pilgrimages to our County’s farms.

Maybe Kevin Costner could play ball and talk some sense into Rick and Jeff?

Anonymous said...

Charlie Fehrman, a man of the cloth ? You have to be kidding !!!What a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Spine for sale, never used .

Not used?

Not true!

Bob Ewbank often uses the remnants of Rick and Jeff's spines to tease his pit bulls!

Anonymous said...

You cannot hate Charlie Fehrman.

You can only feel pity for him.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Hughes and Rick Fox love us farmers.

They are in awe as to our gifts of growing popcorn in microwaveable bags.

Anonymous said...

Mike Nifong for County Attorney!

He could not be any worse!

Anonymous said...

Fox and Hughes could not find their own backsides with four hands and two flashlights!!!

Anonymous said...

Would someone be so kind to post a map or a link as to our Commissioner districts?

For those of us sick and tired of being abused by our local bought and paid for SOBs?

Anonymous said...

There are some politically connected creeps in this County, if they owned a McDonalds, would use their connections to sue the rest of us if we did not buy our allotted amount of Big Macs!!!!!

That is, if Doug Baer was in charge of their Big Mac engorgement enforcement!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Vote for Bob Ewbank for County Commissioners!

Cut out his two middlemen!

Save the taxpayers the expense of both Rick and Jeff's County paychecks!

Anonymous said...

Hell...also vote Ewbank to replace Morris and Barrott's position on the County Council...if we are talking about saving the taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

Expect Rick and Jeff to "tear up," Hillary style, days before the primaries...

Anonymous said...

Accounting for a broken clock being right twice a day, I still would not want our "broken clock" local republican leadership to endorse my candidate for county office.

Anonymous said...

Will history show that Gary Morris was the last Chairman of the Dearborn County Republican Party before the adults moved in and took charge?

Anonymous said...

So did Chris go on vacation or something. There hasn't been any new posting lately. I guess she has run out of gossip to spend around the County.

Anonymous said...

I guess she has run out of gossip to spend around the County.

Well hello there little petty betty.

How's your funding coming?

High Ridge still polluting our waterways?

Maxwell still refusing to hook up to St. Leon's sewers?

Is the republican leadership still working on ways to cancel out the rank and file's vote this sping?

Could you point us to your blog site?

Anonymous said...

Is it Christine's "gossip" dumping all that sewage into Hogans? Thank you for your continuing efforts not to exhibit any ethical moderation in your greed. It is a winner for the smart growth folks. How about another tantrum in front of the county council? We appreciate all you do.

Anonymous said...

Mike Sodrel is the guest speaker at the Republican breakfast saturday morning. You can see all the big Dearborn County players there. "Be there or be square".

Anonymous said...

Mike Sodrel can personally thank our republican leadership for engerizing the democratic base last commissioners' race.

Anonymous said...

Will Ewbank, Fox, Hughes and Morris be wearing their "THINK LINK" t-shirts at the breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Is Mike Sodrel a sportsman?

Maybe we could invite him back this spring to fish for smallmouths in Hogan's Creek, down the hill from High Ridge Estates?

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of "bottom feeders" living in Hogan's creek. No sports fish they've all been killed by the County's "moovers and shakers".

Anonymous said...

Up river, where people are on septic tanks, the smallmouth fishing is great!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Bad link above.

Try this one:

Anonymous said...

That sewage warning sign isn't on Hidden valley lake is it?

Anonymous said...

The sign is at the mouth of Hogans.

Anonymous said...

The sign is at the mouth of Hogans.

Thanks, They need one of those signs on Hidden Valley Lake to make sure the fishermen cook the fish well before the eat them.

Anonymous said...

I see in this week's Journal, that the SDRSD is flushing away some wasted.

As DCRSD continues to simply swirl around the bowl and backing up onto the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

wasted = waste

Although our three dimbulb commissioners must have been "wasted" when they dumped the conflict ridden DCRSD on the decent, honest people of this County.

Anonymous said...

Bob Ewbank:

The former Board of Commissioners & the Commissioners serving today are still in support of rescuing the subdivision called High Ridge.

Well, Bob, since High Ridge was the reason the dcrsd was formed in the first place, it is mighty decent of you to continue to still pay "lip service" to "rescuing" High Ridge!!!

Maybe the dcrsd could work in High Ridge's fix in between all the pocket lining of its board members?

Let Ensweiler come before the county council with a request for a few more dollars to finally fix High Ridge, without all that forcing of High Ridge's neighbors onto grossly expensive and shoddy pressurized sewers that don't work when the power fails and I can assure you, no temper tantrums will be elicited by your self-seeking alternate ego dcrsd board members!!!

Anonymous said...


**Watch FOX News Channel or go to for more"

Hide your wallets and pocketbooks.
We are going to see a big "push" to open up our savings to a few crooked realtor/developers this coming year. As long as they think they own this county, they will also think they can coerce the rest of us to cushion their uncoming financial hard times. That is was spoiled, power mad bullies, don't ya know.

Anonymous said...

Health Dept. Warning for our local children:


Anonymous said...

Dear Frank:

Thank you for your letter of March 21, 2007 regarding the provision of sewer service. The South Dearborn Regional Sewer District (SDRSD) formed a subcommittee of its members to explore the SDRSD's role in providing sewer service to areas adjacent to or near the districts borders. This subcommittee met and provided its findings to the entire SDRSD Board on June 12, 2007 with DCRSD members present. The SDRSD Board concurred with the subcommittee's findings which are as follows.

1) The SDRSD has the expertise and financial ability to provide sewer service to areas adjacent or near the District boundaries.

2) Sewer service by the SDRSD will be the most economical means to perform this task.

3) Having another sewer district join an existing district to provide sewer service appears to be duplication of governmental services and will only increase costs to the residents of the County

4)The SDRSD has offered in years past and more recently to allow some type of advisory membership of the County, not the Dearborn County Regional Sewer District (DCRSD), to the SDRSD to provide input and guidance on extending sewer service to areas of the County adjacent or near the SDRSD borders.

5) The DCRSD operations should be directed to areas of the County not adjacent to municipalities and sewer districts that can economically serve the area in need.

If you propose to obtain capacity at the SDRSD to serve areas that the SDRSD can now easily serve, the SDRSD does not see the merit. Again, this is a duplication of governmental services and will only lead to higher sewer costs for the residents of the County. The SDRSD agrees with your assessment of the minimal needs of the DCRSD in the near future. Per the DCRSD Woolpert Report, two of the 4 priority areas for improvements are near St. Leon and the other two areas that have minimal sewer demands and can most likely be served by the SDRSD directly.

We appreciate your interest in the SDRSD's operations. We do feel there is common ground that we can work together on in providing such an important service to our County residents in an economical manner.


Matthew P. Zerbe

The SDRSD, not developer driven, actually shows concern for the rest of us.

Defund and shut down the DCRSD!

Anonymous said...

Think of the outragious sewer bills we in HVL would be paying if the developer driven vruc would have "hooked up" with the developer driven dcrsd?

Something like seven times the Greendale deal.

Not including water.

Throw all the greedy bums out!

Anonymous said...

"The SDRSD, not developer driven, actually shows concern for the rest of us."

Rick and Jeff would question the great costs of the DCRSD's sewers to the rest of us, but they would end up in a pool of melting yellow jello before finishing the question.

Anonymous said...

The realtors and developers on the DCRSD and their enablers would love to burden us larger landowners with such extreme costs hooking up to their sewers where we would have no choice other than to sell our land. I wonder who would be first in line to buy our properties.

Anonymous said...

"Lawsuit claims Duke kickbacks

Says large users were courted to not fight rate hike"

The powerful attempting to lesson their financial burdens on the backs of the less powerful. Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the local republican leadership could bring in the Duke lawyers and their accountants to give a seminar on how to really royally screw the little guy?

There are some in this county who would hump these Duke lawyers' legs!

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